B&B Transcript Thursday, September 8, 2022

Bold & The Beautiful Transcript

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Transcript provided by Suzanne

[ Dramatic music ]

Liam: It doesn’t help, you know.

Brooke: What?

Liam: The pacing. Believe me, I’ve tried. It only makes the anxiety worse.

Brooke: Well, maybe it’s because we know it’s legitimate. I get extremely uncomfortable when thomas is too much in the picture.

[ Liam laughing ]

Liam: Yeah, tell me about it.

Brooke: And I still don’t think he can handle his feelings when it comes to hope. I mean, I want to believe that, but I’ve been lulled before.

Liam: Yeah, I hear you.

Brooke: And then there’s steffy and taylor trying to come between ridge and me. It just feels like we’re under attack.

Liam: Really.Ldthing from hope? Like what– what is going on over at eric’s?

Brooke: At yet another forrester family soiree that you and I are not invited to.

Eric: So, what do you think? Obscenely vain?

Zende: No. No, not at all. It uh– it feels right. And kind of weird. I’m so used to seeing quinn up there.

Eric: Yeah.

Zende: You okay?

Eric: What? About the breakup? Yes. It was time for both of us to move on.

Zende: And you have. You’re back with donna.

Eric: Yes, I am. She makes me happy from the inside out.

Zende: I’m very happy for you, granddad.

Eric: Thank you. How about you? I know things have been– I know things have been kind of tough between you and paris. Rest assured, everything turns out okay in the end. You’ll see.

Zende: Thank you.

Hope: Amelia is so amazing.

Steffy: I know. Now, we can nanny share her.

Hope: Oh, seriously.

Steffy: The kids really love her. And they love being here. I am actually glad that you came. You can see first hand how much douglas loves hanging out with his father.

Liam: What’s up?

Brooke: Well, uh, I texted donna to see if she could report back to us and let us know if there was anything weird or sneaky going on over at eric’S.

Liam: Oh, brilliant. Wh– what did she say?

Brooke: Uh, unfortunately, she’s not over there. She’s going to dinner and a play with katie.

Liam: Oh. Do you think we’re overreacting?

Brooke: Overreacting? To thomas demanding custody of douglas and keeping him over at eric’s this long?

Liam: Yeah.

Brooke: No, I don’t think we’re overreacting.

Liam: Yeah, no, no, no. Alarm bells are definitely, um, definitely justified. I just don’t know– I don’t know what thomas is trying to achieve where hope is concerned.

Brooke: Well, okay. I think we have to look at the big picture here. Starting with taylor, who still has feelings for ridge, and then there’s steffy and thomas, who want their parents back together, right? Want to create this family. And then thomas always thinks of family with hope involved, right? You get it? It’s like, it’s a concerted effort on their part to reunite this forrester family no matter who stands in their way. And that’s you and especially me.

Ridge: Thomas looks good.

Taylor: Yeah, he really does.

Ridge: All that worry for nothing.

Taylor: I know. He seems– he seems happy and he seems excited about the future.

Ridge: You know what I think? I think he wants to be the best man possible for that little boy.

Taylor: I think douglas is a great, little motivator.

Ridge: So is hope.

[ Taylor sighing ]

[ Steffy laughing ]

Hope: Oh hey, you two.

Finn: Hey.

Hope: Uh, we actually were just talking about you both and, I don’t know, we just want to let you know how grateful we are that everything turned out okay. I’m sure no more than steffy and the kids, but it really would’ve been a major blow to this entire family if we had lost you.

Finn: Steffy and i both know we’re very blessed.

Steffy: Yeah. We promise to share every moment as a couple, as a family, and celebrate moments like this.

Thomas: As a family.

Steffy: Yeah.

Thomas: And that includes you because you’re douglas’ mother, so you are a part of this family. Time. It’s life’s most precious commodity,

[ Brooke sighing ]

Brooke: Taylor came back to town for one reason and one reason only: To see if she could put her family back together with ridge. But, he was inconveniently still in love with me.

Liam: I– I mean, at this point, taylor’s gotta know it’s a given, right?

