Y&R Short Recap Friday, March 3, 2023

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps

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Recap written by Eva

Mariah arrives home and shows Sharon pictures of her new baby girl but she tells Sharon that she and Tessa have not decided on a name for the baby yet.

Sally has a bad headache and calls Nick to tell him she on her way to the doctor. Nick arrives and Sally tells him that the headache may have been caused by a strong smell of her blood pressure. Adam arrives to check on Sally and she tells him about her headache and Adam asks her if she can come to her doctor appointments with her. Adam talks to Sharon and asks her for advice about how to deal with Sally and the baby because he wants to do the right thing.

Michael and Lauren worry that Phyllis is spiraling out of control, and they don’t know how to help her. Phyllis wakes up in her hotel room and Jeremy tells her she is lucky to be, alive.

Jack tells Diane they should ignore Jeremy and live their lives. Jack and Diane declare their love for each other and then Jack asks Diane to marry him.

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