Y&R Short Recap Monday, August 22, 2022

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps

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Recap written by Christine

Nick told Sharon that Chance closed the case. They talked about Nick processing his role in Ashland’s death, and Sharon promised to be there for him. Chance told Abby about his decision to close the case. Abby was dismayed that her father had gone rogue, but she was appreciative that Chance protected him. Chance took issue with Abby framing this like he made the choice to protect the family, and they talked it out and made up. He seemed troubled, but he ultimately felt he made the right choice. Adam complained to Victor about the way he’d been treated by Victor. Adam argued that Victor and Victoria pushed Ashland over the edge. Adam asked about Ashland’s death. Victor said Nick protected Victoria from Ashland’s violence, then Victor protected Nick and Victoria. Victoria moved home and had flashbacks to the night Ashland died. Billy dropped by and Victoria told him that Nick accidentally killed Ashland and Victor covered it up. Billy helped Victoria feel better about living in the home again, and they reminisced about when they shared the house together.

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