Days Transcript Tuesday, October 25, 2022

Days of Our Lives Transcript

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Transcript provided by Suzanne


 Try not to worry. Ms. Price. Try not to worry. This is my daughter’s life we’re talking about. Not to mention my bid for governor. I know it’s at stake, believe me, but you can trust me. I’ve got this all under control. You better mean that I do. I’ve come up with a foolproof strategy and I’m just about to fill my associate in, so I better hang up the phone.

But Paulina, I promise you Sloane Peterson will not be a problem for you or Chanel anymore.

So what’s this foolproof plan that, uh, that we have? Beats the hell outta me.

Holly was waiting for us in the driveway. I didn’t hear your key in the lock up girl. It was so cute. Henry started bouncing in his car seat as soon as he saw her. Who? Holly. Yeah, I, I think it’s really great that Nicole decided to make the sleepovers a weekly thing. Yeah. And it’s just nice because now one night a week, you and I will have a night to ourselves.

So what do you wanna do tonight? Well, maybe we could call Alex.

No. Will I get it? And of course you should stay and do your job, but I was just, I was really looking forward to seeing you.

No, look, no, I, I know, I, I just, what about next weekend?

Okay, I’ll just try I guess, but I love you.

Bye. The hell did, will do now. Nothing. Um, he was just, Supposed to come for a little visit, but he’s stuck in LA doing rites. Ah, that sucks. Hey, do you want, do you wanna stay in tonight? Like hang out? We could order, uh, food Watch, American Ninja Warrior on peak talk. Oh, I’m sorry brother. That sounds great.

But I actually have plans. Plans. What kind of plans? Well, you may not be getting lucky. Tonight’s sunny boy, fresh as I am. I.

Oh crap. Turf. Um, are these free? Uh,

not so fast. You’ll be jackass. Take off that mask. Take off my maer. I’m gonna start screaming my head off for the cops.

You are so busted, Mr.

Like sand through the hourglass. So are the days of our lives.

You really wanna call Alex? Yeah, why not? Well, I just thought that we agreed that the threesome was not gonna be a regular thing we did. Yeah. No, I just, I just thought maybe the three of us could grab drinks. Oh, okay. I guess, Dre, Hey, you and I, we are 1000% on the same page about hooking up with Alex. It was a one time.

I just figured that the sooner the three of us go back to hanging out the less awkward it will be. . Oh yeah. Right. That, that makes a lot of sense. Yeah. Um, but can we do it another night? I just, um, I’m not really in the mood to go out tonight. Is everything okay

No, it’s not.

So what you, just back to being a player. You are the one who told me I need to get over Stephanie and move on. Okay. Since when, need to take my advice. All since I found out that Stephanie is not just not interested in me, she’s caught up on somebody else. Who? Your pal. Chad Damara. So when you told Pauline that we had this handle, you were just blowing.

I was up all night trying to figure out some way to neutralize Peterson and I kept coming up empty. Right. Well, she’s not the most ethical lawyer, so why don’t we just hire her PI and try to dig up some dirt on her. That would take too long. Paulina wants this handled Yesterday you saw Paulina’s copies of what she has on Chanel.

If we could just get our hands on the originals, right? Well, that’s gonna be complic. There. There always, there’s always the option of just paying off Sloan’s client, whoever here she is. Pauline is touting herself as the ethical candidate. She’s not about to be a party to extortion. She also thinks, and I agree with her, that Sloan’s client is just going to keep demanding more.

Okay. Well I never said that Pauline had to be the one to pay it. Well, where else are we going to get the money? Me. How did you know it was me? My PI told me that you were hiding in plain sight dressed as a mule. I thought I was kidding. Sadly, I was wrong. First of all, it’s not a mule, it’s a donkey. And second, I’m not hiding.

I’m working for a polling enterprises campaign committee. Somebody in this town actually gave you a job. I’ll have, you know, I have a very impressive resume. Leo, I have told you and told you a resume and rap sheet are two very different things and I have told you and told you that you are very rude. You know what?

Enough of the chit. I want the money you owe me now,

unless you don’t mind playing a very unpleasant game. A pen. The tail on the donkey.

