Y&R Short Recap Wednesday, May 11, 2022

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps

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Recap written by Eva

Allie opens up to Jack that she felt the need to come see him because her mother went to Los Angeles and she only stayed for one night and just signed some papers about Kemo’s estate and left. Allie tells Jack that her strained relationship with her mother made her miss her father even more. Jack tells Allie that she can consider the Abbott house her home and she will always be welcome there.

Kyle tells Diane that he is headed back to Italy because he needs to talk to Summer and get her thoughts about whether he should have a relationship with her.

Sharon and her family, as well as, Chelsea attend a private memorial service for Rey that was not shown on screen. Everyone returns to Sharon’s house and shares memories of Rey. Chelsea returns to her hotel room and talks to Rey and admits they had a connection that was more then friendship and if he had lived she would have pursued a romantic relationship with him even though she would have felt badly about hurting Sharon.

Michael and Lauren argue because Lauren wants him to stop working for Victor. Michael says that the only way that he will stop working for Victor is if she retires as well and leave Fenmore’s so they can move to the south of France. Lauren refuses to do that so Michael promises that he will try to cut back on work and spend more time with her.

Michael sees Diane and tells her he is happy she is alive. Michael has drinks with Diane and Lauren walks in and sees Michael and Diane having drinks together and she doesn’t look happy about it.

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