Days Transcript Thursday, May 5, 2022

Days of Our Lives Transcript

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Transcript provided by Suzanne

TR: if it wasn’t for you, paulina. If you’re not with the twins, you’re here taking care of me, making sure I never have to leave his side.

Paulina: It is my honor to support my daughter and my son-in-law. And I am going to keep right on doing it, as long as you need me to. Oh.

TR: How are my two favorite girls?

Paulina: Mm, more flowers. You’re going to make all the other patients very jealous.

Lani: Thank you, tr. They’re lovely.

TR: How’s the patient? Any change?

Lani: Unfortunately, no. But I keep talking to him, telling him how we all cannot wait for him to come back. And, I don’t know, maybe it’s just wishful thinking, but I really feel like he’s listening this time.

Paulina: Oh, I don’t think it’s wishful thinking at all, darling. I think eli hears every word that you say to him and that he’s working very hard to get back to you and those beautiful children.

Tripp: So, what brings you in today, ms. Howard?

[Tense music]

[Elevator dings]

Chanel: How-how are you feeling?

Johnny: Much better. Yeah, as you could see, last night, I was in pretty rough shape, but I’m all rehydrated and good to go.

Chanel: G, are you sure? You’ve been through a lot.

Johnny: Ah, it wasn’t that bad. I mean, sure, I was possessed by the devil, held prisoner in a crypt, almost strangled to death by my dead uncle. But, hey, everyone’s got their problems, right?

Chanel: Yeah, way to put things in perspective.

Johnny: You know, to be honest, all that did do a pretty good number on me, but I’m fine now.

Chanel: And I assume you’re headed home to rest?

Johnny: No way. I need to find allie.

Demon allie: Now that I’ve convinced you that your beloved husband is dead and you’re in mortal danger from the maniac who killed him, you can stay here with me, where you’ll be safe. I’ll keep a close eye on you until you give birth, and then that baby will finally be mine. That’s the plan, ciara. And nobody and nothing is going to stop me.

Susan: Oh, ben, I got your message and I came as soon as I could!

Ben: Susan, I am freaking out. Nobody has seen or heard from ciara since yesterday.

Susan: Oh, what about allie?

Ben: Nobody’s seen or heard from her either.

Susan: Well, I mean, she’s possessed, so that’s hardly surprising.

Ben: Susan, I need to find ciara right now. She could give birth at any time, and the devil is after our baby.

Susan: Okay. You know what, ben? I know how scared you must be after tangling with the devil up close and personal, but you know what? You and ciara, you have a special love. And you know what? Love will always win over evil every time.

Ben: [Sighs] I really hope you’re right. And I really hope that we can use your powers to help me connect with her again, just like you did before. Please.

Susan: Oh, okay, okay. All right, you know the drill. You just go get you something of hers and then, we’ll get cracking, huh? I’m gonna have you two lovebirds chirping in no time! Whoo!

[Sighs] Yeah.

Male announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the “days of our lives.”

[Soft orchestration]

Ben: I gave this to ciara as an anniversary gift.

Susan: It’s a little small, isn’t it?

Ben: It’s symbolic. The bike is what brought us together.

Susan: You know, that is real sweet, ben. That’s real sweet. All right, we’re gonna do this like we did before. Nice and easy, all right?

Ben: [Sighs]

Susan: Okay.

[Inhales deeply] Ahh.

[Inhales deeply] Ooh. Ciara alice brady weston! Oh, honey, I need to feel your presence, sweetheart!

Ben: Anything?

Susan: Uh…no. Here, you hold it. You hold it. Hold it, huh? Come on! Let’s do this! All right, come on!

[Clears throat] Sweetheart, I got your hubby right here! You know, he’s alive and he’s well and he’s reaching out to you, sweetie. He’s reaching out to you and he loves you so much! And I just– I want you to feel his love! Feel his love! Come on! Come on, huh? Anything? Nothing. Why don’t you talk to her?