You can relax. Chanel darling darling. Our problem is going to be all taken care of. Everything’s looking. Oh yes.

Wow. What are you so happy about? ? Oh my you you said my polling numbers would go up and they did. Oh well you know that is wonderful. But don’t you let your guard down cuz the other side, they are going to come after you with attack hats. . I’m tough. No, I agree with that, but I do know from experience that those ask can get really personal and they’re gonna come after the fact that Lonnie’s in prison.

Well, they do that. I will drive myself over to Tim’s office and ring his corny ass net. That’s one thing to go after me, but nobody messes with my daughters.

Hey, Dupre talk. You know, you can tell me.

Yeah. Yeah, I can. Um, I’ll get it.

Hey, great. You guys are home. I, I really need a favor from you guys.

I’m telling you, there’s no way that Chad is interested in someone else. It hasn’t even been that long since Abigail died, and he was madly in love with her. Yeah, well, I just saw him with Stephanie. They didn’t even notice me because they only had eyes for each other. There’s no way that Chad would, and they denied it when I asked them if they were hooking.

I’m sorry you asked them if they were hooking you. I know Sonny. I know. Not my finest hour. Look, even if Stephanie isn’t with Chad, it’s clear that she doesn’t want any part of me. So what, you’re just back to being a player. Mm. You were the one who warned me that one day somebody would come into my life and make me wanna change my ways.

And guess what? It happened. Her name is Stephanie Johnson. Only hitch. She wants no part. So now I’m going to soothe my broken heart with as much meaningless sex as possible.

I would never ask you to use your own money to solve a client’s problem. You didn’t ask. I offered Sloan’s client wants a seven figure payoff. Okay. Used to pay off million dollar extortion attempts. Mr. Rockefeller? No, but I do have a trust fund and you’re the one that told Paul Anna you’d have this handle by tomorrow morning.

Okay. I’m only gonna say this one more time. I will not allow you to use your personal funds to get me out of a jam with a client. Our client, our client, we this together. That’s what you said. Besides that worst things I could do with that money that help out the future, governor of our. And I could use Pauline on my side.

Well, what if the wrong person finds out? People will say that I used my company to help a Damara get a governor in his pocket. Yeah, I didn’t think of that. I was just thought throwing money at the problem helps

upon further reflection. You could be right. You good? Yeah. We’re gonna give greedy Sloan Peterson, the payday she’s been looking for.

Don’t play with me stark. I defended you successfully against some serious charges. Now it’s time to pay up. When you took my case, you said something about the free publicity being payment enough. I wouldn’t say that if I was dead drunk. If you don’t cut me a check, that doesn’t bounce. I’m gonna send you to a collection agency and the one I use doesn’t take no for an answer.

Do we understand each other now?

Johnny, you really need to start calling before you just come over. Chanelle and I, were in the middle of something, Allie. It’s okay. Our conversation will keep until later. So, um, Johnny, what’s up? Last I heard you were moving into the mansion with Ava. Yeah, yeah, I did. Uh, I did move back home. Mm-hmm. . And what about Ava?

She had to leave town. Without saying goodbye to Henry, he’s her grandson. Well, she had to make a quick getaway. My dad was about to have her arrested.

You are threatening me with bodily harm, and that is against the law. I can make a citizen’s arrest. You’re absolutely right, and I am so sorry that you misconstrued what I was saying. Oh, please see, as an officer of the court, I would never stoop so low as to threaten a client with bodily harm, even one who is in serious areas.

So sue me, wouldn’t it be the first time I am getting really fed up here? Well, look, you cannot get blood from a turn up honey. And I am seriously strapped. Why else would I agree to take a minimum wage job dressed up as a beast of burden? Your kinks are your problem. You owe me in one way or another. I always get my man.

And by the way, you bet on the wrong horse, donkey talk English. There’s no way that Paulina Price will ever be moving in to the governor’s mansion? Not now, not tomorrow. Not ever. And how do you know that? I saw in the news that she’s pulling ahead in the polls. So what all it takes is one dirty scandal and Miss Price’s political career will be over faster than your little romance with that ZA doctor.

