GH Short Recap Tuesday, August 16, 2022


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Recap written by Eva

Sonny has to cut short his date with Nina when he gets a call from Brick about Dax’s background check. Sonny meets with Dax later and tells him that he has some bad news for him.

Nicolas tells his Uncle Victor the truth about what happened to Esme and Victor wants Ava to go to jail because he thinks she has become a liability for their family. Nicolas persuades him to help him protect Ava and Spencer. Victor throws the shoe that Nicolas found where Esme fell, as well as, her suitcase of the parapets into the harbor right before Jordan arrives with a search warrant.

Robert arrives in court before the verdict is read and he and Diane persuade the judge to let the bartender testify. The bartender happily testifies because Jordan gave him a deal in exchange for his testimony. Once the bartender testifies, all the charges are dropped against Trina. Trina asks Rory to text her later so they can make plans for a date. Josslyn persuades Spencer to tell Trina about his plan to help her. Spencer and Trina are left alone in the court room and are finally able to talk.

Britt and Terry tell Willow that she has early-stage leukemia and the chemotherapy drugs could hurt the baby. Britt and Terry explain that they usually wait until the pregnancy is further along so she can give birth early and then start chemotherapy. Britt and Terry tell Willow that since she is early in her pregnancy the wait would be too long and her leukemia could get worse if she waits for an early birth.

Drew tells Michael he may have found a way to get ELQ back from Valentin, but they will talk about it later after the party to celebrate Willow’s graduation from nursing school. Willow arrives home early and Michael is fixing things for the party and notices that Willow looks upset and he asks her what is, wrong.

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