Days Update Wednesday, June 22, 2022

Days of Our Lives Update

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Update written by Joseph

Eli tells Lani that she doesn’t have to do this but Lani declares that she cannot lie anymore as she still imagines TR. Chanel tells Johnny to put his camera down. Paulina argues that Lani is just trying to take the burden off of her but she did what she did. Lani tells her that she doesn’t have to cover for her anymore. Lani tells Abe that she’s telling the truth that she is the one who pulled the trigger, so she’s the one who should suffer the consequences. Julie argues that it doesn’t matter who pulled the trigger since TR got what he deserved. Olivia agrees. Lani knows how much TR hurt Paulina, but his actions should’ve been decided by a court of law and not her. Abe says if she was shooting him in self defense or to defend her mother, it’s a justifiable shooting. Lani says that’s not how it went down. Paulina pleads with her to stop but Lani explains how she walked in to the apartment and saw TR about to hit Paulina, then she saw Abe lying on the floor. Lani adds that she had just found out that TR shot Eli, so all those things came together at once and the next thing she knew. Eli stops her and says she doesn’t have to say any more, but Lani says she does. Lani continues that Paulina went to check on Abe, while she went to help TR but it was too late as he was gone. Lani states that she realized she killed her father. Lani cries that ever since that moment, TR has been haunting her every day and night because she’s been carrying this secret and she didn’t want Paulina to take the fall. Abe asks how this happened. Lani explains that it was the same night that Ciara’s baby was kidnapped so dispatch took forever to respond because half the force was on Smith Island. Julie recalls being so concerned that she sent Steve over to check. Lani says that when Steve walked in, Paulina just blurted out that she shot TR. Paulina asks Lani not to say anymore. Lani says she tried to come clean but she was in such a daze and she was worried about Abe while Paulina told her to keep her mouth shut and just go to the hospital with Abe. Abe questions Paulina taking the heat for Lani. Lani says she did it out love and now she’s telling the truth out of love for her. Lani declares that the truth is, she shot her father and she is guilty as she breaks down crying while Lani’s vision of TR finally disappears.

Lani tells Eli that she’s sorry as she knows he wanted her to keep the secret. Eli says they will figure it out. Lani tells Abe and Paulina that she didn’t mean to do this in the middle of their wedding, but she couldn’t keep it inside any longer. Johnny asks Chanel if she’s okay. Allie says of course she’s not. Chanel then encourages Lani that they love her and they have her back. Kate suggests to Roman that maybe they shouldn’t be here but Roman declares they are all in this together now. Lani argues that this is supposed to be a celebration for Abe and Paulina’s marriage, so she asks them to stay for them. Paulina asks what Lani is going to do. Lani responds that she’s going to the police station to turn herself in. Eli agrees to take her to the station himself. Julie argues against Lani doing that. Julie knows Lani is doing it because she loves her mother, but urges her to think of Eli and their children. Julie asks if Lani wants her kids to be raised without their mother. Lani says she doesn’t. Julie says the most important thing a mother does is protect her children. Paulina asks Lani to let her do this for her. Lani points out that she already confessed. Julie argues that it was only in front of her family and there was no outsiders. Julie says they all love them so much. Julie states that Abe and Paulina just took a sacred vow. Julie proposes they all take another vow to take this secret to their graves. Julie asks for a show of hands of who is with her. Paulina, Abe, Olivia, and Theo all raise their hands. Kate comments on honest Abe going along with it but is then surprised when Roman raises his hand as well, so Kate reluctantly does also. Chanel raises her hand, followed by Johnny and Allie. Nicole raises her hand and then Eric slowly does the same. They all look to El, who is the last person to raise his hand. Eli then hugs Lani as she cries.

