Days Transcript Tuesday, September 20, 2022

Days of Our Lives Transcript

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Transcript provided by Suzanne


Wow. Nice home cooked meal. Starting to feel like myself again. I’m so glad to hear that. Brother, shall I top you off, please? Mm-hmm.

So now that we’re better to than adequately fed, I hope you don’t mind if I circle back to our previous convers. Uh, about the Mayor Enterprises. Mm-hmm. , as you know, Chad and I lost control of the company earlier this year, but I’m hoping that you and I can take it back. So Xander doesn’t think that Leo is capable of murder.

That’s his gut instinct. The guy’s weasel not a killer. What’s Sunny’s take is sunny, you know, felt that, uh, Leo was sincere in his, in his apology, the night that he was attacked and thinks that there, Leo’s had plenty of opportunities to finish him off and hasn’t, He didn’t do it while somebody behind the scenes is certainly making look like he did.

Leo is trying to convince Eddie that he was being set up. Do you buy that? Do you think Leo’s innocent?

Honestly, I don’t know. I don’t know what to believe anymore. You figured it out. You know who set you up. Yes. It all makes sense. Now, the guy has every reason to hate me after what I did to him. Guy, my ex. You said he couldn’t be Darius? No, no. My other ex, Dr. Craig Wesley Gwe. There is no doubt in my mind.

Spiteful Cico couldn’t wait to commit those horrible crimes and then frame me for them that he is the real killer. Hello, Nancy. I didn’t know you were in town. It was the last minute decision. Oh, well what are you doing here? I came back because of Leo. Oh, I suppose you heard that he attacked son CCUs.

Yeah. Not to mention he has supposedly done to Abigail. It was terrible. I mean, just terrible. Especially

like sand through the hour glass. So are the days of our lives.

You think Craig is the one framing you? He’s a respected doctor. Don’t you get it? When he, he upended his entire life to be with me. He came out of the closet. He left his wife, he ripped apart his family, and then he left you at the altar. Well, because he thought I had deceived him, which you had. He loved you and you just went after his money at first.

But along the way, I fell in love with him. Mm. I did. But the damage had already been done, broke Craig’s heart into a million pieces, and now he’s getting his revenge. The Foot Hill killed Abigail and stabbed Sunny. How is this your fault? Because Leo came here to see me. That’s the only reason. But Craig, you didn’t know he was dangerous.

Chloe did. Uh, Brady did. I just, honey, I wish we would’ve listened to them sooner. Son and Abigail would’ve never gotten involved. But you didn’t know he was a monster. I, she’s right, man. I mean, you just couldn’t have known that dumping him at the altar. Send him off on a murders red page. Could you,

Have we met? Oh, I, I’m so sorry, Craig. This is Clyde Weston. My fiance.

Okay, so let me, lemme just, uh, like, I’m trying to get this straight. So even though Stephan doesn’t have a heart, somehow Dr. Wolf was able to keep him alive all these years and now that he has a transplant, Walking around completely fine. Okay. I don’t even know how to process this. Welcome to my world.

Okay. And he said that he didn’t wanna be with you though? Yeah. Oh, did he say why? Yeah, he said he doesn’t love me, That he can’t stand aside of me. Okay, look, if you gotta think about this, right? I mean, the guy says, I mean, the guys he’s been dead for for years, basically, right? So who knows what’s going on inside his head.

Yeah, I know. That’s why I want to track him down because I have a lot of questions for him. I just don’t know where he is. You know, remember the first time we met? I would hardly call that a meeting. . Sammy had just dragged you outta that fire. You were in the hospital, you looked like a mummy. Mm. All bandaged up.

Nowhere to go. You were barely alive. . When I fully recovered. Samantha said she owed you a large sum of money. She did. She also did her best to get out of it. Hmm? You got off the hook. Why? Well, I could tell that she needed the money to get you the best possible medical care and look at you. Well, obviously it worked.

Yes. Well, yeah. I’ve always wanted to thank you for that. Now we’re family, right? Take care of one another. I couldn’t agree more. You and I may not have grown up together, but it’s clear we’re cut from the same cloth. Mm-hmm. , Ishmm, . Together we can accomplish great things at. First on the agenda, destroying Hernandez.

It’s interesting what is, when I first flow to the idea of us working together against Gabby, You got quiet. And then you started pacing like you are now just thinking,

Wow, it shouldn’t be that hard to gimme an answer. I was under the impression you were no longer in love with your wife. Not quite frankly, it baffles me than I ever was. And why do you seem so hesitant about bringing her down? This is your chance to take back what’s rightfully yours as she is in the way.

