Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps
Recap written by Michele and Cheryl
Lucas woke up from his binder. He flashed back to getting the bottle. He realized his hand was cut. He hoped he didn’t hurt anyone else. Chad imagined that he saw Abby. When she left, Rafe showed up. Rafe said he was sorry for his loss. Chad said he didn’t want his sympathy. He said he wanted to know who killed his wife. Leo told Gwen that Abby was murdered. She asked if he did it. Rafe told Chad that he wanted to see the crime scene. When Chad took him upstairs, he thought of Abby. Jack and Jennifer showed up at the hospital. They wanted to see Abby. Leo was upset that Gwen accused him of killing Abby. She said he wanted to get revenge on Chad and thought that was how he did it. He said he didn’t do it. Rafe checked Abby’s jewelry and said the killer made it look as if it was a robbery. Lucas went to the pub and asked Roman if Kate was there. Roman asked if he heard the news. Lucas didn’t know what he was talking about. Roman told him Abby was murdered. Jennifer talked to Abby. Leo denied killing Abby. Gwen asked if he saw anything. He flashed back to seeing Abby. He reminded her that Abby broke the gift she made for Jack. He said she wanted him to stab Abby with one of the pieces. He asked her if she killed Abby.
Gwen told Leo that she was in prison and couldn’t have killed Abby. She flashed back to trying to get back in prison. The guard told her that she missed bed check. She told Leo that the place was surrounded by guards. Leo said Abby died the way she wanted her to. Gwen said she had a motive, but she didn’t have the means. She said it wasn’t possible. Jack talked to Abby and told her how he disappointed her and how much he loved her. Jennifer comforted Jack while he was talking to her. Chad thought about Abby again and broke down. Leo and Gwen wondered who could have killed Abby since they didn’t do it. Lucas wondered if he was the one who killed Abby after talking to Roman. Kate went to see Chad. She told him she was sorry. He asked if she really was. He asked her if she remembered the conversation they had when he told her that he told Abby Lucas kidnapped Abby. He said she was upset with him and wanted reassurances. He ripped into her. She asked if he thought she killed Abby to keep her quiet. He asked if she did. Leo told Gwen that she didn’t seem upset about Abby’s death. Lucas went to the hospital and saw Jennifer and Jack. Jennifer said she was glad to see him. Chad told Kate that he thought she talked to Abby and things got out of hand. Kate said she knew he was upset and wasn’t thinking straight. She said she and Lucas would never kill Abby. Chad asked why she would mention Lucas. Kate said he told Abby that Lucas was the one who kidnapped Sami. Chad said Lucas didn’t know about that. He asked if he did.
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