Lani declares that she is deciding for herself as whatever TR did or didn’t do, she is an officer of the law who shot an unarmed man and she has to answer for that. Julie cries that she doesn’t. Lani says she loves them all. Lani hugs Julie, Olivia, Theo, Abe, Paulina, and Chanel. Lani thanks them for their offer but says coming clean today and speaking the truth is the first time she’s felt right since the night of the shooting. Lani repeats that she loves them and then asks Eli to drive her to the police station, which he agrees to do. Eli and Lani then walk out of the park together. Paulina wants to go with them but Abe tells her that there’s nothing any of them can do. Allie points out to Chanel that nobody else touched the cake, so she asks if they should box it up to take it home. Johnny comes over and offers to help with whatever they need. Eric asks if Nicole is okay. Nicole says she was just thinking about Lani as she grew up watching her father abuse her mother almost every day and that’s when Abe came in to her life. Nicole says Lani didn’t grow up watching that, but in the end they both made the same decision. Eric points out that Nicole didn’t kill her father. Nicole feels she willed him to die, so the only difference is that she has no regrets. Eric understands that what happened here brought up those emotions for her. Paulina talks about having to watch Lani grow up from a distance, unable to be there for her as a mother and now Lani will have to do the same thing if her babies are forced to grow up without her. Julie notes that the babysitter is expecting Eli and Lani to be back by now. Theo decides he will go relieve her and watch the kids for as long as they need. Julie decides to go with Theo. Abe thanks them as they leave the park. Paulina asks how Olivia is doing. Olivia says she still has something to say about what Paulina did.

In the interrogation room, Lani writes her statement and asks Eli to have it typed up for her and then she will sign it. Lani questions Eli not saying anything. Eli holds back tears as he declares he doesn’t know how to live without her. Lani asks him not to make it harder than it already is. Eli argues that once she signs that statement, there is no going back. Eli adds that maybe he doesn’t have the right to ask her, but he asks if she won’t do it for Paulina, will she do it for him and their kids? Eli says he can rip up her statement right now and pretend none of this ever happened.

Roman, Kate, Eric, and Nicole bring the food containers back to the Brady Pub. Roman instructs Eric and Nicole where to put them so they can pick them up later. Eric thanks Nicole for helping take the food to the shelters so it wouldn’t go to waste. Nicole recalls when she was the secretary at St. Luke’s. Eric talks about having to move on from being a priest again and telling himself it was God’s will. Kate comments to Roman that Abe and Paulina had another wedding debacle. Roman says at least they got to make it official this time before Lani’s confession. Kate feels for Lani, calling it an impossible situation. Kate asks Roman what he thinks will happen to Lani. Roman doesn’t know but at the very least, it will be hard for her to keep her badge since she shot an unarmed man and lied about it. Kate points out that he was an abuser and criminal. Roman feels that should mitigate the charge, but it all depends on whether Melinda Trask wants to make an example of Lani since nobody wants to look soft on police units. Kate understands it wasn’t technically self-defense but she didn’t seem aware of what she was doing when she pulled the trigger. Kate asks if that would be considered exculpatory if someone wasn’t in the right state of mind or under the influence, meaning they didn’t have intent. Roman asks if she’s secretly been studying law books. Nicole tells Eric that she should get going, but Eric invites her to stay for lunch if she doesn’t already have plans. Eric hears her stomach rumble and encourages her to stay and eat. Nicole then agrees to stay.

Johnny and Allie help Chanel bring the wedding cake home. Johnny says he’s sorry since he’s the whole reason that TR came to town. Chanel says he had no idea who he was, so nobody blames him. Allie adds that nobody blames Lani either and that’s why they were all willing to keep the secret. Chanel talks about being so upset when she thought her mom would go to prison and now she doesn’t feel any better that it could be her sister going to prison.

Theo and Julie get the twins to sleep at Eli and Lani’s. Theo worries about how Eli will manage on his own if Lani goes to prison. Julie says they will all have to pray that Lani will be exonerated, but if not, there are enough hands and hearts in their family to get the job done until Lani comes back to them.

Paulina knows Olivia has something to say about all this but she can’t hear it right now. Olivia tells her she will hear it. Olivia declares that she has never been prouder of her which surprises Paulina. Olivia states that Paulina made the biggest sacrifice a mother could make when Lani was born, by giving her up to protect her. Abe points out that now Paulina has done it all over again. Olivia is sure that Lani is proud to have Paulina as a mother. Paulina says that’s kind of them to say but feels it didn’t turn out to be the right thing. Paulina adds that she lied to the police and to their family. Paulina brings up promising Abe that she would never lie to him again and says she left him completely in the dark. Abe responds that he wasn’t exactly in the dark, surprising Paulina.

