GH Short Recap Friday, March 4, 2022

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps

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Recap written by Eva

Sonny, Nikolas, Spencer and Carly remember Courtney on the anniversary of her death. Spencer is upset that he can’t put flowers on his mother’s grave this year because he is stuck in Spring Ridge. Spencer asks Victor to get him a furlough so that he can go put flowers on his mother’s grave. Spencer runs into Trina later at the cemetery and she wonders how he got out of Spring Ridge.

Esmė notices that Trina and Josslyn are still arguing so she sends the video of Cameron and Josslyn having sex to everyone on Tina’s contact list during a class at college. The teacher gets annoyed and wonders why everyone is looking at their phones. Esme sends the video to the classroom projector screen.

Laura, Ava, Drew, and Sam devise a plan to make Victor think he can gain access to Drew’s memories.

Sasha and Brando enjoy their romantic vacation at Niagara Falls and Sasha surprises Brandon by telling him they should get married tonight.

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