Ben: Ciara, it’s me. I’m alive and I’m trying to find you, but I need your help.

Ciara: Ben?

Susan: Come on, ben. Keep going. Keep going, honey. Come on.

Ben: Ciara, my love, if you can hear me, I need you to tell me where you are.

Ciara: Ben. Ben, is that you?

[Gasps] Allie.

Allie: Hey, I think you were having a nightmare.

Ciara: No, that wasn’t a nightmare. Allie, it was ben. I heard him. Allie, he’s alive!

Ben: Aw, so close. I-I almost felt her. I swear to god, I was so close. I don’t–I don’t know. Something happened.

Susan: All right, hold on. It’s-it’s the devil. The devil was messing up the signal, that’s all.

Ben: So then, now what? What do we do?

TR: What’s the latest with eli’s doctors? Do they think he has a chance to wake up?

Paulina: Ha, forget those doctors. This wonderful man with a smile that lights up the world? Oh, he’s coming out of this. I am sure of it.

Abe: Wow. It’s a full house, huh?

Lani: [Sighs] Come on in, dad.

Abe: I thought there weren’t supposed to be too many people in this room right now.

Paulina: Um, I’ll go. Yeah, I got to use the little girls’ room anyway. I’ll talk to you later, okay, sweetheart?

Lani: Oh, okay.

Paulina: Okay.

[Door shuts]

Abe: Well, was it something I said?

TR: More like something you did.

Chanel: G, it might not be that easy for you to find your sister. You see, I don’t know if anyone told you this, but she– allie, she took ciara.

Johnny: What? What? Took? Took her where?

Chanel: No one knows.

Johnny: Oh, my god. And the devil wants my cousin’s baby.

Chanel: Every cop in town has been looking for them. Oh, g, what if they shoot first and then ask questions later? I’m scared, johnny. I am so scared.

Johnny: It’s okay.

[Elevator dings]

Paulina: What the hell is going on here? I have moderate to severe plaque psoriasis.

Tripp: Ms. Howard, may I ask how you got injured this way?

Beth: I tripped. Landed on my face.

Tripp: Are you sure? Anything you tell me will remain strictly confidential. The doctors who work here are given treatment guidelines. They help us to accurately identify what’s going on with patients so we can provide the help that they need. I want to make sure that I’m doing all I can to help you, ms. Howard. So, I have to ask, did someone do this to you? There’s another option that might make you a little more comfortable. In situations like this, it’s often helpful to call in a female police officer.

Beth: No. No cops. Look, I’m in a lot of pain. I just need a prescription for painkillers.

Tripp: You should probably be admitted.

Beth: No, I can’T. I can’T. I can’t be here. I have to work.

Tripp: Ice first, then heat in a couple of days. And switch to ibuprofen as soon as you can.

Beth: I will.

Tripp: Would you like me to call a friend to pick you up?

Beth: No, I’m good.


[Solemn music]

Abe: So what exactly is it that you think I did?

TR: Paulina told me that she made it clear that she still had feelings for you, and you rejected her.

Abe: And what the hell business is it of yours?

TR: Actually, it is. I care about her very much, and I don’t want to see her get hurt.

Abe: [Laughs] That is rich coming from you. If anyone–

Lani: Okay, stop! Stop! Dad, stop! Stop it! My husband is fighting for his life, and you two are standing there arguing? What is wrong with you?

Paulina: Keep your filthy hands off my daughter!

Johnny: Look, ms. Price, I know how you feel about me, but chanel, can you please explain to your mother that I’m not the horrible person she thinks I am? I’m sorry. I-I really have to go.

Paulina: [Scoffs] Of course. Of course he runs off. Damn coward!

Chanel: No, johnny really does have something important to do.

Paulina: Oh, yeah, and what is that? Get to a hot date?

Chanel: No, he spent the night here last night, mama. He just got released.

Paulina: And went straight to manhandling you.

