GH Short Recap Tuesday, October 4, 2022

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps

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Recap written by Eva

Carly and Drew go to the site of Reese’s car crash and Drew helps Carly realize that the car accident was not her fault and she should let go of the guilt she has felt all these years.

Ava visits Ryan at Spring Ridge and tells him that Esme has disappeared and that she, Brando, and Diane were attacked by someone with a hook and Brando died.

Valentin wants Michael to return to work at ELQ but they never finish their conversation because Josslyn interrupts and tells Michael she thinks Sonny is holding Dex hostage in his restaurant.

Diane awakens and tells Dante, Robert, and Sonny that her attacker was a woman who wore bracelets that jinglled but she didn’t see her face because she was wearing a black hoodie or a cape and Diane is frustrated because she can’t remember the face of the woman.

Michael and Josslyn rescue Dex who is hanging on a meat hook in the freezer. Sonny’s man won’t let Michael and Josslyn leave with Dex until Sonny arrives to give the okay. Sonny arrives and is surprised to see Michael and Josslyn have gotten Dex out of the freezer.

Victor tells Nikolas he must divorce Ava or he will be killed. Nikolas agrees to divorce Ava and the audience sees Esme hiding in the bushes wearing a black hoodie.

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