Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps
Recap written by Eva
Willow records a video for Michael to watch after the wedding. Sasha arrives to help Willow with the arrangements for the wedding. Willow asks Sasha to get rid of the half heart necklace Nina gave to her. Liesl tells Nina that she got tested to be a possible bone marrow donor for Willow. Liesl and Nina anxiously wait for the test results and hope that Liesl will be a match for Willow.
Elizabeth feels badly for telling the police that Nikolas held Esme hostage even though Scott was able to get her immunity from prosecution. Scott tells Liesl what Elizabeth did and Liesl wants to have a talk with her.
Curtis tries to persuade Trina to have a DNA test but Trina tells Curtis that she doesn’t need to have a DNA test because Taggert will always be her father. Curtis tells Trina he understands how she feels and if she ever changes her mind she should let him know.
Dante arrives with a search warrant and a search team to see if he can find clues to Nikolas’ whereabouts because he wants to arrest him for holding Esame hostage.
Austin and Ava worry when Dante calls them down to the tack room and they watch as Dante gets ready for open the tack room closet with a crowbar.
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