Y&R Best Lines Friday, March 25, 2022

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Best Lines provided by Eva

Sally: Oh, did you feel that? Looked at you and then the temperature dipped about 50 degrees.

Adam: Mm-hmm. Well, a lot went down last night. Things got blown wide open with him and Victoria. Anger, recrimination, shattered lives. It’s a volatile situation and the stakes couldn’t be higher. Some people might look at what happened and think it’s time to panic.

Sally: But you see a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity?

Adam: Exactly.

Sally: I will grab us a table.


Rey: Work meeting?

Chelsea: Yeah.

Rey: Well, judging by that smile, it must’ve gone well.

Chelsea: Oh, this smile isn’t a barometer of anything. I’ve been faking it for so long, my face is starting to hurt.

Rey: No.

Chelsea: Yeah, really. Watch.

[ Groans ] So much better. It gets so painful after a while.

Rey: [ Laughs ] I’m sorry, I’m sorry, i shouldn’t be laughing. That’s —

Chelsea: No, don’t stop on my account. It’s funny. The lengths we’ll go to show the world we’re perfect and perky.

Rey: Oh, I know, right? It’s like those influencers on social media — not a hair out of place, every day’s a vacation in paradise.

Chelsea: It’s exhausting. I don’t know how they do it.

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