Y&R Short Recap Thursday, July 7, 2022

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps

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Recap written by Eva

Chelsea dissolves her business partnership with Chloe and admits to Chloe that she was right she has been distracted and she isn’t ready to launch a business. Chelsea tells Chloe she will talk to Lauren and Summer and cancel her deals with them.

Chloe leaves a message for Sally telling her that she is ready to discuss her job offer.

Nikki tries to persuade Nick to return to Newman Enterprises and be the moral compass for Adam and Victoria and Nick tells his mother he will think about the job offer.

Victoria tells Billy the details of how she got rid of Ashland.

Ashland has his fixer follow Adam, Victor, and Victoria and report to him everything they do.

Victor talks to Adam and Victoria to try and persuade them to work together so the company can be a family company.

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