Days Transcript Wednesday, March 30, 2022

Days of Our Lives Transcript

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Transcript provided by Suzanne


Lk I’ve been red .

[T mic daoucl

[C tki

>>De[Sng] T – heatch that . ‘Ttesville. : Nts] E t? He your coffee. : I got to sleep ans in prison. Wee. : A’s still , t she? Yon’t wake her up uny hour, do you? Shat a prenatal ss e you to get up.

T : T what? Abyou getting a job e a stay here. C c] Onr] : Evans. A time? Name in. . : … O this quick. Ta work and I’m be. Ftte a backlog. Nad yet

hfirst. : , I had to. Embusiness is yo : L c] : : Long have you been

meep? : . Y long enough ee. : Ghs] : .. Anto reassure myself

wreally here. : , I’m here. Be : Have any regrets? : . : At all? : N’t know. Kn ikybe we should, , ider doing this

sf there are et : ‘S a–that’s a– : Ghs] We feiming. I h? Us ancer: Like sands thurglass, heys of our lives.” Chation] : Ou wanna charge

mome rent, huh? Mm inrk is a condition pa. E ve the luxury ta with me, owresponsibility. : I’m so grateful. Anere’s no way inu become it

ki’m not getting in wihe parole board of. Ei we go get you r get out. : Never do anything outrouble. In] Whthat? : N’t know. “Ssville.” Ba.. y ies miss me


Olan won’t actually eslle finds de

o well, we couldn’t l e that file on her h st-it saying, ,”ld we? Shbeen possessed evall right? T a hit ndning. Topatient.

Ts easy for ay

ybrother who’s tior a crime t it.

O all right. Eet I can do itng, okay?

T you. C c] : Ything okay?

Oeah. Chyou know, t t with ej

pn. : E complains bot? Nog you can


ynow–[Sighs] Gecup of o

ti have an errand ee : E weston. Lle the call. E, would you mind if hi private? Fi o dressed anyway. : K you. He veter your parole, akthreats. : Are you ab

jgot a friendly

fyour pal orpheus myth shut. : , Then your beef hiot me. D get this number? Etust say you’re not

oho has friends. E ld you that i onay a word r ngement,

tll off your dogs. Hao hire my.

Lu and doug. : What the hell dohere? : Got about three be I call , jucause I came ttte–tte? : Re gonna be wireaking ri wethat’s not gonna cer father N. : E in the house, ins room. Acly, brady, o you. D d be by your

iis room.

Ishe’d be here.

Hhis been going on? : ‘S none of your . Ri reonship with craig ofrs.

Dt stop you from

ynoses into it, : Board’s gonna send

oo the staff isning. Am to give you up napersonal touch. : Ckles] Well… eefixture here on herd that I didn’t is a job for hr E. Ntks that come

j nake doing seth’s rk : Ffs] A that go because t’st the ak na, it’s me . Fie– : St did. Nat we both know

oreason you’re

icause ul do it. : Evans, I don’t isa profitable ti

chink what you want ecn– nad I can think

it of you. Noat I think of you? Thou agree ctow I feel.

T you so much eio see me. : , You said mpnt.

I to me.

Ye probably heard

nhat one of gabi’s tsthe ceo re : . Sorry.

Y itine. It really is. Ime us ever having a kielationship . Mos devious and ou I am. : Ghs] Well, of could be s shrinking violet. Ug

w I guess it’s just a ight back. , S thinking about meor wrongful io : Hat what this ?

Oo, no, no. Hospicably ate, newanna cause

fimera. : . Ou’t really as



L. : Ngard time hay of this o me.


m get to the point? S] Oo u general counsel ra in probably that you

ato look up the ofseverance package la. O e have an nd : Rstanding of what? Urually assured io : Hs] Ee us doeed to be worried atne call? : No.

Cain, you know, e ttle pep talk. Thaplain? : . T t dressed

yut for breakfast? Yonna take me out? : St wanna say yoow, yo. Alght, dad. : You have to pay. , . E p to you, edget a job first. Yeyeah. T. My asthma anything but no.

Tshould be ready to apabout…

han hour. Alope it’s a long ou get a break. Bu is a lot of work thtwo busy. Eye you too.

J- thul to you for afthem. L later, okay?

Tids ss me. U ee etguess,

tng to paulina?

I. Okafter ndes. Ucer.

I’t know at quthe handful ys I– mpg on her. Ut wanna be here r and and you know s g there ses. Iorandchildren. Ifu’ve given me.

Dhave a beautiful es daughter, e little ones. S]

Hto do is smile, ma may day.

Ts really sweet o h,s the truth. .. Ee for their daddy el n ing for your niand day.

T you. Ou’t have to . Il , those twins. Orportant to me thelse wo evat, don’t you?


