GH Short Recap Friday, April 22, 2022

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps

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Recap written by Eva

The Quartermaines celebrate Leo’s adoption being legal. Olivia asks Leo to do his poem from the play he is in for his theater therapy. Leo tells Olivia that he doesn’t want to read the poem for the family or be in the play.

Drew tells Ned that the executive coach he met with yesterday suggested that ELQ and Aurora should merge to dilute the value of Valentin’s stock. Ned doesn’t like that idea because that would make Drew the majority stockholder in the company.

Brook Lynn is worried about Chase because he is late to Leo’s party. Once Chase is told by Portia that he doesn’t have a concussion he takes a rideshare to the Quartermaine Mansion.

Jordan heads to Elizabeth’s house to look at the security footage to see who broke in the house and hit Chase on the head. Elizabeth pulls up the footage but the file with the footage is corrupted.

Dante and Sam make up and decide they need to set boundaries with each other regarding their jobs.

Trina tries to persuade Marshall not to leave town and later she goes to the Savoy to tell Curtis she saw Marshall at the pier and he wants to leave town.

Salina Wu gives Curtis the file on Marshall and he reads the file and gets to the pier before Marshall leaves town.

Harmony gets very angry that Alexis is planning to publish a five-part series about Nina’s court battle for visitation with Wiley. Harmony demands Alexis not publish the series because there is a possibility Willow could find out she isn’t her mother. Alexis is upset about Harmony’s demand and tells her they will have a, serious talk when she returns from work.

Harmony is, about to burn the file Neil had on her when Carly arrives for a visit.

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