Brooke: She’s just hoping that I would mess up so bad that ridge can’t forgive me and she’ll be able to reel him back in. I mean, look what happened when ridge moved back in to take care of me. She ended up kissing him in monaco.

Liam: So, uh– do you think it’s possible that that kiss was more a product of euphoria and not so much manipulation?

Ridge: Well, maybe for ridge. Definitely. I mean, I don’t fault him for that. I’ve forgiven him, actually, just the way he’s forgiven me many times in the past. But uh, my issue isn’t with ridge. My issue is with taylor. Taylor and steffy.

Eric: Ridge, how does brooke feel about you being here without her?

[ Ridge sighing ]

Ridge: She’s fine, you know. She um… I asked her to come, but she decided not to ’cause she wasn’t on the original guest list.

Finn: But, does she really wanna be? I’m the new guy, learning the ins and outs, all the dynamics, but I mean this is the family that you made with someone else. Someone that your kids still very much would like you to be with again.

Ridge: Where are you getting this information from? Because my kids are really shy and don’t share stuff.

Eric: That just proves once again that no matter how old our kids get, they always want their parents together.

Zende: How you doing surrounded by all these forresters, no logan backup?

Hope: Oh, I think I’ll survive.

Thomas: Yeah, well, you know what? You don’t need logan backup because you got a little forrester backup upstairs if you need him. You’re part of this family whether you like it or not, so you’re stuck with us.

Zende: Well, that’s the good news. You always have been stuck with us, so nothing changes.

Thomas: That’s right.

Hope: Well, that’s what I would like, for things to stay the same.

[ Thomas sighing ]

[ Thomas clearing his throat ]

Steffy: I noticed you and dad together.

Ridge: And you didn’t interrupt us by pointing us out? Oh, I admire your restraint.

Steffy: I just hope you realize how good you two are together. I mean, did you hear all the sweet things he was telling you?

Taylor: Oh, yeah. I did. But, he said things about the whole family.

Steffy: Okay.

Taylor: They’re very nice.

Steffy: Mm-hm.

Taylor: Honey, I don’t want you to worry about your dad and me. My eyes are wide open.

Steffy: I know they are. I hope his eyes are open too.

Taylor: Hey, guys. Everybody.

Ridge: Uh-oh. Speech coming up. I feel it.

Taylor: I don’t know if it’s a speech. I just wanted to say something. I’m not good at speeches, but… I’m pretty good at feelings, so I’m just gonna let that lead me. I’m feeling, um– I’m feeling very happy, very grateful right now. Seeing everybody’s smiling faces and… hearing my– our grandkids upstairs laughing and playing. Knowing that kelly and hayes’ innocent little lives are restored now that finn is back. My heart is full. Ridge said something earlier about how we’ve gone through such a rough time recently, our family, and boy have we ever. But, on the flipside of that, there’s um– there’s miracles and we’ve experienced a lot of miracles too. Steffy’s beautiful family is whole again. And thomas, his relationship with douglas, their bond is getting stronger every day and their getting closer and closer and as a mom, I can’t tell you how much it means to me. It’s everything. This family is everything to me and I love you all so much. Including this handsome, brooding guy right here.

[ Ridge growling ]

[ Taylor chuckling ]

Finn: Hey. I’m gonna get him settled in the car.

Steffy: Oh, yeah. Of course.

Finn: Okay. All right. Good night, everyone. Thank you, eric, for everything.

Eric: My pleasure.

Finn: Bye.

Steffy: Yeah, I think we’re gonna head out. Thank you again. I’ll get kelly.

[ Kelly shouting ] Whoa, hi. Oh, my gosh. Oh, my gosh. What got you so wound up?

Douglas: Oh, rocks.

Steffy: Oh, rocks?

Kelly: Amelia showed us how to paint them.

Steffy: Oh, that sounds pretty awesome.

Kelly: So awesome.

Douglas: Th– they’re not done yet, okay?

Thomas: Okay.

Douglas: But hey, can kelly come over tomorrow so we can finish? Please?

Thomas: Uh… yeah, we’ll talk about it later.

Steffy: I don’t mind bringing kelly over. We could do that.

Thomas: Okay, I’ll let you know.

Steffy: Okay.