Maybe I just want to hear your whole plan first. You know, I’m always hesitant to rush into a decision without all the facts. Well, it’s not that complicated, really. Gabby’s been able to hold onto the position of CEO by the ED margins. She inherited her shares after your death. Now that I’m alive, I should be able to take them back, which could maybe give us love votes to Alster, but you would have to be willing to take her down.

Are you, Apparently Stephan spent last night at Amara Enterprises doing. All I know is that Lee found him in my office, camped out this morning. Oh, so was he looking for you? I don’t know. He took off and he disappeared. Can you please put out an A p B? Well, it doesn’t sound like he’s missing and he hasn’t committed any crimes as far as I can tell.

So I know. I know. It’s worth a try. Yeah. I have to ask, um, how does your boyfriend feel about all this? Well, um, he’s not my boyfriend anymore. Oh, he broke up? No, actually, we, um, we’re engaged. He’s my fiance.

Yeah, you’re engaged. Mm-hmm. Pride. Pop the question just before you walked in. You’re the first to know. Oh, wow. Thank you. Thank you. I mean, Chloe said that you were in follow up with somebody seeing someone I just didn’t know. I was so serious. Oh, what can I say? Swept me off my feet. Yeah, I bet he did. Why don’t we celebrate it with a drink, Huh?

Drinks might have kind you. Hm. Scotching the rocks for me and the, the little lady will have a chardonnay please.

Right. Okay. Look, um, I, I understand that Craig might still be very angry about the way things went down between the two of you, but do you really think that he would murder Abigail just to set you up? That is quite extreme. Hell have no fury like a gay man’s corn. Yeah. Okay. I just don’t think that he’s capable of doing something that cold blooded.

That’s because you and I have only seen the softer side of Craig, but from what I heard, he used to be a petty scheming bitch. That right? Oh yeah. He and his ex caused all sorts of trouble in this town. Oh. Has he ever tried to kill someone before? Not that I’m aware of. But losing someone you love, especially someone as special asoa, can drive you to do crazy things.

Mm, yes. I can certainly relate to that. And unlike Darius, Craig is not squeamish about getting blood on his hands. It’s basically his job. Uh, no, it’s not his job to stab innocent women. Okay. He saves people. Oh, please. Just because you have a medical license doesn’t mean you’re not psycho. Didn’t you tell me there was a doctor who once forced you into being a drug mule?

Good point, huh? I may have accused the wrong Wesley at first, but now I’m positive. I’m right. Craig has gone off the deep end and he’s trying to drag me down with him.

What are you working on? Oh, just um, looking at some recent feature pitches. You were looking at all family photos.

Yeah. Looks like I got here just in time. Oh, what you got there? Ice cream Sunday night. Wait, we already put the kids to bed. Adults only ice cream Sunday night. Oh, well that’s, that’s so thoughtful of you. Um. But I don’t think I’m up for it. Well, Jennifer, you love ice cream. Sunday night’s, one of your favorite family traditions.

It was also avid deals, and I’m not sure that I want to carry on the tradition without her.

Here’s how I. Craig comes back to town. Last student starts watching me. When he sees that I’m camping out in the Demir basement. He realizes that I would be a prime suspect if anything were to happen to Chatter. Abigail, you really think he was planning it that long? Just waiting for the right moment. I guess When he has the chance to take out Abigail, he steps her with the knife that I conveniently left behind.

Ah, So you admit you did have the knife? Of course I have the knife. How else would my fingerprints be on it? Ha Right, carry on. He must have driven Craig mad watching the cops go after every other suspect until they finally landed on little old me and then they let you go. So he had to find a way to implicate me again.

So he comes back to town, stab son and leaves behind not only the original murder weapon with your prints on it, but also my revenge list. How did you get the list? I don’t. He must have stolen it from my bag. Yeah. Okay. I think you’ve got a little tiny hole in your theory there, Perro, and what’s that? How did Craig even know the list existed?

Chloe told me about Leo’s hit list. I know she and Brady had to on it. Well, the police have provided security to her and Brady. I’m very glad about that.

Oddly enough, Leo hasn’t signaled that he’s after them, which is strange because they’re the ones that rallied the troops, uh, against him. Why would he spare them? I think you might have me thank for that.

Maybe you’re. Maybe Craig is the killer. It has to be him. I mean, the setup feels personal, and yes, there are plenty of people who hate me, but I can’t think of anyone who hates me this much in that case. Whoa, whoa. What? What are you doing? What do you think? I’m gonna phone the police.