Yeah. Odd girls. They’re so lucky to have a mama. As fierce as you are about them, you really think that I really do because they both say I really get on their nerves with that . But uh, I just love them so much. Oh, and they love you back just like I do. Not to mention how proud I am. That you’ve decided that you, you want to be of service to the people of this state, which is why I have, uh, why, why, what I have made an important decision.

Oh. Oh, that sounds ominous. No, it’s all good. At least, uh, I hope you’ll think so. Well, we, we won’t know what it is until you tell me what it is you. Right, right. Yes. Well, if you’re elected governor, I will resign as mayor and move to the capital with you.

Look, I just, I don’t think you should give up on finding the, I have met the one Sonny. Her name is Stephanie. Oh, it’s not, because if she was the one, you wouldn’t have to convince her. It would’ve. To happen. Yeah. I don’t like to let things just happen. I like to be proactive. God, I really, I hate that word.

Oh, you do. You my man, I’m gonna do me, which means I’m gonna go back to doing what I do best. And that is having as much no strings attached sex with as many beautiful women as humanly possible. In fact, your brother just made his triumph return to the streets by closing out an incredibly smoking hot reason.

Come on, Alex. Here is what? You had a threesome. Oh, skeletal.

Do I know any of the parties involved? Both of them. Allie Horton. Andre,

you’re kidding, right? Mm-hmm. . No, I’m not kidding. I knew it was my idea at first, and they rejected, but then they came around. They agreed to stop. Stop. Stop me. I don’t wanna know any of details. Stop. Allie is Will’s younger sister. I know the CS brothers have great taste in Hor. You cannot let anyone find out about this.

Okay? Oh, oh, woo. Oh, that’s my companion for the evening, Alex. She’s ripping and roaring. I gotta go. Alex. Alex is just kidding about the valley thing, right? Because you were trying to mess with me. Alex, Alex.

So now we’re playing slow off. We sure are. Okay, but where are you going? I’m going to get the checkbook for the trust fund. I left it at my father’s house unless you want handle tonight a while. No, I already told you. I’m not letting you use your own money. How else are you gonna get your hands on that much cash?

I just realized it’s easy. I’ll go to my father.

I did not know Steve Johnson had that kind of money laying around. He does technically what? Sorry? I’m lost. Dad and John helped the DEA bust a drug, Lord, a few months ago, and they used counterfeit money to set the guy up. Oh God. I know where this is going. Well, I know for a fact that the bogus bills are still stashed at the Black Patch office in case they ever need to use it.

You can’t be serious. Uh, if that money fool the drug, lord, it’ll fool Sloan, and I’m sure my father and John won’t mind. You wanna pay Sloane Peterson off with counterfeit money. Actually, I was hoping I could put you in charge of that. And what the hell are you gonna be doing while I’m passing off the fake Benjamins?

I’m glad you asked. Well, you’re making that bitch think that she just won the lottery. I will be breaking into her apartment.

What’s up? Stop. Is that how you greet all your dates? Is that what This is a date when you text me to skip the restaurant and come straight here. I figured this was more of a bully car. Just get in here and shut your mouth. So now I can’t even talk. I have my friends for convers.

I could let you move out of. It’s your home. You’ve dedicated your life to serving the people here. Well, and I’m very proud of that, right? But now it is your turn to be of service to the people of this state. And I wouldn’t wanna miss that. And my Deputy Mary is more than capable of taking care of things.

You’re really going to give up your career to be my first gentleman. There’s nothing I want more. What did I do to deserve you? ? You were you? Oh, oh, what’s what’s wrong? It’s something I have to tell you. Excuse me.

What’s that? Oh, he works for the campaign. Uh, honey, the volunteer office is down the hall. Oh. I’m a paid employee. I’m here for my check. Oh, shoot. Mary didn’t mail those checks, not mine. Uh, look, why don’t one, you take care of this and I will, uh, I’ll go pick his up some food for dinner. Okay. Sounds good, boo.

Okay, Mr. Dokey, let’s see about getting you paid. What? That would be excellent. What don’t I know you from somewhere. I don’t think so. Hmm. I really feel like I’ve seen you before.

I can’t believe it. Ava used a fake marriage license to get Jake’s chairs of Damara. Yeah. She’s good. Mm-hmm. not that good. My dad figured her out. Like he hasn’t done just way worse things. True. So, uh, what was his favor? You wanted to ask us? Uh, well, I was wondering if your couch is still available. Oh, hell no.

