GH Short Recap Tuesday, August 2, 2022

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps

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Recap written by Eva

Willow has a bone marrow biopsy to see if she has leukemia but she, still refuses to tell Michael what is going on with her health.

Elizabeth has an episode on the hospital stairway where she remembers finding Peter dead and then she remembers

when she was little calling for her daddy. Finn finds Elizabeth and tries to persuade her to talk to someone but she insists she is well.

Diane is able to create reasonable doubt in Tina’s trial after Trina’s testimony. Jordan and Curtis figure out what Esme did to the bartender but they need the bartender to come out of the medically induced coma so they could talk to him. Curtis asks TJ to take the bartender out of his coma.

Nikolas arrive, after Esme falls off the parapet and Ava tells him what happened. Nikolas goes down to look for Esme but can’t find her. Nikolas tells Ava he will protect her and they come up with a story to tell Spencer and the police.

Jordan arrests Spencer for leaving Spring Ridge and going to the cemetery to visit his mother’s grave.

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