Chanel: No, he was comforting me because I was upset. That’s all.

Paulina: Oh, chanel, please don’t tell me that you’re getting sucked back into being with that little punk.

Chanel: You don’t understand.

Paulina: Oh, I understand all right! I understand that he and his twisted sister, they treated you like dirt, shattered your heart into a million pieces!

Chanel: Johnny never meant to hurt me, mama. And neither did allie.

Paulina: What? Well, what is this? This 180 you’re doing here, chanel? Suddenly defending those two? Making excuses for their disgraceful behavior?

Chanel: I’m not making excuses. I’m telling you that– that they weren’t responsible for that behavior.

Paulina: How could they not be? What in the world?

Chanel: It wasn’t them. Mama, they were possessed by the devil.

Allie: Ciara, honey, you couldn’t have heard ben. You were just dreaming.

Ciara: Allie, it was more than that. I’ve had this feeling before I know what this is, the feeling of ben trying to call out to me and reach out to me. I know that that is what this is. I just heard his voice telling me that he needs me.

Allie: Ciara, that’s impossible. And I know this is so hard to accept, but ben is dead.

Ciara: No, allie, I don’t believe that. Every part of me is telling me that that’s not true. Ben just told me himself. Allie, I have to find him.

Allie: Ciara, what you have to do is you have to take care of yourself and your baby, okay? And that means that we need to hide out here until they find evan frears, because if he finds you, he will kill you and your unborn child. Do you understand that?

Ciara: Yeah. Yeah, I guess I do. But what I don’t understand is why the cops aren’t standing guard outside. Rafe said he would send some, so where the hell are they?

Susan: Oh, the devil! The devil! He has isolated ciara! I mean, he wants her and the baby all to himself.

Ben: Yeah, but ciara doesn’t know that. She doesn’t know that allie is possessed, so she trusts her. That’s why the devil, aka allie, is able to manipulate ciara into doing whatever the hell he wants her to do.

Susan: No, not if she is strong and determined like we know she is.

Ben: [Sighs] True, but she just has to hang on until I can get to her.

Susan: Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. She sure as shootin’ will. You mark my word for that! And if that devil gets in our way, ben weston, we are gonna go right the heck around him! That’s what we’re gonna do, because we are gonna find your wife. I promise you. I promise you, because love– love will find a way. Ubrelvy helps u fight migraine attacks.

Abe: Sweetheart, I apologize.

TR: Lani, forgive me.

Lani: Whatever is going on between you two, I cannot have it going on in this room.

Abe: Understood.

[Cell phone buzzes]

TR: Oh, this is my west coast backer again. Look, I’m sorry, I have to take this. You hang in there, okay? I’m praying you for eli.

[Door shuts]

Abe: His west coast backer calls and he just leaves? His work is more important than being here with you.

Lani: Dad.

Susan: Oh, we need to think, think, think, and figure out how to get you and your spunky wife reconnected.

[Exhales sharply]

Ben: Susan.

Susan: Whoo! No, hold on. I’m just gonna get my little noodle working again.

Ben: No, I have an idea.

Susan: What? Hit me, then.

Ben: You remember how ciara and I have communicated psychically before, right? Like when everybody thought she was dead?

Susan: Yeah, yeah, yeah. I remember. Your wedding picture and the fortune cookie.

Ben: Yeah, but also when she was trapped in that glass room and she was being held prisoner, we had the same dream at the same time. I was romeo and she was juliet, and she used lines from the play to reach out to me and message me to tell me that she was alive and I needed to find her.

Susan: Okay. Do you have that play? ‘Cause this thing isn’t working.

Ben: Of course.

Susan: Okay! Well, don’t just stand there, romeo. Go fetch it.


Allie: Actually, the cops did come by. Two cops.

Ciara: What? How did I not know this?

Allie: You were asleep.

Ciara: Then why didn’t you wake me up?

Allie: There was no reason to; they didn’t have any new information.

Ciara: No new information? Allie, they must have said something.