When did you get engaged? Yesterday? But the news kind of got overshadowed by Stephan’s return. Yeah, well, he always did have a knack for timing. Tell me about it.

I mean, you, you only, you haven’t been dating that long. Doesn’t this seem like it’s moving kind of fast? You one to talk what you dated Nicole a couple months before you proposed if you have a, We’ve been friends for a very long time. I’ve known Lee for years. Okay. It’s a little different Look. Point is.

When it feels right, it feels right. Yes. I guess you’re right. How’s I feel now? Like, you mean now that my husband has returned from the dead? Uh, yeah. I can’t believe that I am hearing this, but yes, I obviously, Stephan being back changes the. Of course. I mean, well for starters, I mean, we’re so married. Okay?

Right, right. So, So the question really is, do you want stay married to Stephan or do you want marry Lee?

You said maybe we’d have enough votes to ask Gabby if I got my shares back, but you’re not. at the moment. The other side potentially has six votes, which would bring you to another tie. Hmm. So we have to either convince someone to change their vote or continue working on having a vitality’s vote disqualified.

Hmm. How’s that going? Not as well as I’d hoped she was deemed unstable because she claimed she was seeing her dead husband who ended up being me, which means she wasn’t hallucinating after all. Right

Chad, So before you start, I’m not gonna stay along. All right. I’m just here to find,

Hey Chad. Good view with Chad. My brother Stephan is alive one time now. She.

To be honest, Ra, I, I don’t know. I don’t know what I’m on, but you said it, you’re right. I, I haven’t known Lee for that long. But you love I do. And he really loves me. You know, if Stephen hadn’t come back, I, I wouldn’t have any doubts about marrying Lee. Surprised you, you say that. Why? Well, because last time we talked you said that you didn’t think you could ever love someone the way he love Ste.

That’s true. I mean, I do think of s Stephan as the love of my life, and maybe that’s because I, I lost him so early on in our marriage. But when Lee proposed I was ready to move on, I was even. Stop wearing our sweating band around my neck. I was really ready to put stuff in behind me. Easier to do when he’s dead.

Exactly. How can I do that when he’s right here? Even if he says he doesn’t love me, but do I just give up? I can’t just give up. Right. It doesn’t sound to me like Stephan’s leaving too much of your choice. Ralph had you on ice. He never said a word. I guess he figured there wasn’t any point. He couldn’t wake me up until he found a heart.

Why? You did just fine without one before. Clever. Look, Chad, I know you and I have had our differences. So differences. Do I have to remind you what you did to my wife? I’m hoping that this could be a new beginning for us. No thank you. All right. Look, I don’t expect you and Abigail to welcome me back with open arms.

She’s dead.

What? It’s true. Abigail’s dead.

What happened? She was murder.

I appreciate you trying to lift my spirits. I do. And I want to enjoy doing things like this with you, but when it’s something that I remember, Doing so well with her, Abigail. I get it. Believe me, I get it. It’s supposed to get easier with time. I know. But for me, every day that goes by, I, I just miss her more, not less.

Me too.

I, I’ll tell you what,

at the next time we have ice cream Sunday night, we recruit Thomas and Charlotte and we share with them all the wonderful fun memories that we have of our mom when she was a little girl. What do you think? Would that make it easier for you? Yeah. Yeah, it would. Yeah. Cause that, that would be good for the kids, you know, for us to share our memories of her, with them and them to share some of their memories with us.

Right? I mean, we should encourage you. We should. We should. That’s what advocate would want, but then that’s what we’ll do. Okay. But in the meantime, since you went to all trouble and. Don’t want that ice cream to melt. We should make those Sundays now. You sure? Yes, I’m sure. Cause I think Abigail would want that.

Yeah. Yeah.

I’m thinking Leo hasn’t gone after Chloe or Brady because he still cares about me. Hate to burst your bowl drag, but that sounds a bit narcissistic to me. I know that Leo is not happy for what happened at the wedding, but if he ever went near my daughter, touched her. Have you seen Chloe since you got back in town?

Mm. I came straight here, I was hungry. I wanna get something need.

Why don’t we all go out and have a bike together? All of us. Um, celebrate your engagement, all of us. Chloe Brady, you, both of you. Uh, my treat. Hmm. So very kind of you. Mm-hmm. . Yeah. Craig, you’re a real standup guy.

