Days Short Recap Thursday, March 24, 2022

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps

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Recap written by Michele and Cheryl

Ava watched Trask on TV and wondered what Rafe’s verdict would be. She called Gwen to tell her that Rafe would get what’s coming to him. Gwen told her that she was upset that Xander went off to see Sarah. Abby met with Maggie at the hospital. She apologized for what happened with Sarah. Maggie told her that she wouldn’t have her daughter back if it weren’t for her. Abby said it was dumb luck that they were rescued. Kayla arrived while Abby and Maggie were talking. She told them Sarah’s test results. She told them that the drug was in a large dose and it did damage to Sarah’s brain. Kayla said that she took more than Abby did and that’s why she was in worse shape than her. Maggie wanted to know if Sarah would ever get better. Kayla wasn’t sure if she would right now. She said the best thing to do was to send her to Bayview. Maggie didn’t think it was a good idea to do that. Maggie wanted Sarah to be home with her. Anna and Tony argue over Sarah. The phone rang so they stopped arguing. Anna answered the phone and it was the nurse calling for Sarah. Anna handed Tony the phone and told him it was for her. Sarah told him that she was tied to a bed. She called him the love of her life. Xander was in Sarah’s room while she was on the phone with Tony.

The nurse ended Sarah’s call with Tony. Sarah was mad at Xander. She still thought he was Alex. He corrected her. She asked him to untie her. He didn’t think it was a good idea to do that. Maggie walked in the room and told Xander that she gave Kayla permission to share Sarah’s test results with him. He was sorry for what she was going through and left the room. Maggie told her that she was there to take her home, but she didn’t want to go with her. She said that she was going with Tony and she would lose her mind if she didn’t go with him. Kayla told Xander that it could take a year for Sarah to get better. Abby arrived and Xander blamed her for what happened to Sarah. He reminded her that her scheme against Gwen was what caused Sarah to lose her memory. Abby thought Rolf might be able to come up with an antidote for her. Abby said she would ask him to help Sarah. Nicole and Rafe went to the courthouse to find out his verdict. Rafe was found not guilty. They were happy and went to his house to celebrate the news. They started drinking champagne and kissed each other. Ava walked in the room and saw them together. She let them know that she saw them and thought it was adorable.

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