A si llan ask. I how you’re

oded that i

trivacy of your afconspiring with

s to put er my bed. : Managed to worm

of that, too, ou crand I are in a d tionship. Nesleep with ma ofrse, craig o part of it. : I don’t feel D.: Ou keep anything el

yeep anything

l nodon’t see t I don’t wanna be itke the lot of you. Ot to be ashamed of. Asd offered himself hest thing I did

ydad to see nto be a part of it. :

L la la… : Texted craig yoalized

b set up.

Cing your ass.

[Ss] Us ‘m in the mood hermon about lysing your wife.

Ino sermon. Ol what apd. Wa you, el er ssd by the devil. O devil really

D. At you’re here? Gi

nxactly. : Severance?

Y go some of il

th I’m not planning

da, I still want gie everything tlo. : Well, of course. Dow that I’m not

ie package’s ti

y but you did mytract. N’nd a copy of it,

jwondering if you ll up for me. : .Sure. Use if I can find t . Th


ablem with ra : T lder with a bunch

I I’ve never or

m you ed : N’t think so. Od

w : N’t believe it. I’one something . Us :

Lgood. Ead eggs. T at statesville. Daust pick one. R t meal out of nour last. : T taken. : Hs] T.

Gemen. Mog. : , Look who you’re gemen. : : He flesh. S] Yoven’t heard

n steased on parole. , A free man. S ou. Us

yoom.. : Sure you remember r ‘s uncle here lwjust a friendly houb owner.

Hs police onhe sent his unover to try to n business nn : Know what? Cot if you can call alg operation ss : Ghs] Sting to make . Alght, let’s not

fs with roman w,. S g his job. Wa bust people who akthe law, wereaking the law. T g said, my father pas now behind him. Air his crimes in

h now trt and narrow. : ‘S right. Asakfast is over, ed to start fojob. : Luck with that. : He way, roman,

thances of you e? T s more to me, an know. Tie,

mto your life, r ‘ lives.


s yorandchildren. Ea d a lesser, icerson might not rgg as you. ‘St makes me even udyou.

Yave a big heart.

I’t know at w I wanna believe ‘vrned your un r ything that’s

weli, t- e ealize e ragile

lis unpredictable ..

itant thing ll ndeach other iv ea wiou.

Esince you’ve been sa all I’ve seen

imeone who is d eing a decent, er ‘s you’re ever E. Ro you. Alic] : Rity will be here nuto escort you

bing. Iro tell you…

cnly take

I. Nau’re enjoying enou? : Marlena. .. Dnelieve me anyway, I’t enjoying this. Tu hoping for both s I could do this y as quickly bl toe some idea s coming. Na, actually, . : Ena, so not a cab and i ea be…late. : Nancy.

Wrful. : Ks. Heor counseling? : . I’T. Neief of staff. : ? Really? Naally. : , Your little d be thrilled. : Ally, leo and i onboyfriends. : So you finally anmped the little ge son I realized d up to, yol had sunk– : Hs] Juo away, leo? Nesake, aw re anything di wa to stop you from anr man’s life. H. Reo point kio you. Buloe– : Ink you heard

s all right? Li to me. Go find a way

O.. : Move it on er noat we’re gonna Y. : Ly?

Hare you ab : Nancy. I still together. : You just said– : Not my boyfriend. Fi. C c] Th why I’m here, yoe good news. Hed I are mad. : Sorry, kate. E et back to you urerance package.

B, you seem .

Aing I can lp : I’m sorry. Av go. Us

a bet I know whyou’re going. F re not here to e why are you here?

Te dr. Rolf. Asre been a death amthat needs ve?

Iabout rt veadly affected g kristen r . Ndwas from ra of dr. Rolf.

W here f n an antidote.

S e to atone tesins?

H yeah. Ne my mode severe plaqueriis… : Sorry, what? A , right? Onarry my father? : God. I I could never yoother, ll to be a good eryou. Reking a little ouhe gills, e daughter. : Y around the what? Liou’re about to r up. : I’m fine. !

F okay? N rstand why you k ather

yand of course na yes right now, hereeling. Dae’s gonna figure

ye just been hil along. Acly, chloe dear, heer way around. Heked me

h : Ow it’s

N. Soto spring it o enly, but… im : G, you can’t

lhim. T know him!

Yhink you know m,s a lie. : Already heard anrse s . : Yet you refuse ve word of it. : Y, I understand

tis. Onoe. : Gh with the nd craig. Y, don’t care that ui my life daer’S. : Is not true. O that time . : D you just leave? Er see my therapist gh ed more than ever. Nancy, I’m afraid ane your therapist er : ? Naaig just fired me. Us : . An to hire you? : . Lo kitchen ce e he sign in your yo looking for orcook. : , You know what?

