Days of Our Lives Update
Update written by Joseph
Stephanie is at home, listening again to Alex’s last voicemail where he asked her to give her a chance to make things up to her. Stephanie declares that there is nothing left to say and deletes the voicemail.
Alex is working out at the Kiriakis Mansion when Paulina walks in and greets him. Alex asks if there’s something he could do for her. Paulina responds that she was looking for Justin since her defense team could use another lawyer and she knows he’s one of the best. Alex tells her that he’s not home. Paulina then says that as long as she’s here, she’s going to give Alex a piece of her mind.
Chad goes home to the Horton house and is surprised to see Jack is home. Chad hugs him and says they’ve missed him and the kids are going to be so happy to see him. Chad asks Jack if everything is okay. Jack responds that he just cut Gwen out of his life for good.
In the town square, Leo questions Gwen choosing Xander over her job, her home, and her relationship with her father which she confirms. Leo asks if Xander is really worth sacrificing everything else that matters to her, especially when he’s still very much in love with Sarah.
Xander refuses to sign the divorce papers and tells Sarah that he loves her with all his heart. Sarah tells him not to fight her on this and to do the right thing for once by letting her go.
Dr. Rolf arrives in the DiMera Tunnels secret room where Gabi tells Stefan that she told him that she would find Dr. Rolf and now he can put Stefan back to the way he was before, when she was the only woman he loved.
Chad asks Jack about Gwen refusing to do the right thing. Jack explains that he told Gwen that he would fire her, kick her out of the house, and disown her as his daughter but she still chose to defend Xander. Jack admits that he never thought Gwen would defy him like that, but she did and walked out the door. Jack declares that now he has lost both his daughters.
Leo tells Gwen that she and Jack had gotten so close. Gwen brings up how she wanted to destroy Jack’s family when she first came to Salem because she was so angry, thinking he had thrown her away and she did terrible things to Jennifer and Abigail. Gwen talks about how Jack felt so guilty when he learned that Laura sent her mother away without telling him that she existed, so he still tried to have a relationship with her. Leo asks if it was all out of guilt then. Gwen says that’s how Jack was able to be so kind and forgiving, but she rewarded him by giving him trouble at every turn. Leo feels she’s been hard on herself. Gwen says now she can’t seem to break the pattern of hurting and disappointing Jack. Gwen adds that this time, he was so upset with her that she just accepted the fact that he would probably be better without her in his life because she loves him so much, so she decided to do the unselfish thing and let him go which is what she ultimately had to do with Xander.
Xander asks Sarah to let him explain what she thinks she walked in on the other night. Sarah argues that she knows what she saw. Sarah says he and Gwen were both half naked. Xander explains that he was drowning his sorrows until Gwen shoved him in to the shower to try to sober him up and they both got a little wet, so they had to change clothes. Xander insists there was nothing romantic going on and begs Sarah to believe him.
Stefan doesn’t understand as he thought Dr. Rolf was missing. Gabi says it turns out Li knew where he was and had been bankrolling him the entire time. Gabi adds that she figured she would find something incriminating in Li’s room and she found his burner phone. Gabi notes that Dr. Rolf was actually already on his way back to Salem, so it seems like fate wants them to be together.
Sarah tells Xander that it doesn’t matter if she believes him or not. Xander says it matters to him. Xander then realizes Sarah never said why she came over that night and asks if it wasn’t to bring him divorce papers. Sarah confirms it wasn’t and that Justin and Bonnie convinced her to give him another chance, but then she changed her mind because she saw him with Gwen. Xander calls it a huge misunderstanding so there’s no reason not to give him another chance.
Leo argues that Gwen didn’t walk away from Jack out of love and concern for him, but because she can’t quit Xander. Gwen knows Leo wants her to testify against Xander and cut a deal. Gwen admits she was tempted by Jack. Leo encourages her but Gwen worries that Xander could go to prison for the rest of his life and the thought of that was too painful to her, so she couldn’t do it. Gwen says she tried to tell herself to let him go and that they are just friends. Gwen then admits that she just can’t give up on Xander and that’s because she’s still in love with him, even if he doesn’t love her back.