Allie: Just that they have an apb out on evan.

Ciara: Oh, so you’re telling me that we are still in serious danger and the cops just left us?

Allie: No, no. They are down at the dock, okay? It’s the only way onto the island, and they’re keeping a watch so that no one can come hurt you.

Ciara: Okay, well, I want to talk to them. I just heard ben’s voice. I know he’s alive and I need to find him.

Allie: Okay, the cops made it very clear that leaving is not an option. For your safety and for your baby’s safety, you need to stay here.

Ciara: Damn it.

Allie: Hey, ciara? Hey, you really need to calm down, so how about– how about we do some of your lamaze breathing, okay?

Ciara: [Exhales sharply] I was supposed to do all that with ben. He was supposed to be my birthing coach. Allie, I need him. My baby needs him. I miss him so much.

Allie: Hey. Well, you’re not alone, ciara. You have me. I’ll be your birthing coach. And I’ll be so honored to do it, to help bring this precious baby boy into the world.

Paulina: So you’re saying to me all that exorcism did was to get the devil out of marlena? It didn’t get rid of him once and for all?

Chanel: Apparently not.

Paulina: Oh, all the more reason for you not to go anywhere near those evil twins. I don’t want satan jumping into you next.

Chanel: Mama, please. There are more important things to worry about right now. Allie, she-she took ciara.

Paulina: What? What do you mean “took”?

Chanel: Kidnapped. Abducted. Tricked into leaving town. They’re gone and no one knows where they went, but we do know that the devil wants ciara’s baby.

Paulina: Oh, lord, no.

Chanel: Yeah. Johnny– oh, god, I feel so bad for him– he went looking for them. Maybe I should see if I could help him.

Paulina: Oh, no. Didn’t I just tell you that you got to stay away from those two? Now, look, you’re not going anywhere near that mess. Let’s just go get some coffee, and you can tell me the rest of this insane story.

TR: I will get the money. I know I said I’d have it by now, but it won’t be long. Next week at the latest. You have my word. Hello? Hello? Damn.

[Sighs] What the hell are you doing back here? Okay, snacks and popcorn are gonna be expensive.

Abe: Look, I am so sorry, lani. I-I know I should keep my opinions to myself. Ray is your biological father, and he has every right to be here.

Lani: Still, dad, I– I understand your concerns about him. And why wouldn’t you have them, given what you know about the man? For years, he abused paulina and drugs. But, dad, since eli’s shooting, he has been great. He’s been here every day. He’s been helping out with the kids. Don’t worry. I would never leave jules and carver alone with him. But they are his grandchildren.

Abe: Well, they’re mine too. I mean, you can tell me not to worry all you want, but–

Lani: Dad, I know. I know tr’s history, okay? And I will keep my guard up, but honestly, I do not think that he’s a threat anymore. Look, he’s trying so hard to prove that he’s become a different man.

Abe: I don’t think that’s possible. I know from kate and nicole, who had experiences with abusers, that men like that rarely change.

Lani: And my experience as a cop tells me the same thing. But rarely is not never. What if tr is the exception?

Abe: And what if he’s not?

TR: If you think you’re gonna shoot your mouth off to lani again–

Beth: I’m not here to see lani. I’m here to see a doctor.

TR: You can’t be seen like this!

Beth: You think I want to be? I spent the entire day in my room trying to bear it, waiting for my ears to stop ringing, my eye to stop throbbing, for it to stop hurting just to breathe. I finally had to come get some painkillers. I’m on my way back to the motel now.

TR: Not good enough. You need to leave town. Go back to la.

Beth: Excuse me?

TR: I want you on the next flight out.

Beth: But what about the movie? I’ll look fine by then.

TR: The hell you will! You can’t do a movie looking like that!

Beth: You did this to me.

TR: [Scoffs] You’re lucky that’s all I did.

