Y&R Short Recap Wednesday, March 30, 2022

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps

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Recap written by Eva

Sharon and Tessa are worried about Noah but Tessa won’t let Noah change the subject until he tells her he really doesn’t know what is going on with him right now.

Ashley feels suspicious about Allie and thinks she is a con artist trying to scam Jack. Phyllis and Abby both tell Ashley to let Jack handle things but Ashley has a gut feeling that something bad is going to happen and Jack is going to get

Allie and Jack have a nice talk as they drink coffee, although, things get a bit awkward but Allie agrees to have coffee with him again before he returns to Genoa City.

Allie goes to Keemo’s former home to give Taylor Jensen a housewarming gift to thank her for encouraging her to meet with her grandfather Jack. Allie tells Taylor she wants to get to know Jack better. Taylor tells Allie she wants to meet Jack so Allie asks Jack to come to Keemo’s former home. Allie explains to Jack that the woman who bought the house wanted to meet him. Jack is shocked to see Dianne Jenkins standing in front of him.

Chance persuades Rey and Paul that he is ready to return to work. Abby hides her worry when Chance tells her he starts work tomorrow.

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