Lani tells Eli that if he tears up her statement, he would be tampering with evidence. Eli is not worried about that right now. Lani cries that if she keeps going on with the lie, everyone at the wedding will have to lie for her. Eli reminds her that they all agreed to do so. Lani asks if he really thinks there is any way in hell that the lie could stay a secret with all those people knowing. Lani adds that Johnny was recording it. Lani cries that there is no turning back, so she has to face the truth and deal with the consequences.

Paulina questions what Abe means by saying he wasn’t in the dark. Olivia decides to give them some alone time and walks away. Abe explains that when he woke up in the hospital, he knew he remembered hearing Paulina say “what have you done”. Paulina thought he was out. Abe says he didn’t understand but the more he thought about it, the more he thought that Lani was the one who really shot TR. Paulina questions Abe knowing all this time. Abe clarifies that he talked to Eli about his suspicions and Eli spoke to Lani, then came back and assured him he was wrong and that Lani was innocent. Abe believes Eli knew and that Lani told him the truth. Abe understands that Eli lied to him to protect his wife. Abe says he believed Eli because he didn’t want to imagine the outcome that Lani is facing now.

Eli asks Lani if she has any idea how long she could be locked up and how hard it could be inside for her as a cop. Lani says of course she does. Eli adds that by the time she gets out, their children could be teenagers. Lani cries that part of the reason she’s doing this is for their kids, so she can be an example they can be proud of. Eli argues that she already is and she doesn’t have to go to prison for that. Lani argues that ever since she pulled that trigger, she’s been living in her own prison and seeing TR every where she looked while hating herself. Eli argues that she told the truth to everyone that matters, her friends and family. Lani asks about her responsibility to the badge. Eli states that they are cops, but they are human beings first and sometimes their choices are to put the people they love above the law. Lani guesses he’s talking about when she helped Kristen. Eli confirms that and asks what is the difference now. Lani acknowledges that it was wrong for her to do it then and it is wrong for her to do it now. Lani says she should’ve told the truth from the beginning and then she wouldn’t have ruined another wedding or let another lie fester between Abe and Paulina. Lani hopes they can forgive her.

Allie brings up the tradition to freeze a piece of the wedding cake so the bride and groom can eat it on their first anniversary. Johnny never heard of that and wonders if they have this tradition in Italy since it would’ve been nice to relive he and Chanel’s wedding day one year later. Johnny reminds Chanel of their wedding day while Allie rolls her eyes.

Roman and Kate have lunch with Eric and Nicole. Roman talks about no matter how many weddings take place in Salem, hope springs eternal and they never give up on love. Kate brings up another Salem wedding coming up and asks Nicole when the big day is. Nicole responds that she and Rafe were planning to get married this week but they postponed it because Rafe is leading the investigation in to Abigail’s murder. Kate calls that so tragic and asks if there are any suspects. Nicole doesn’t know as Rafe hasn’t said anything to her. Eric says it doesn’t seem real. Roman wishes it wasn’t. Kate calls it another reminder that life is short, so they should get their happiness when it’s right in front of you. Nicole assures that she and Rafe plan on rescheduling their wedding soon. Kate says that wasn’t what she was getting at, so Roman questions what she was getting at. Kate remarks that she’s sure Eric believes in signs. Kate brings up that Eric came back to Salem, was forced out of the priesthood, and then Nicole postponed her wedding. Roman questions what Kate is doing. Kate responds that she’s asking questions. Roman feels she’s stirring the pot and says it’s none of their business. Kate notes that when Nicole accepted Rafe’s proposal, she didn’t have all the facts like the fact that Eric is now back on the market. Nicole insists that she is in love with Rafe and they are very happy. Nicole can’t believe Kate is bringing this up and presuming that Eric wants to be with her, which he does not. Kate asks how she knows that and if she asked him. Nicole says of course she hasn’t, so Kate asks Eric if he would like to get back together with Nicole. Roman tells Kate to stop. Kate points out that Eric didn’t answer. Eric responds that Nicole is capable of making her own decisions and he’s sure she would appreciate if Kate just dropped this. Kate remarks on Eric still not answering the question.

Paulina offers to take Olivia back to her apartment but Olivia says she doesn’t want to go, reminding her that it’s her wedding night. Abe points out that it’s still daytime. Olivia adds that there is some place else that they are needed right now.

