GH Short Recap Wednesday, March 30, 2022

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps

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Recap written by Eva

Brandon and Sasha return from their honeymoon hoping to ease back into reality, but Lucy and Maxie persuade Brandon and Sasha to let them plan a party to celebrate their marriage after Deception goes public. Sasha is also stressed because Gladys is upset they eloped instead of having a wedding with family and friends.

Sasha calls her model friend so she can get her more pills to get her through the stress.

Brook Lynn is hurt when Chase doesn’t want to sing the song she wrote for the Deception IPO launch party.

Trina is upset and hurt because Spencer thinks she posted the video of Cameron and Josslyn. Trina tells Spencer he knows the truth in his heart but refuses to see it because he is blinded by Esme. Trina tells Spencer that she is done defending him to everyone and seeing the best in him. Trina tells Spencer to leave and that he and Esme deserve each other.

Scott defends Trina for her arraignment because he believes that she was framed.

Sonny almost has Esme scared enough to admit she posted the video but Nicolas and Victor arrive to rescue her. Victor warns Sonny not to mess with his family and Sonny tells Victor that he has faced worse men than him and he is ready for battle.

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