Are you nuts? You can’t call the police. Why not? We have to investigate Craig so that they can clear your name. Are you gonna tell ’em that I’m here? Are you gonna turn me in? Why would I do that? Uh, because you’re probably still mad as hell that I lied and told everyone you confessed. Yes. Well, I’m obviously still miffed about that,

but Matt, I understand why you did what you did. You explained that you were backed against a wall. Honey, I had to get away. I am so sorry that I threw you under the bus. All right. Yeah, that’s alright. Enough with the apologies now. Now, the important thing is, is that we prove your innocence. Otherwise, you are going to spend the rest of your life on the run.

Okay? Okay. Let’s bring Dr. Death’s pathetic. Life pathetic because I’m no longer in it and he’s never gonna find anyone else as sexy and adorable as I am. Let’s bring that sadistic, twisted, loves sick man’s life to a screeching halt.

Yeah, hang on. Almost matter, um, you know, if, um, you two don’t mind, Ida really like to share the, the good news with, uh, Chloe by myself. Sure. You go ahead and in the meantime, why don’t the two of you get to know each other? I mean, we. We are going to be family.

She’s the best, isn’t she? Yes she is. Which is why I’m real glad she gave us this little moment together. Oh, I didn’t. Wanna say it earlier when she was there, but, um, Chloe has a little trouble with your past quote about, um, something about you having had a few run-ins with the law. Well, as I told your daughter, I don’t pretend to be a saint, but I paid my debt to society and since I’ve been released from prison, I’ve managed to stay out of trouble, Have.

Yeah, got myself a simple but honest job working at the pub. So I guess saw those drug deals and those, uh, kidnappings and Oh yes. Attempted murder. They don’t mean anything. That’s what I told you, Craig. Do you not believe me? Uh, no. No, I didn’t. As a matter. Had to be rude. Uh, I just don’t think that you are good enough for Nancy.

It’s funny cause you are the one who deceived her your entire marriage and nearly destroyed her when you cheated on her. And you tell. that I’m not good enough. I’m sorry I saw bones, but you’re the last person who has any right to be judgemental about me. No offense, I’ll text Rafe directly. This is too important not to go right to the top.

Well, tell me what you’re writing. I will, uh, this is Swe Mische to commissioner. Hernandez, I have reason to believe that my friend, Mattie, AK Leo start is being framed. I strongly suggest that you launch an investigation into Dr. Craig Wesley. I suspect he is the killer. Feel free to call me if you have any questions.

Send. You think the commissioner will take you seriously. Guess we’ll soon find out.

Sorry. Could be work related. Yeah, no problem. What is it? One wrist check. What, what? Why is that BHA texting you? Uh, it’s about Abigail’s case. What about it? Uh, well I can’t really talk about it, but I do need to look into this. Oh yeah. No, I gotta, I gotta head out to work anyway. Oh, was a little late, isn’t it?

Oh, CEO never sleeps 20 far. Job. Yeah, I hear that. Being commission. Listen, you need anything, no matter what day night, you can just call me. You know that, right? Yeah. Thank you. You too. Come on. I love you. I love you too.

So Abigail was stabbed in this house. Find the killer. Current theory is Leo Stark. Wow. Leo Stark. I remember that guy. Tried to get a job from me. Super shady. Look Chad, I am

so sorry.

This is a terrible tragedy. I was sure it was Leo. I read that son was unable to positively idea him. His attacker never got a good look at him, but he remembers smelling vanilla or whatever that’s worth. Well, I do hope they finally owe or whoever did this and hold them to justice. Yeah, look, I’m, I’m just here to look for Charlotte.

Stuffed animal. You haven’t seen a little elephant around here, have you? I can’t say that I have Chad, so Well. I’m gonna go look up stairs for myself and then have a very large drink. Try to wrap my head around this.

Good to see you, Chad.

So where were we? I believe you were trying to persuade me to get my shares back from Gabby. Hmm. And have I succeeded?

It’s even better than I remembered. Yep. You know, as Abigail used to say, ice cream is the solution to everything.

I’m glad to see that you’re still on the light, on the chocolate sauce. Tons of nuts, Cam. Why I mess with perfection. Oh, well, yes, of course, of course. I, I like to mix it up myself. So, uh, , I don’t mind trying gears for once.

I remember you once told Abigail that a person’s choice in toppings revealed a lot about their character. Well, I still believe that. And for example, your example shows me that, uh, you have a refined personality. Oh, refined but not stuffy. Oh, no, no, no. No one would ever call you stuffy. That would be me, . At least I I was, when you first met me, Except you, my darling girl.

