Y&R Short Recap Wednesday, May 4, 2022

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps

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Recap written by Eva

Ashland tells Jack that he faked his cancer, and he asks Jack to talk to Kyle on his behalf but Jack refuses to do it. Jack advises Ashland not to talk to Kyle right now because he has a lot on his mind.

Billy tells Ashland to stay away from Victoria. Ashland tells Billy that he is still in love with Victoria and Lily will figure it out and break up with him. Billy does a podcast attacking Ashland saying that he is tired of powerful people getting away with their crimes, but he can’t decide if he should post it.

Victoria has a long talk with Nikki and persuades her to be her co-CEO. Nikki tells Victor and he is very supportive of the idea. Victoria takes great pleasure in telling Adam that Nikki is her co-CEO.

Kyle has a long talk with Diane and even though he still has mixed feelings about the situation, he gives Diane a chance to prove to him she has changed.

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