Ciara: Allie, I appreciate your offer, I really do, but ben and I have been practicing for months. He was supposed to be my birthing coach. I really– I don’t think I can have this baby without him.

Ben: “If I profane with my unworthiest hand…”

Ciara: Did you hear that?

Allie: Did I hear what?

Ciara: I just– I just heard something. Didn’t you?

Allie: No.

Ciara: Wait. I hear it again.

Ben: “This holy shrine.”

Susan: Keep going.

Ben: “The gentle fine is this.”

Ciara: [Gasps] I definitely heard it that time, allie. It was ben’s voice. He was reciting “romeo and juliet.”

Allie: There’s no way.

Ben: “My lips, two blushing pilgrims, ready stand to smooth that rough touch with a tender kiss.”

Ciara: Oh, my god. It is you. It’s really you, ben. You’re here. The world is full of make or break moments.

Ben: The next line is juliet’S.

Susan: Anything?

Ben: Maybe it’s not working.

Ciara: “Good pilgrim, you do wrong your hand too much.”

Ben: Oh, my god. Ciara, I can hear you.

Ciara: “Which mannerly devotion shows in this? For saints have hands that pilgrims’ hands do touch, and palm to palm is holy palmers’ kiss.”

Ben: [Exhales sharply] Ciara, wherever you are, you must be hearing and seeing me too. I am alive, baby. Please don’t give up on me. I’m alive, and I’m gonna find you.

Ciara: I believe you, ben.

Ben: Baby, please tell me where you are.

Ciara: I’m right here, baby. I can reach out and touch you.

[Dramatic music]

[Exhales sharply] No!

[Sinister music]

Abe: Ray is always on his best behavior around you and paulina, but I don’t buy it. I don’t think he’s truly reformed.

Lani: His most recent girlfriend, beth howard, she even vouched for him. She said that he never used drugs or laid a hand on her the entire time that they were together.

Abe: What is it?

Lani: Remember when beth came by to visit me the other day?

Abe: She brought flowers.

Lani: Yeah, and after you left, she–she said she had something to tell me. I sort of forgot about it, but now–

Abe: Does it have something to do with ray?

Lani: I don’t know. We got interrupted, and then she left, and… I never found out what it was.

Abe: Maybe you should.

Beth: What are you gonna do to me that you haven’t already done? Shoot me, like you shot eli?

TR: Shut up! I told you I had nothing to do with that.

Beth: And you also told everybody that you weren’t doing drugs and you weren’t beating women.

TR: You deserve what I did to you. You broke our agreement.

Beth: So what happens now? I go back to la and you propose to paulina?

TR: And she says yes. Everything is working out exactly as planned with paulina.

Beth: What if she starts asking questions? Are you gonna kill her? Hell, you almost killed me just for being in the same room with your daughter.

TR: Keep your voice down.

Beth: Like I said, paulina price is no fool. She is not gonna let you get away with robbing her blind.

TR: [Scoffs] Don’t you worry about paulina. Worry about what’s going to happen to you if you stick around salem and anybody sees you like this. Let me spell it out for you, beth. If you show your face around town again or talk to anybody–anybody– about what I did, I’ll kill you. Get it?

Beth: Got it. I’m leaving.

[Tense music]

Paulina: Ray? Isn’t that your ex who just got on that elevator? The lows of bipolar depression

Paulina: That was the woman you used to date, right?

TR: Beth. Yes, that was her.

Paulina: Oh, well, I only saw her from the back, so I wasn’t sure. What was she doing here?

TR: Looking for me. She decided to drop out of the movie and go back to california.

Paulina: Just like that?

TR: Just like that.

Beth: Well, I need to be on the first flight to la, so a layover is fine. So, I’m booked then? Great, thanks.

[Cell phone ringing] Hello?

Lani: Hi, beth. It’s lani, eli grant’s wife.

Beth: Why are you calling me?

Lani: The other day when you came by the hospital, you-you said you had something to tell me. I’d like to know what it is.

Ciara: It’s okay.

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