Jack tells Chad that he gave Gwen so many chances like his family did to him, but Abigail went through hell because of her and he blames himself for that. Chad notes that he blames himself too because he believed Gwen’s lies and doubted Abigail’s commitment to their marriage and betrayed her. Jack encourages that Chad and Abigail worked through all that. Jack assures that Chad made Abigail so happy. Chad wishes he could keep making her happy since she made him happier than he could’ve ever dreamed. Chad thinks he’s persuaded himself that Abigail would want him to live his life without her and not wallow. Chad states that for the kids, he has to be strong. Jack encourages that he has been strong and he’s helped keep Abigail’s memory alive. Jack mentions how Charlotte was so excited talking about going skating with Chad and Stephanie. Chad calls that a good day. Jack encourages that he deserves more good days. Jack tells Chad that he has a lot more to give and calls him a good man. Jack hopes that Chad finds love again and he thinks Abigail would feel the same way.
Stephanie works on typing a speech for Kayla’s funeral. Steve comes home. Stephanie didn’t expect him back so soon. Steve mentions that Joey and Tripp are still at the hospital, talking about donating Kayla’s body to science. Steve states that Kayla always wanted to be an organ donor, but now thanks to Kristen, they can’t even grant her last wish. Stephanie talks about working on Kayla’s eulogy. Steve encourages that the right words will come to her at the right time. Stephanie keeps thinking about what she would’ve said if she would’ve gotten to the hospital in time. Steve urges her to let go of that snice Kayla knew how much she loved her. Stephanie wanted to say goodbye and says she should’ve been there. Steve tells her to stop blaming herself since it was not her fault. Stephanie responds that it was someone else’s.
Alex questions Paulina wanting to give her a piece of her mind. Paulina says it’s about Stephanie. Alex says he should’ve known. Paulina goes over Stephanie telling her that she lost her chance to say goodbye to Kayla since Alex turned her phone off. Alex says there’s nothing she could say to him that Stephanie hasn’t already. Paulina is glad that Stephanie kicked him to the curb. Alex assures that he is beating himself up over it.
Stefan recalls at Dr. Rolf’s lab, there was a ton of equipment when he programmed him while there is nothing down here. Dr. Rolf reveals that he stashed some equipment in the tunnels so it won’t be a problem and he’ll make it work. Stefan questions why he’s going along with this. Gabi informs him that it’s what his father Stefano would have wanted, as he wouldn’t want his son walking around brainwashed. Gabi then sends Dr. Rolf to get what he needs. Stefan tells Gabi that he hates her. Gabi says he won’t for long and promises that when his real feelings come back, he will thank her. Stefan promises that he won’t.
Chad tells Jack that he can’t think of finding love again when Abigail still has his heart and always will. Chad mentions going to her grave on Christmas Eve and thinking she appeared to him to tell him to move on with his life. Jack thinks that means Chad has been thinking about the idea. Jack believes that was Chad’s subconscious giving him permission to move on because that’s what Abigail would want. Jack brings up Chad and Stephanie growing closer. Chad tells him there’s nothing going on between them. Chad then admits there might have been, but he put a stop to it because he realized he wasn’t ready and didn’t know if he ever would be. Chad says Stephanie understood because she loved Abigail too. Jack asks if Stephanie is willing to wait until he’s ready. Chad says no because he felt it would be unfair to hold her back, so she moved on with Alex Kiriakis. Jack finds that funny as Alex doesn’t seem like her type. Chad admits he might not be after all since they broke up. Jack encourages that maybe it’s the time for Chad to make his move.
Stephanie tells Steve that she can’t believe she ever thought she loved Alex as she’s never met someone so self-consumed. Stephanie cries that she’s so angry at him and at herself for ever trusting him. Steve is sorry that happened to her but repeats that Kayla knew how much she loved her. Steve adds that at the end, Kayla was at peace, so she would want her to be at peace too.
Alex tells Paulina that if he had any idea why Chad was trying to reach Stephanie, he would have never turned her phone off and he just thought Chad was looking for another reason to interrupt them. Alex acknowledges that’s no excuse and that what he did was wrong, but he can’t take it back now. Alex doesn’t think there is a way he can fix this or that Stephanie would let him. Alex doesn’t expect Paulina to understand what it’s like to make a mistake this terrible, that causes so much hurt. Paulina then responds that she knows exactly what it’s like.
