Days Short Recap Monday, January 2, 2023

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps

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Recap written by Michele and Cheryl

Li yelled at Rolf for messing up his life. Wendy went to see Li. She thought he wouldn’t want to be alone. He asked her if there was a chance Gabi didn’t get on the plane to Miami. She said Gabi was determined to get on the plane to see Stefan. She asked if he really tried to kill Stefan. Li said he pulled the plug. He said he was glad Kristen showed up to replug Stefan. Li said he lost his mind. He said Rafe was out to get him. He said if Rafe found out she and Johnny knew what was going on, he would want them to get along with Gabi’s story. She said she didn’t know if she could lie for him. Gabi came in Stefan and Chloe’s room while they were in bed. Gabi told them that Rolf injected her with a drug to make her forget that he confessed to brainwashing Stefan. She said Stefan still loved her. She said if she could remember that he could too. She said he should go with her to see Rolf so he could undo the brainwashing. He said he didn’t want to do it. He said he was staying with Chloe. Gabi was upset that he didn’t want the part of his life back when he loved her. Gabi asked if Chloe was okay with him being brainwashed to want her. He told her to leave.

Gabi banged on the door. She listened to Li’s message. She called him and told him she was going to make him pay. Li got off the phone and told Wendy he had nothing left. She said they were family even though he drives her crazy. She said she would always love him. Chloe told Stefan that she couldn’t believe he didn’t know what happened to him. He said he wanted to be with her. He said he hoped she felt the same way. She said she needed to be convinced that he was over Gabi. She told him to get his own room. When he left to go to another room, he ran into Gabi. She thought he changed his mind. He told her to get out of his way. When he walked away, she told herself that it would take some time, but it would happen. Kristen called Eric when she realized Rachel wasn’t in her room. He didn’t answer the phone. She yelled at Brady. Eric came in the room. He said he turned off his phone. He said Rachel was sleeping. Kristen said Rachel wasn’t in her room. Brady said she might be in one of the other rooms. She left to look for Rachel. Brady asked Eric where Rachel was. Eric said she was with Sloan. Brady didn’t feel better about that. When Kristen came back, she wondered why Brady wasn’t looking for Rachel. She called the police. Eric texted Kristen with an unknown number. He told her Rachel would be fine unless she called the police. Kristen yelled at Eric and told him she trusted him to protect Rachel. She said she was going out to look for Rachel. Eric sent her another text not to leave and to wait for instructions. Brady said they should do what the person said. Brady and Eric left. Brady told Eric that she might do something crazy in her state. He told Eric about her role in brainwashing Stefan to get Chloe out of his life. He said he didn’t know what she would do next. Eric told him to go back and keep an eye on her.

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