Zende: I’m gonna get out of here, but this was great.

Ridge: I’m actually gonna do the same. I’m out.

Steffy: Yeah, granddad, thank you for hosting us on such short notice.

Eric: Can’t be enough for me. It’s a nice evening.

Steffy: Mom, you uh… you ready?

Taylor: I will be out in a second, yes.

Ridge: I can give you a ride.

Taylor: I should go with them. Thanks.

Ridge: Okay.

Brooke: I don’t trust taylor and steffy when it comes to douglas either.

Liam: So, you– you don’t think that they have douglas’ best interests in mind?

Brooke: They think they do, but they really don’t because this is about winning for them. The forresters versus the logans. And unfortunately, douglas is caught in the middle because he’s thomas’ son. Now, I’m not saying that they don’t love him or care about him. I am sure that they do, but they have an agenda and this agenda includes taking douglas away from his family, from his home and that’s you, beth and hope.

Liam: Yeah, it’s– it’s a complicated situation, I get that. Thomas is douglas’ father and obviously, he wants to spend more quality time with him now that his mind is– is in a seemingly better place, but here’s the problem though. He can have all of that without uprooting douglas from everything he knows.

Brooke: Well, exactly.

Liam: It’s like– nobody– who wants it to get ugly? Nobody. Who wants a big custody battle? Nobody. But– but the longer thomas keeps getting his way, the more entitled he’s gonna feel to keeping douglas and I don’t understand why hope isn’t putting her foot down and insisting that douglas come home like tonight. Like now.

Thomas: Thanks again for coming. I know it meant the world to douglas and I– I hope it wasn’t like a little too weird though. All forrester all the time.

[ Hope laughing ]

Hope: Well, I’m pretty used to it at work, so.

Thomas: Oh, that’s true. Yeah, makes sense.

Hope: So, look. About douglas.

Thomas: Speaking of. Hey, man.

Douglas: Hey!

Hope: Hey.

Douglas: Hey, mom.

Hope: Hi, sweetie.

Douglas: Thanks for letting me stay here so long with dad. I’m really having the best time.

Hope: Well, I’m glad you’re having fun, sweetie, but you know, just don’t forget that liam, beth and I, we miss you like crazy.

Douglas: Okay. Can do. Hi, I’m karen. Since starting golo and taking release, I was hoping to lose maybe 20 pounds. And it was so easy and simple. To see it work the way it did, before I knew it, 58 pounds had fallen off. Not flossing well?Then add the whoa! Of listerine to your routine. New science shows it gets in between teeth to destroy 5x more plaque above the gumline than floss. For a cleaner, healthier mouth. Listerine. Feel the whoa! (Vo) at the tidy cats innovation lab.We live to solve litter issu

if I could be you and you could be me for just one hour

if we could find a way to get inside each other’s mind

walk a mile in my shoes

walk a mile i n my shoes

well before you abuse, criticize and accuse

walk a mile in my shoes

Finn: I got the touch.

Steffy: Yeah, I do know that.

Finn: You kidding me?

Steffy: What were you talking about?

Finn: How long was i in there? Mere minutes, both those kiddos down.

Steffy: That’s because they’re exhausted from the family gathering.

Finn: I think you’re just jealous.

Steffy: I am not jealous.

Finn: Oh, you’re jealous.

Steffy: I am not.

[ Steffy laughing ] Maybe a little.

Taylor: Oh, man. I am so annoying. I can’t stand myself right now.

Steffy: Um, mom, no it’s– no, it’s– it’s fine. It’s– I’m guessing you’re doing your regular refrigerator raid?

Taylor: Yes, well, actually, I just wanted some nuts for now. I don’t know.

Finn: Is that mother daughter code?

Steffy: She does some late night snacking when she’s thinking about something.

Taylor: Is it that obvious?

Steffy: Only to someone who loves you. I know dad going home with brooke hurt you on some level, but you have to remember all of the amazing things he said about you. I’m right. It’s only a matter of time before you and dad are back together.

Ridge: You know, seeing finn and steffy together, it just never gets old. I thought that part of her life was gone and now it’s just shining so brightly.