You helped me loosen. And taught me to have fun. Maybe a little too much fun. Well, on occasion, yes. But, but still, still, you saved me. I mean, otherwise, I, I, I thank God every day that you kept me from being an old curmudgeon, yelling at kids to keep off my lawn. I, I would’ve been telling my family to, to adhere this, uh, arbitrary set of rules just to make me happy.

I. I could have been Victor. Oh, . I, I don’t know. I if I can picture that. Well do . I’m serious. You saved me. You really did. You kept me from being continually cranky more that you taught me, that loving someone with all their heart is the best. And most important thing that anyone can do, well, I think you learned that all by yourself.

Mm. I’ll Mur would’ve learned it if not for you the day you came into my life’s the luckiest day of my life.

Mine too.

Stop hogging all the nuts. Oh, thank.

Stephan, for so long I prayed. I wish for you to come back to me. I’m so grateful that you are alive.

But how could you forget the love we shared? How could you forget what we meant to each other?


you have a minute to talk. Of course.

Is that Uh, yeah. Um, I went back to the crib to retrieve it. I noticed you were still wearing.


just I hadn’t even noticed.

I think that, um, maybe on some level that might mean that you still love me.

You know, Clyde, I don’t regret. Embracing my life for my truth, who I am. But I hurt Nancy very deeply and that I am not proud of. She was a wonderful wife to me, beautiful, wonderful mother to her kids, and I don’t wanna see her get hurt again, which is why I’m gonna protect her at every cost. Well, not that it’s your New year business.

Mm-hmm. . But the last thing that I would ever. Has hurt that woman. She is kind, she is sweet. She makes me very happy, and as her husband, I’m gonna treat her with a kind of love and respect that she deserves. Right. Oh, so I know you were in town. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I just, um, today, just now. You know Clay? Yeah, we go way back.

Glad we ran into you. Yeah. Why’s that? Still waiting for my apology. Apology? Yeah. Did you or did you not falsely accuse me of murdering your wife? I don’t think this is the time and place. Well actually it is, you see, cuz Craig here needs to understand case. He hears from other people that I was a suspect and since he thinks that I’m not good enough for his ex.

You see, it was all a big misunderstanding. I had an ironclad alibi. Police felt mighty foolish when they realized they had the wrong guy.

So you’re cool with me hiding out here for a while, at least until the cops rest, Craig? Yes, of course. It’ll be fun, right? Mattie Andwe. Just like the old days. Yeah, just like the old days. We can order some junky takeaway and watch some rubbish. Tell together beer. I don’t deserve a friend like you. No. Stop.

Feel sorry to put your hands in the air. What the hell? I said put your hands in the air. Okay. Okay. Taking you back into custody. Wait, wait, wait, wait. How? How did you know I was here? You might want to talk to your little friend here. Quinn. Yeah. Hello. You remember that text I sent earlier? That was actually an SOS informing Ray that a dangerous fugitive.

It turned up on my doorstep. 20. How could you, Sorry. Matt Cake. You know what they say? One good 10 deserves another.

Gabby, I,

I dropped off the paperwork with legal. We’re all set. What paperwork? Oh, didn’t you tell her I was about to Got a little sidetracked. Stephan, tell me what. Well, Gabby, as you know, you inherited my shares of Damara upon my passing, but now that I am very much alive, I’ve officially requested they’ve taken from you and given back to me.

Why don’t you let me do the dishes? No way. Ice cream, Sunday night was my, I’m gonna see it too to the end. Well, you’re really earning your paycheck tonight. That reminds me. Remind me to write a check for Thompson’s school fundraiser. Oh, I’ll do it right now so we don’t forget. Okay. All right.

Ah, this is so wrong. Is it really? Maybe you should think twice next time before stabbing somebody in the back. Both figuratively and literally. I told you I’m innocent. I thought you believed me. Yeah, I sort of do, but I’m not going to get into trouble for harboring and if. Fugitive wise decision Commissioner.

Commissioner, please. You have to listen to me. I figured out who the killer is. So did I. And I am taking him to prison as we speak. No, no, you don’t understand. You’ve got the wrong man. I’m being set up. The real killer is Dr. Craig Wesley. Chad, I, um, I didn’t know Abigail very well. I didn’t know her. I just know that she was an exceptional young woman who was, she was taken away way too sick, and I’m, I’m very sorry I ConDOT this.

Thank you.

What? Nothing. I just felt that I smoked in all.

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