Days Short Recap Friday, November 25, 2022

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps

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Recap written by Michele and Cheryl

EJ went to the crash site to lay flowers on the ground. Rafe showed up and wanted to question him about what happened. He told Rafe what happened. Rafe believed there was more to the story. He warned EJ that he could arrest him for obstructing justice. He decided not to arrest him because he went through enough. EJ appreciated that and handed him the flask he had. Rafe took a sip from the flask. EJ was shocked that Rafe wanted to drink on the job. Rafe told him about him and Nicole getting a divorce. EJ wanted to know if Eric was the reason why they are getting divorced. Rafe confirmed EJ’s suspicions and told him that there was trouble in paradise. Rafe gets called back to work so he wanted EJ to come to the station the next day. EJ wanted to sit there and wallow. Rafe made him promise not to drive. Eric went to see Marlena and told her about the baby. Marlena thought it was good news, but Eric noticed she had hesitation in her voice. She wanted to know if he wanted the baby. He told her that he wanted it. He said he and Jada had to figure out how to co-parent together while he dated Nicole. he hoped Nicole didn’t feel threatened. Marlena advised him to talk to her.

Nicole went to see Jada. Nicole admitted that she overheard Eric talking about the baby. Nicole didn’t want to interrupt by telling everyone that Eric was breaking up with Jada to be with her. Jada told her that she had enough self-respect not to be with him when he’s in love with her. Nicole tried to apologize for what she and Eric did, but Jada didn’t care. She knew Nicole was happy that he got what she wanted. She told Nicole that her fake sympathy was making things worse. Jada talked about their situation. She told her that she was tied to a man who dumped her for his ex-wife. Nicole wanted to know why she would have a baby with Eric when he made her angry. Jada got upset. Nicole told her about the reality of having a baby. She told her everything that was going to happen when she had the baby. She also told Jada that she’s going to be in her life too. Jada wanted her to go because she had to decide if she really wanted to keep the baby. Nicole assured her that she was only trying to help. Jada threw her out. Later, Jada was at the police station. Rafe wanted to know why she was there. She noticed that he wasn’t wearing his ring. He told her that he and Nicole were getting divorced. He said they were breaking up even if Eric and Nicole don’t get together because of her baby. Jada said the baby wouldn’t be an issue. She would have had the baby, but she realized the impact it would have on her life. She decided that she didn’t want to keep the baby.

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