GH Short Recaps Friday, December 30, 2022

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps

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Recap written by Eva

Michael asks Willow to marry him and when she accepts his proposal he puts his great grandmother’s ring back on Willow’s finger.

Laura encourages Nikolas to take control of his life and not let Victor control him.

Esme sets fire to the flowers on the table where she eats and Nikolas rushes to the storage room when the smoke detector goes off. Nikolas uses a fire extinguisher and sees Esme outside on the parapet. Nikolas asks Esme to take his hand and not jump off the parapet but Esme believes since she survived the fall once she can do it again. Nikolas watches helplessly as Esme jumps off the parapet.

Britt’s birthday party continues as she eats her cake and gets her birthday present. Britt’s friends and family give her a slide show full of pictures of her with everyone she loves. Maxie tells Britt that they put the pictures inside a digital frame for her to take with her. Maxie also tells Britt that she Brad and Liesl have the password to the frame so she can always have them with her wherever she goes.

Josslyn goes to Kelly’s to look for Cameron because they need to talk. One of the employees of Kelly’s tells her he is filling in for a member of the catering staff that got sick, so he is at Britt’s party. Josslyn tells her bodyguard she is going home to change and then she is going to Britt’s party on the Haunted Star. Josslyn tells her bodyguard that Sonny is at the party so he doesn’t need to go with her.

Spencer and Trina are unaware that the hook killer is watching them getting ready to strike. Maxie sees Spencer and Trina outside on the deck and tells them to come inside unwittingly saving them from the hook killer. Josslyn arrives at the Haunted Star later, and she is on the deck looking at the stars unaware that the hook killer is going to hook her.

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