Absolutely not.

Johnny, we’ve talked about this. You cannot stay here. Come on hor. No, no, I’m sorry. The last time it drove me nuts. And we’re not gonna go through that again. You, you don’t understand. Okay, I’m gonna be staying at my dad’s. I’m not asking for me, I’m asking for a friend how her name is Wendy. I just met her, but you guys are gonna love her.

Mr. Me. It’s been a while. Oh my goodness. It’s too long. It’s been too long. How old are you? Oh, I’m fine, thanks. Oh, I’ve just been shopping mostly for Victor . He never shops for himself. . Well, you know what, um, speaking of Victor, yes. Do you know if he’s going to support Paulina and the governor? As far as I know, the whole karaoke family is behind her.

I’ve already mailed in my ballot and Victor’s well, mail in voting is the way to go. Mm-hmm. and I voted for you too. Oh, well you know that, that means more to me than you know. I just thought of something. What if you and Paulina both win? Won’t you two hate being apart? Well, we won’t actually be apart. No, wait a minute.

How are you gonna manage that? How are you the first of my friends to hear this news? But if Paul Nina is what to governor, I’ll be leaving Salem.

Uh, Leo Stark, that’s me. This sounds familiar. It’s just one of those common names. Oh, not to me, not. Oh, you’re my first Leo. Oh my God. What? Those shoes are those from? Teresa Donovan’s New Genie Collection. ? Yes, they are. Oh, I like a man that knows his couture footwear. , , . Oh, that’s it. Oh, I’m sorry. But that’s a going way for handing out cookies.

Oh, I’m gonna have to hand out a lot more of them. Hard time. You ever have a money-grubbing shyster lawyer breathing down your neck? Oh, what’s this guy’s name? It’s a her Sloan Peterson with an E. Well, how’d you get mixed up with her? She defended me for like two weeks and now she thinks she owns me. If I pay her off, I’m gonna be sleeping on a bench in the Horton Town Square.

We can’t have that. You know what? I might just be able to help you out.

You’re gonna break into Sloan Peterson’s department. We have to get our hands on the documents that she’s holding over, pulling its head, right? Yeah. What if they’re not there? We have to start somewhere. Do they teach, break and entering at public relations school? No, but I am Patch Johnson’s kid in high school, I picked the lock to the teacher’s lounge with my student ID card.

I will do whatever it takes to get my hands on whatever it is. Sloan’s hiding in there.

This is for that dinner. You missed, baby. I have missed so much of my life, but it certainly is not dinner.

ignore it. Oh, it. Ignore it. Oh, great, babe. Oh, can’t. I was wondering what I was gonna hear from you. Now you know, I hope this is good news for your client’s sake. You’re getting what you want. Sloane, my associate will be at the Brady Pub in one hour. One hour. Okay. I’ll be there. And where do you think you’re going?

I have a very important meeting. Yeah. More important than the best sex of your life. Someone thinks quite highly of himself. Tell you what? This meeting, it shouldn’t take very long. So why don’t you stay put and do what? I’m gonna sit around twiddling my thumbs until you get back. Yeah, I don’t think so.

Forget about it. Oh.

Oh, that’s, that’s what I’m talking about. Okay. Right. That’s exactly what I want you to do.

Your meeting’s all said, so I will go pick up the fake loop, bring it back here, and. I’ll head over to Sloan’s department. You really think it’s gonna work? It better?

Mine, some company. No, I d if it’s you. No, don’t turn off your, it’s fine.

May I Please? Go ahead. . Okay. . I don’t mind if I do . That movie looked pretty sad. . Yeah, well it’s uh, it’s pretty fitting for my mood.

You’re missing Will. Yeah, I dunno. Um. He was just supposed to come out for a visit. He’s stuck in La Don Rights. Hmm. I know a little bit about being married to men who are also married to their careers. . Uncle Vick should have retired a long time ago. Uh, he’s not the type to play golf or build bird houses, but neither was Mickey.

Do you ever wish

that they would put you first more?

Yes. I still wish that that Victor would sometimes. Yeah. Same with you. Yeah.