Hsaid “short order

dt try to blow up e .” : Man. Ander types talk a e it comes to ta. Omight down to it, thock us up and ay key,

y I’one my time. Ngput my life et

fy sake, besake, wi sake, raild’s sake.

C get a job, gothrow me right stville.

Du think ai ouns?

Yalking about? Us

iw that my y he reason why n . Ow that things xa what they be e’stablished that heil that went after

ne. N’e how the fact you

yown eyes is a sin.

Tact is that that’s onhing that isn’t seto be. Ha you mean?

T’s something that

tow. : There’s something o you. C c] My a1c sd here, Hae you doing here? : Glad you’re e use you both hehis.

Wis it? : Evidence that you

ecomputer, alproof that ppami?

Wabout it? : Ame from me. Ha

ho you know? : Ate just asked me upething from her , when I was g ugh the files, thper trail e ook like ej ono hired iders. Fias actually by ere devil, assessed. Weramed. Evce faed. Or us

t you piy. Onou thank me. Bee. Heou through this


yave. Oun that?

I . Ar eio supportive llmforting to me. An uso my ears.


gack to eli. Ka et know that… erpraying for him.

Ik to him a lot… o that he hears me. I’ass that along. Sethat. ..

H akre of your own


il. Ec… hahave to be orkids. R happens…

sly] O kay for them. Ou. You are.

B – a ng and usan. Ul– ‘tprouder of you. Moal music] Ie u- n itur husband. : Lkyou a minute? Su : , I got my own

pe board here. : , So

ht out? Yeday. : E is he staying? Wis. : You? Lolook.

Lally just p y front


K how or why he leut he did. Heuch a loose ro t maybe if I kept e,ould keep an eye budon’t know e O. : A okay with it? Noither of us

wit. Y.

Hhad more sense hast bring him here n’pect you to just boll the things E. : T worry about it,

w I’m gonna make ca t go. C c] I s you’re not gonna lae. : I can’t even.

Fr. Tsn’t divorced yet? Trbut the wheels ce spinning. T tter of time heraud of a marriage


Yl be calling me : Heut of here. Kn s out between of, then you can datoo, handsome. Us e ave one thing N. Loour dad.

Wn bury the hatchet sa : , I’d like to bury ch ro : Ired you? : Ally, d d her.

Dered the news. Nancy, snean that you nt therapy. Cod a colleague. : Marlena. U, he is not

fyou. : Ffs] Oue no say ma. : Wanna get married.

Aorce first. E me. : You gonna l whou’re trying? : . Goto succeed, craig.

Dces can be messy.

Crag on for years. S mind waiting

o to marry g,lena… r us I have mode to sevplue psoriasis. Mw waur morning?

Ally quite nice. : ? Ye lencidence, tooe and brady. : E? Anhope you’re not

tad, but I was so d xcited that i ve it slip geg married. :

Hbeen the one heat. I . Y. S sensitive in the ld; I really was. I’ happy it’s hard o it to myself. : , E it? Fi edpy for us. H -sas kind and

wher reaction. : Do I find that bee? Okmaybe I’m tit a little bit. E more tepid


Ustand that this is taty and they need t or your sake. Llneed is for nancy

tgn those divorce ndn… duee dum : Did that. Re? That’s amazing! : E is just

C. Nau didn’t have to

ynow. : Ow. Nto. Iny life, marlena. Sey reason he should rs. O that you’ve found eril, we have proof idkidnap samantha.

Tis really S. Ha

ionna– a e and let you two ut to move forward

ois. Lyry you had to gh this, ej. Amut] E ded like he

m that. : Sure he did. Peto you… ..wrong. Eyy, hey, hey, hey. L me in here. He who’s me. : Do get to be angry

ynow. S . El

tt all that go.

Tact that you now et concrete to take oaf appeals. : Ally, I’m– a a colleague itetter to have pahandle your case m one who ou imant thing is et out. Hato you, hmm? Moal music] In ee


hit’s me. Inom statesville.


Hare you er ‘tl ej the truth,

in’t have to.

Yaid to rk

tej that she’s whamed him. Vend out that d e the ones

hp. : Making a call.

Wthat means, u? In find someone e o send me back sv. E always had it E. Daou don’t T. : St got off the thtesville. Re, you are

gshort order cook. Ot job. : ? : I did promise ent I would keep loye on you.

Kmy promises. Thyou. : Can you start? : Time, man. Hes. Yei think that would imu would say u,. : T. U.

W.. a rise. : Katie, erto see you again. Us : Efore you know it, e ee man. Ches] Atood news. : Is this? H,hing. T thing of a mpgot into in. : ‘S quite a threat ntmps. It’t be long before acme where you’re sa ea us <

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