Bold & The Beautiful Transcript
Transcript provided by Suzanne
Li: Then he met Steffy, and the Forresters, which brought you into his life. I haven’t had been nursing him back to life, day and night for you to just swoop in here, and tell me what–
[ Finn groaning ]
Li: Finn! Ha– honey! Can you hear me? Finn, sweetheart! Oh, my goodness. Yes, keep– sweetheart, yes, it’s Mom. Hi. Finn! Oh, Finn, it’s Mom. Can you hear me? Can you hear me? Oh! Open your eyes. Finn! [ Li grunting ]
Sheila: Hi, baby.
[ Machines beeping ]
Sheila: Mama’s right here, baby. I love you so much. It’s your mother. I’m right here by your side. Mama’s right here, baby.
Ridge: Where could Sheila be?
Taylor: I can’t believe she escaped.
Ridge: She’s running around in L.A., putting everyone in jeopardy.
Taylor: Ridge, remember, ju– all of Sheila’s crimes are revenge from–
Ridge: Oh, I remember. I know, Taylor. They had her in custody. They had her! And now she’s gone. How does that happen?
[ Knocking on door ]
Hope: Eric?
Eric: Hope! Hi. I, uh, I remember. You had to talk about the– the new collection? That’s good, come in. Come in.
Hope: Yes, I do wanna have a discussion about that at some point, but that’s actually not why I’m here. Are we, um, are we alone?
Eric: Yes.
Hope: I know the real reason why you’ve been going to the club. I overheard you and Donna. And I saw you and Donna, and– what are you thinking? I mean, you’re having an affair with her while you’re still married to Quinn.
Carter: Nothing sparkles quite like you, Quinn.
Carter: I mean it, Quinn. You give that gem a run for its money.
Quinn: You always say the sweetest things to me, Carter.
Carter: Yeah, I know I’m not supposed to, but sometimes I can’t help myself.
Quinn: Mm, well, I’m never gonna turn down a compliment.
Carter: So you, um, you spoke with BRidget earlier. Any updates about Eric’s health?
Quinn: I explained to her my concerns about Eric’s heart rate going through the roof.
Carter: Oh, so she knows about the ring he’s been wearing?
Quinn: Well, yeah, I had to tell her, you know, so she could understand my concerns, and– tell me if there was anything I needed to be worried about, but I– I also asked her not to say anything to Eric, and she promised she wouldn’t. But I don’t know, I, uh, I feel badly, you know, I don’t– I don’t want to keep any secrets from Eric.
Hope: I spoke with Donna, and she confirmed everything, and– I don’t– guess I came over here so I could hear your side of things.
Eric: My side of things?
Hope: Well, obviously, you know, I believe in the sanctity of marriage. And I thought you did, too. So, uh, what happened?
Eric: What happened? Hope, I’m not a bad person. I know it’s wrong. Donna knows it’s wrong too. I’m just, uh, not at all sure that I’m going to be able to exactly explain to you what happened, or how I, uh, how I got here. But here is where I am.
Ridge: I feel so powerless.
Taylor: I know. I know. Me too. But the police said that they’re going to find her. We have to trust that–
Ridge: Our police? The police said that? Now, that’s great. I don’t– that’s not good enough. What are we supposed to do? Just sit around, and wait for information?
Taylor: I don’t know. They’re going to find her.
Ridge: They’re going to find her, where? Where’s she gonna– she doesn’t have anyone here. No friends, no family.
Taylor: All right, let’s– let’s try to stay calm. She can’t hide forever, Ridge.
Sheila: Yes. I’m right here. It’s your mother. Yes. Yes. Come on. That’s good. That’s good. Stay awake. Stay with me, okay? Finn? Finn? Oh, no– no, no, no. No, no, no, no. No, I can’t lose you. Please, Finn, please. You’ve got to wake up. You’ve got to wake up. Oh, god. Oh, god. What to do?
[ Li groaning ]
Eric: Hope, I’m not comfortable cheating on my wife. But what can I say? Donna brings something wonderful to my life.
Hope: So, then what is this really about? I mean, is this about Quinn, and her affair with Carter? Because I thought you forgave her.
Eric: I did. I forgave her.
Hope: I– I know you were hurt by it and you felt betrayed by her, but– I don’t know. Maybe those feelings of deception are– are still there.
Quinn: Well. You’re here just in time. I– just got my latest batch of gemstones.
Carter: Wow. They’re beautiful.
Quinn: Yeah, they are. Some really stand out.
Ridge: I can’t just stand around here. I need some answers.
[ Dialing ]
[ Phone ringing ]
Baker: Deputy Chief Baker.
Ridge: Hey, Baker. Have you found Sheila yet?
Baker: Unfortunately, no. Sheila Carter’s still a fugitive.
Ridge: Any leads at all or–
Baker: Not yet.
Ridge: So, explain something. She walked out of your jail. No one has any clue what happened. Don’t you have cameras there? You do, right?
Baker: We’re reviewing everything we have. She never showed up at the hotel that she was staying at. We spoke with Deacon Sharpe. He hasn’t seen or heard from her. We have an A.P.B. out for her arrest.
Ridge: So– so a killer is missing. How does that happen?
Baker: It appears that a guard may have helped her, when she was transferring to another facility.
Ridge: I don’t want excuses from you. I want you to find this woman. She’s very dangerous. And you need to put her under lock and key. She can’t be walking around anymore.
Baker: We will find Sheila Carter, and she will be brought to justice.
Ridge: Great. Let’s try to do that before somebody else gets hurt.
[ Li groaning ]
[ Machines beeping ]
Li: I’m keeping Finn alive, and you knocked me out?
