GH Short Recap Thursday, April 7, 2022

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps

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Recap written by Eva

Victor tries to persuade Laura that all he cares about is his family. Smolz persuades Alexis to consider his next story idea by telling her he won’t sue her for stealing the revenge porn story from him. Smolz also agrees to drop the charges against Michael for punching him in the face because Michael is going to give him the exclusive story on why the Corinthians family are in conflict with Nina.

Nina tells Sonny she petitioned the court for visitation with Wiley and Michael and Willow will receive the official papers letting them know about the petition today. Sonny and Nina talk about the visitation situation with Wiley. Sonny is sure that Michael and Willow will see she is a good person. The long talk leads to several kisses between Sonny and Nina until Sonny is interrupted by a business call.

Harmony goes to a job interview with Carly at the Metro Court. Harmony tells Carly she tried to persuade Willow to let Nina see Wiley. Carly is impressed by Harmony’s honesty and a recommendation from Alexis. Carly tells Harmony to fill out an application online and she will find her a job at the Metro Court.

Aunt Stella is taken to the hospital, and after being examined, the doctor tells her she had a panic attack. Aunt Stella calls Marshall and tells him not to tell Curtis the truth about his past.

Valentin manages to charm Jennifer Smith and she takes him to her hotel room. Jennifer takes a, shower and Valentin breaks into her hotel room safe but she comes out of the shower and catches him with the safe open.

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