Brooke: Sounds wonderful. It sounds like a good time was had by all.

Ridge: Logan, come on–

Brooke: No, ridge. You don’t need to apologize. You invited me even though steffy didn’t, but I could understand why she wouldn’t want me there at a forrester family get together with taylor.

Ridge: I just don’t want you to get hurt.

Brooke: I’m not hurt. No. I just… missed you.

Ridge: Yeah?

Brooke: Mm-hm. And I would like to show you just how much.

Ridge: Okay.

Liam: Hey, hey.

Hope: Hey.

Liam: What– where is douglas?

Hope: Still at eric’S.

Liam: You said you were gonna bring him home.

Hope: Well, thomas knows that I wanted to.

Liam: Okay, so thomas refused to let you take your own son. Like that is– that is a problem, hope.

Hope: No, it’s not thomas.

Liam: Okay, all right, okay. So, then what? What happened?

Hope: Douglas. He’s just so happy there right now and um, he started this rock project with kelly and he didn’t

Finn: I got the touch.

Steffy: Yeah, I do know that.

Finn: You kidding me?

Steffy: What were you talking about?

Finn: How long was i in there? Mere minutes, both those kiddos down.

Steffy: That’s because they’re exhausted from the family gathering.

Finn: I think you’re just jealous.

Steffy: I am not jealous.

Finn: Oh, you’re jealous.

Steffy: I am not.

[ Steffy laughing ] Maybe a little.

Taylor: Oh, man. I am so annoying. I can’t stand myself right now.

Steffy: Um, mom, no it’s– no, it’s– it’s fine. It’s– I’m guessing you’re doing your regular refrigerator raid?

Taylor: Yes, well, actually, I just wanted some nuts for now. I don’t know.

Finn: Is that mother daughter code?

Steffy: She does some late night snacking when she’s thinking about something.

Taylor: Is it that obvious?

Steffy: Only to someone who loves you. I know dad going home with brooke hurt you on some level, but you have to remember all of the amazing things he said about you. I’m right. It’s only a matter of time before you and dad are back together.

Ridge: You know, seeing finn and steffy together, it just never gets old. I thought that part of her life was gone and now it’s just shining so brightly.

Brooke: Sounds wonderful. It sounds like a good time was had by all.

Ridge: Logan, come on–

Brooke: No, ridge. You don’t need to apologize. You invited me even though steffy didn’t, but I could understand why she wouldn’t want me there at a forrester family get together with taylor.

Ridge: I just don’t want you to get hurt.

Brooke: I’m not hurt. No. I just… missed you.

Ridge: Yeah?

Brooke: Mm-hm. And I would like to show you just how much.

Ridge: Okay.

Liam: Hey, hey.

Hope: Hey.

Liam: What– where is douglas?

Hope: Still at eric’S.

Liam: You said you were gonna bring him home.

Hope: Well, thomas knows that I wanted to.

Liam: Okay, so thomas refused to let you take your own son. Like that is– that is a problem, hope.

Hope: No, it’s not thomas.

Liam: Okay, all right, okay. So, then what? What happened?

Hope: Douglas. He’s just so happy there right now and um, he started this rock project with kelly and he didn’t finish it and it just… I don’t know what to do. I love him and I miss him and I want him here with us, but he just seems so happy with– over at eric’s and with his dad and his whole family and I just–

Liam: Okay, okay.

Hope: I don’t know what to do.

Liam: It’s okay.

Hope: It just didn’t feel right. It didn’t feel right to pull him out of that. Not tonight. Not yet. Sorry. Sorry.

Liam: Hey, hey. It’s okay. It’s okay. I–

[ Hope laughing ] No, I get it, I get it, I get it, okay? I get the dilemma. You’re um… you’re trying to give douglas a voice, you’re trying to respect his wishes, um, and that’s super cool, it’s part of what makes you a good mom. Just, what I care about is that you don’t lose sight of how manipulative thomas can be because this– look at you. Like, he knows you’re going through this. He knows you have this conflict and he will use it to his advantage. But, only if you let him.

[ Hope sniffling ]

[ Thomas sighing ]

Thomas: Stop, thomas. Hope’s married. You can’t go back there.

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