I know this has been a problem for you and Will before. Yeah. I just, I don’t know. Something has to change. You know, I, I can’t let this break us up again.

You know, we all ought to talk to Abe Carver. Abe, why? I just ran into Abe. He said that if Paulina wins the governorship that he is gonna resign as mayor and go wherever she is.

I’d love to know how he, yeah, he made that decision. the guy, right? Indeed.

How can you help me deal with Sloane Peterson? You need money to pay her off, right? You’re gonna give me a loan that is so generous. How can, how can I ever thank you. Do I look like a credit union to you? Um, no. I’m not offering you a loan. I’m offering you a j o b,

so you want. Us to let some random girl that you just met move into our apartment that I live in with my kid. Look, she’s not some random girl. Okay. She’s LE’s little sister, which means she’s about to be Gabby’s sister-in-law. Okay, well, if she’s that rich guy’s sister, then why isn’t she just buy herself a con or move into the mansion?

It’s literally a mansion. She can just take Ava’s old rooms. Now I don’t want to living in the same house as me. She and I are working on something and it involves my dad and her brother. What are you up to now, Giovanni? It’s nothing dangerous. Wendy and I just don’t want my dad to catch on to the fact that she and I are working together.

Well, when does she wanna start staying here tonight? Tonight, , Chanel and I have not been living together that long, and this will be our second house guest. Both thanks to you. Look, look, she’s not gonna be staying for that long, okay? She just needs to save up enough money to get her own place. Well, why doesn’t she just borrow the money from her brother?

She doesn’t wanna. , what do you think? I’m okay with it if you’ll thank you. Thank you. Thank you so much. Okay. I promise you I will make this up to you. Yeah. Okay. Okay. Right. Okay. You are an angel. Oh.

Found here. James Bond. Wow. Shut up. Sloan just left. Are you. As ready as I’m gonna be. Well, that’ll have to do. Be careful. Moy. Penny, you

okay? Girl? I’s, see if you can still remember what Papa tell you.

So Abes gonna give up his whole career just for Paulina. Well, that’s what he said, and he didn’t seem to have any doubts about it.

What are you thinking? I’m thinking that maybe getting stabbed in the back with a knife was a, um, sign from the universe. What kind of a sign? Well, Alex is in charge of Titan. Mm-hmm. , he’s doing just fine. So maybe I take a page at Abe’s book, you know, just quit. Move to LA with Will, if that’s what you really want.

But I don’t know. I, I’d love being the CEO of Titan. It’s like, it feels like what I was born to. And Will loves making movies.

You know what? I think that the two of you should figure out a way to meet each other halfway. I think you’re totally right and I think you better go find Victor. Thank you for sharing your pizza. Goodnight sweetheart. Goodnight. Thanks.

Hey, me again. Um, are you working?

Okay, good. We gotta talk.

Hey, I hope that this is enough to make Wendy feel comfortable. Oh, she’ll be fine. Oh God. I didn’t realize my phone was on silent. I missed a lot of calls. My mom texts me. Is everything okay with her? Oh yeah, yeah, she’s fine. She’s just checking in. Hey, uh, we never finished that conversation that we were having when Johnny came by.

You said you had something to tell me.

Here’s the deal. My assistant, her name is Mary, she’s been trying to handle the books for my campaign and my business from Florida . It is not working out to say the least. I need another assistant, someone who’s right here in Salem, and that would be, Pay is better than it is for a part-time campaign worker.

Plus there’s benefits. 401k health plan, a dental plan. I could use a cleaning. I’ll take it. Something you need to know. Now you remember that movie about the devil who wears Prada? Remember it? I know every word. Oh, well Mary will tell you that I think that PR wearing devil is the hero of the movie . And that ma little nobody is just lucky to have a job.

I understand. Don’t worry, Ms. Price. I will work my fingers to the bone, making sure your every need is met.

what are you doing here? Stuff. I was here when you left. That was. Uh, was being the operative word. Leo is now my new assistant.

Looks real to me.

You made it. Oh yeah. And for the sake of your client and your boss, I better like what I see in that briefcase.

Yes. It’s still got it.

What? What the hell are you here, here?

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