Sheila: I– I just saw him open his eyes. I never thought I’d see that again.
Li: He’s– is he– is he awake?
Sheila: Yes, he was. He was, at least, I think, for a brief moment, he– he even, he even called me “Mom.”
Li: Is–
Sheila: But then he slipped. You need to help him, Li.
[ Li groaning ]
Sheila: Get up. Get up. He– he needs your help. Here, here. He needs your help. Get up.
Li: Finn! Sweetheart, can you hear me?
Sheila: Do what you have to do, you do anything. We have to save him because Hayes needs his daddy.
Li: You– you really love him?
Sheila: More than anything. I never meant to hurt him, Li. I swear, that night was just a terrible, terrible accident. It pains me to think that I caused him all of this.
Li: I just– uh, I couldn’t understand you, Sheila. How you claimed to love him, but almost took his life. You took him away from all of us. I– as I’m watching you and hearing you, I’m beginning to believe that you truly do love him. Our son.
Hope: My aunt Donna is a warm, giving person, and it’s no secret that she’s adored you from afar for a very long time. And i just want to make sure that’s not getting taken advantage of.
Eric: Hope, there’s nobody else like her. I– I keep thinking back to the time we had together, what she brought to our lives, what it was like when we were together. I can’t forget that. I will never forget that.
Hope: So are you saying that she’s the one who got away?
Eric: I do think that a bit.
Hope: So what I’m hearing you say is that your marriage to Quinn hasn’t really been the same ever since her involvement with Carter.
Eric: No. No, it hasn’t. I– I haven’t been the same.
Hope: I get what it’s like to– to be drawn to someone because of how they make you feel or because you feel safe with them. But I do think you need to be honest with yourself. And you need to figure out what you want because it’s not fair to either of those women. And I can tell that the guilt has been eating you up.
Eric: You can see that?
Hope: Yes. I think you and I both know that– a decision about your marriage needs to be made.
Carter: You’re on top of your game, Quinn.
Quinn: Yeah, I don’t know. I’ve been feeling inspired lately. Um, take this one, right? I– I’ve been working on this setting for a while and– it’s a nearly flawless stone.
Carter: Huh.
Quinn: It’s gonna make some lucky woman very happy someday.
Taylor: I wonder how Li is doing.
Ridge: We’ll know. I left her a message, but I haven’t heard back.
Taylor: I hope she got it. You know, Sheila’s capable of anything. She could be going after any one of us.
Sheila: Our son?
Li: Yes, Sheila. Our son.
Sheila: You really mean that?
Li: There’s no denying that you gave him life, that you brought him into this world. I never would have had him, if it weren’t for you. And for that, I have to be grateful.
Sheila: You don’t know what it means for me to hear you say that. I– I wanted to die. When I thought I killed him, I just– I wanted to die. I’m so sorry that I hit you. It’s just– you said you were going to go to the police, and I–
Li: Do you think I care about the police? All I care about is our son’s recovery, his well-being. Yes. I am– the one that’s been keeping him alive, but, Sheila, you’re the one who created him.
Sheila: We– we actually share something in common. We’re both Finn’s mothers. And you saved his life, li. You saved our boy’s life.
Hope: I am not encouraging you to leave your wife, or to stay. Whatever you do is entirely up to you. I just– I think a decision needs to be made, either way.
Eric: Thank you, Hope. For your, um, for your understanding. You’re a– a very wise woman.
Hope: I just think you and I both know that the important thing is– is that the truth is told.
Quinn: Carter. We can’t.
Carter: I love you. I adore you. I can’t. I can’t. I can’t live like this. I cannot live like this.
Quinn: I can’t– I can’t betray Eric.
Carter: I don’t want you to. I don’t want you to, but I can’t– I can’t take this anymore, Quinn, it’s too much. I have to shut it down.
Quinn: Carter, I–
Carter: No, I need to forget. I need– I need to move on.
Quinn: Carter, no! Don’t.
Taylor: Ridge, I don’t like this. Even though you increased security, I still have this eerie feeling.
Ridge: I know. I’m sorry. I just sent Li another text. Should we be worried that we’re not hearing back from her?
Taylor: Yeah, she’s a busy doctor. She’s probably somewhere trying to save someone’s life.
Sheila: Ah. Will he ever be the same?
Li: I’m not sure. He was without oxygen for quite some time that night.
Sheila: But he opened his eyes and that’s a good sign, right?
Li: It’s a very good sign.
Sheila: It means he’s coming back. I jus– I just know he is.
Li: You came here looking for his grave. And I’ve done one better. I’ve kept him alive.
Sheila: And I am so thankful, Li. I owe you so much.
Li: You’re a nurse, Sheila. You can see that our boy is struggling. He needs medical help. And I’m running out of supplies. I promise you. I don’t want to be your enemy. I’m not going to call the police.
Sheila: How can I be sure?
Li: You are not the only one that can go to jail here. I signed his death certificate. I smuggled him out of the hospital. Do you think any of that was legal? I have so much to lose here, Sheila. My medical license, my reputation, my freedom. I live for Finn. I can’t be separated from him. He needs me. And I have to admit, he needs you too. Our child. Our son.
Sheila: Finn? Finn?
Li: Finn, can you– can you open your eyes?
[ Finn mumbling ]
Sheila: Come on, baby. We’re– we’re right here. And we– we miss you so much.
Li: Finn, you have to stay with us. Keep trying. Keep fighting. Come on.
Sheila: Finn, Finn, we’re both here, honey. We’re right here.
Li: Both of your mothers are here.
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