Johnny questions Allie giving him her death glare. Allie complains that Johnny is being annoying and insensitive by reminding her that they were married. Chanel interrupts and says she’s starving with a giant cake just sitting there. Allie asks if she wants cake. Chanel doesn’t think Paulina and Abe would mind. Chanel goes to get plates but gets a text and tells them that they can stay as long as they want, but she has to go. Chanel then hurries out of the apartment.

Theo tells Julie that he’s so sorry about Abigail. Theo adds that if Julie wants to go be with her family, he’ll be fine as the kids are asleep. Julie says she would prefer to stay here and be useful to take her mind off things. Theo then gets a text and asks if she’d mind if he steps out for awhile because there is somewhere he needs to be.

Lani tells Eli that she should’ve arrested TR but instead she went for her gun and shot to kill, which not only makes her a murderer but a hypocrite. Lani talks about how many times she condemned trigger-happy cops for making them all look bad. Eli argues that this is different since TR hurt her family and was about to do it again. Lani says if she’s serious about holding cops to a higher standard and making them accountable, then she needs to do the same for herself. Eli calls her a great cop and an even better mother, wife, and daughter. Eli tells Lani that they love her and they need her. Lani cries that she doesn’t want to be separated from him or the kids, but she wants Jules and Carver to be able to say their mother did the right thing. Eli questions if she’s sure this is the right thing. Lani says that doesn’t mean she’s not terrified at the thought of being away from him. Lani tells Eli that she loves him so much and he hugs her as she cries. Eli tells Lani that he loves her and will be by her side the whole time, so they will get through it together.

Nicole says thanks for lunch but she has to go pick up Holly, so Eric walks her out of the Pub. Roman questions Kate what the hell that was all about. Kate says everything is so doom and gloom these days so she decided to try to play matchmaker. Roman questions why she was pushing his son to be with a woman that Kate doesn’t even like. Kate responds that it’s obvious that Eric is still in love with Nicole. Roman asks how it’s obvious. Kate says it’s obvious to them and Nicole too.

Eric promises Nicole that he did not put Kate up to whatever she was doing. Nicole knows him well enough that he would never stoop to that. Eric says he never would’ve asked her to stay if he did. Nicole is glad he did because the chowder was amazing. Eric thanks her for helping them. Nicole says anytime and she’ll talk to him soon. Eric mentions that he’ll look out for his wedding invite as Nicole then walks away.

Allie and Johnny eat wedding cake. Allie comments that he might be losing his touch. Johnny claims he was just helping her with the cake. Allie complains that he had to insert his romantic memories of his beautiful Italian fairy tale wedding. Johnny asks if he’s not allowed to talk about their past. Allie asks what if she constantly brought up her past with Chanel, who she has known a lot longer. Johnny asks if she thinks Chanel can’t see through Allie and how she looked at her after she caught the bouquet. Johnny is surprised Allie didn’t knock somebody over to catch it herself. Allie responds that Chanel was motivated enough for the both of them. Allie says Chanel talks about keeping her distance and taking it slow but she did not hesitate to line up to catch the bouquet. Johnny argues that if Chanel wants to marry anybody, it’s him again. Allie says she will not turn this in to some juvenile competition, so whatever happens, happens. Johnny agrees and says may the best twin win.

Julie looks at Eli and Lani’s wedding photo.

Lani signs her official statement and hands it back to Eli. Eli informs her that Rafe gave him the OK to escort her to the booking himself. Lani thanks him. Eli asks if she’s ready to do this. Lani says she’s as ready as she’ll ever be. Eli and Lani then exit the interrogation room to find Abe, Paulina, Olivia, Chanel, and Theo at the police station. Lani questions what they are all doing here, reminding Abe and Paulina that it’s their wedding day. Paulina assures that they are all where they want to be as Olivia reminded her of what family does when the going gets tough. Abe assures Lani that they all love her. Lani apologizes as this was supposed to be a day about celebration, Juneteenth, and their wedding. Lani knows how much Paulina was willing to sacrifice for her. Lani hopes she doesn’t think she’s throwing that all away. Paulina and Olivia assure that they understand. Abe adds that they are very proud of her. Lani thanks them and says she loves them all so much as she hugs them all. Eli then escorts Lani away.

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