Leo admits he wishes that Gwen would turn on Xander but he gets that she still loves him, which makes it impossible for her to ruin his life. Gwen repeats that she can’t, even if she knows it won’t work out for them. Leo asks why not since he knows Xander still loves her too. Gwen argues that Xander just loves Sarah more. Leo points out that Sarah wants nothing to do with him, so he thinks Xander might be giving up on Sarah.
Sarah tells Xander that every time she gives him another chance, he makes her regret it. Xander promises he won’t next time. Sarah tells him that she is done. Sarah acknowledges that maybe nothing happened between he and Gwen, but they have a connection that she and Xander don’t. Xander argues that Sarah is the one he loves. Sarah points out that he loved Gwen too, even after she helped have her kidnapped and fried her brain, he still went out and did capers with her. Sarah remarks that she shouldn’t be surprised that he would turn to Gwen for help kidnapping someone, but then he lied. Xander tells her that he’s so sorry. Sarah responds that sorry won’t cut it this time. Sarah knows he didn’t mean to hurt people, but he kidnapped people and Susan is dead while Bonnie is traumatized for life. Sarah repeats that Xander is not the man she fell in love with and she doesn’t want to be married to him anymore.
Stefan tells Gabi that he remembers their life together and it wasn’t all flowers and hearts. Gabi argues that it was at the end, just before she lost him and that’s what makes this so devastating. Gabi insists those feelings are coming back to Stefan because they can’t stay buried forever. Stefan asks why not just let the feelings resurface on their own instead of making him a guniea pig in another one of Dr. Rolf’s stupid experiments. Dr. Rolf returns with his equipment. Stefan worries whether he even knows what he’s doing. Dr. Rolf admits there will be some improvisation and could be some risks, including amnesia or death which they question. Dr. Rolf senses doubt and asks if Gabi still wants him to go through with the procedure.
Gwen asks Leo what exactly Xander said about Sarah. Leo explains that he was a drunken mess so he probably won’t remember, but he said he pretty much lost Sarah. Gwen feels that doesn’t mean he’s ready to give up on her. Leo points out that Xander was sitting in his room, drunk, alone, and half naked. Leo suggests Gwen go over there and remind him of how she saved him.
Xander tells Sarah that he will have a lawyer look over the divorce papers. Sarah points out that there’s no assets to divide and asks him to stop stalling and sign the papers. Xander talks about trying so hard not to let her down. Sarah tells him not to try to put this on her. Sarah argues that this didn’t have to happen. Sarah brings up that she’s a doctor and Maggie offered them money but Xander couldn’t accept it because of his ego. Sarah says she never asked Xander to support her as all she wanted to do is be with the man she loved, the man she thought he was. Xander argues that Sarah knew exactly who he was when she married him and that she was drawn to him being a bad boy. Xander states that is the man she fell in love with which Sarah reluctantly admits.
Paulina tells Alex about giving up her daughter, Lani, to protect her as she thought it was the only choice she had at the time, but she realized she changed the lives of everyone she loved and she couldn’t undo it. Alex says he’s sorry. Paulina talks about how Lani being a grown woman by the time the truth it came out and it was ugly and traumatic, but in the end, Lani was able to forgive her. Alex calls that really good to hear and says it makes him happy. Alex adds that it gives him a little bit of hope that maybe one day Stephanie will amaze him too.
Stephanie encourages Steve to take care of himself. Stephanie talks about wanting to be just like Kayla. Stephanie wants to help people and lift peoples’ spirits like Kayla did. Steve assures that she does and that he’s so proud of her as he hugs her.
Chad tells Jack that he can’t make a move right now as that wouldn’t be fair to Stephanie or anyone else. Chad feels he can’t get involved in a relationship. Jack understands that Chad will always miss Abigail and there’s never going to be a right time. Jack encourages Chad that he has to take that next step but it doesn’t mean the memories of Abigail will be any less important. Jack says it just means that Chad will find room in his heart to live the full life that he deserves, which Abigail would want him to have. Chad hugs Jack.
Gabi questions Dr. Rolf not telling her that deprogramming Stefan could kill him. Dr. Rolf argues that she didn’t ask but points out that it’s a .01 percent chance. Stefan doesn’t want to take that risk of Dr. Rolf poking around in his brain and argues that he doesn’t know what the hell he’s doing. Stefan doesn’t want to let Dr. Rolf lay a finger on him, but Gabi likes the odds and tells Dr. Rolf to proceed. Stefan calls her a selfish, psychotic bitch and tries screaming for help but Gabi puts tape back over his mouth. Dr. Rolf declares that they are ready to begin then.
Paulina sees that Alex is suffering and she knows what that feels like, but she doesn’t know if Stephanie will ever forgive him. Alex says he can’t even get her to talk to him as he’s called and left messages but she doesn’t respond. Paulina thinks the younger generation needs to stop hiding behind a screen to get through to someone, but to actually be with them in person if they have something important to say, especially an apology. Paulina tells Alex to have Justin give her a call. Alex thanks her as Paulina exits the mansion.
Steve is unable to eat. Stephanie encourages him to try his appetite later and suggests he try some of the pie. Stephanie recalls her and Kayla eating pie for dinner when they were in med school. Steve notes that Kayla didn’t talk to him much about that time, but he’s sure they got along just fine without him. Stephanie says it wasn’t fine but they managed because they had each other. Stephanie cries that now without her, she just doesn’t know as Steve hugs her and assures it will be okay.
Gwen mocks Leo’s idea of just showing up at Xander’s door. Leo suggests he get them a room at the Salem Inn while she goes to Xander’s to claim her prize. Leo encourages that Gwen is going to win.
Sarah admits there’s an element of danger in being with Xander that part of her liked with reservations. Sarah thought she could soften his rough edges, but instead, the other way around happened. Xander feels they changed each other and that’s how love is supposed to work. Sarah says not when one person keeps lying to the other, commits crimes, and betrays trust. Sarah says that is now how love works. Xander complains about her lecturing him that he’s not good enough for her and then she leaves. Sarah insists that she’s not coming back this time, so he might as well sign the divorce papers. Xander then reluctantly signs the papers and hands them back to her, asking if she’s satisfied. Sarah says she is and then walks out of the room. Xander sits down on the bed in frustration.
Alex begins writing a letter to Stephanie to ask for her forgiveness.
Stephanie encourages Steve that they are going to get through this. Stephanie adds that she’s sorry she’s been so wrapped up in her personal problems that she hasn’t appreciated how lucky she’s been in having Kayla for as long as she did. Stephanie says finding Kayla’s note with the pie was like Kayla got to say goodbye to her, even if she didn’t get to say it to her. Stephanie declares that they will be okay because they have each other.
Jack suggests Chad at least go and talk to Stephanie. Chad points out that she just lost her mother, so he can’t just show up at her door and bare his soul. Jack disagrees, thinking now is the exact time that she needs to hear from people who care about her. Chad jokes that he sounds like a shrink. Jack says years of therapy will do that. Jack points out that they’ve had so much loss lately with Abigail, Marlena, Kate, and Kayla. Jack thinks they’ve forgotten that they have to live as well as grieve. Jack says if there’s a connection between Chad and Stephanie, maybe he should explore it. Jack knows Abigail loved Stephanie and thinks she would be alright if they got close. Jack declares that whatever Chad decides, he will support his choice.
Dr. Rolf begins the process of deprogramming Stefan to remind him of his love for Gabi. Stefan begins having flashbacks to when he and Gabi fell in love. Gabi cries that it’s working but then the equpiment starts shooting sparks out and Stefan begins shaking in the chair. Gabi questions what’s going on. Dr. Rolf admits the equipment is older than is ideal as he tries to fix it.
Leo walks through the town square and bumps in to Sarah, telling her to watch where she’s going. Leo picks up the divorce papers she dropped and remarks that he sees Xander finally signed them. Sarah tells him it’s none of his damn business and storms off.
Gwen goes to Xander’s motel room where Xander immediately grabs her and kisses her.
Jack runs in to Steve at the Brady Pub. Jack hugs him and says he’s so sorry about Kayla.
Chad shows up at Stephanie’s door.
Alex gets flowers in the town square with the letter he wrote Stephanie and declares that whether Stephanie’s ready or not, here he comes.
Gabi frantically checks on Stefan and makes sure that he’s still alive, asking if he can hear her. Stefan regains consciousness and says Gabi’s name.
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