Days Transcript Monday, January 31, 2022

Days of Our Lives Transcript

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Transcript provided by Suzanne

Chad: Jennifer, that doesn’t make any sense. Abigail texted me last night and said that she was headed to boston because there was an emergency with the newspaper, and you and jack needed her help to sort it out. So there’s no emergency?

[Tense music]

Abigail: Come on, kristen, I know that sarah’s here. That’s what you meant when you said that this place is still serving its purpose. You stash all of your kidnapping victims here.

Kristen: Has anyone ever told you that you’re quite annoying? You’re like a mosquito with a press pass.

Abigail: Just tell me where sarah is. People back home are worried sick about her, especially xander.

Gwen: Where are you going?

Xander: [Sighs] Gwen rizczech.

Gwen: What are you doing?

Xander: Gwen, I know I don’t deserve a woman like you, someone so strong, and loyal, and so beautiful. But would you take pity on this poor, pathetic, completely naked scoundrel and grant me the honor of becoming my wife?

Gwen: Don’t you talk about yourself like that.

Xander: Could you please just answer the question?

Gwen: No.

Abigail: You had sarah shipped here after she figured out that you were pretending to be susan banks. And you’ve kept her here ever since, why?

Kristen: Well, aren’t you clever, hm? Wasn’t it euripides who said, “cleverness is not wisdom”?

Abigail: Compared to everything else you’ve done, imitating susan banks is like jaywalking. I mean, you are going to prison no matter what. Sarah never did anything to hurt you; she doesn’t deserve this.

Kristen: Oh, my god! I’m gonna ask you nicely to just shut up, god! You are getting on my nerves. Oh, you know what, abigail, I need you to just mind your own damn business.

[Phone ringing]

Abigail: Aren’t you gonna get that?

[Phone ringing]

[Line trilling]

Brady: Come on, steve, pick up. Please tell me you found kristen.

Craig: Ah, great. Liquid courage.

Chloe: You can do this, dad. You have to do this.

Craig: I don’t think i can, chloe.

Chloe: Well, it certainly can’t come from me. Dad, you have to tell mom you’re gay.

Male announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the “days of our lives.”

[Soft orchestration]

Craig: It’s not accurate.

Chloe: Not accurate? What does that mean?

Craig: Chloe, I never said I was gay.

Chloe: You said that you’re in love with a man. The terminology doesn’t matter. Mom has to know. She has a right to know. And it has to come from you.

Nancy: Ah, there you two are. Oh, you both look so serious. Is everything okay?

Chloe: Yeah, actually, I was just about to go.

Nancy: No, no, look, honey, I know that I came here because of a terrible, terrible reason, but I think a higher power wanted me here.

Chloe: Why do you think that?

Nancy: Well, after that debacle with philip kiriakis, I knew you were in crisis. Honey, he can stay missing for the rest of life quite frankly, but your father and I are here because we were meant to be to help you get back together with brady.

Chloe: Mom, listen, this is not the–

Nancy: No, no. I’m gonna call brady and tell him to meet us for dinner tonight at the pub. And nothing too la-di-da, I think. Maybe we can just have that tomorrow night, you know, a little candlelight and–

Chloe: Mom, mom, just stop, please. I will call brady, okay? And you two go to dinner, and brady and I will meet you there for coffee and desserts.

Nancy: Okay, I know. We’re gonna just give you a little alone time.

Chloe: Well, I was thinking of giving you two some alone time. Dad has something he needs to talk to you about.

Nancy: He does?

Craig: Yeah, I do, I do. And it’s important.

Nancy: Oh, I know what it is. I know what it is. You’re finally gonna take me on that cruise to iceland. Oh, before everything melts. You know, it’s gonna be so fabulous. Come on, craig, let’s go.

Craig: Okay. Here goes everything.

Chloe: Good luck, dad.

Craig: Luck has nothing to do with this. I need a lot more.

[Soft music]

Roman: You look pretty intense.

Kate: Ej was just sentenced to ten years in statesville.

Roman: Good. Couldn’t happen to a nicer guy.

Kate: I guess.

Roman: You guess? He kidnapped sami. He deserves 20 years.

Kate: I know what lucas did was misguided, but you can’t say anything.

Chad: Misguided? He locked up sami for three months. Now she’s traveling the world with her kidnapper. I think that deserves a word a little stronger than misguided. Criminal, sociopathic?

Kate: Okay, just stop. All right, stop. Ej and I were close once.

Roman: Don’t remind me. As far as I’m concerned, you and sami are both a lot better off out of that nest of dimera vipers. And now sami and lucas are together and so are we. And I hope ej’s new cellmate has been lonely for a long time.

Kate: Okay, well, I’m gonna get going. I’m going to go see to see how chad’s doing.

Roman: What’s gotten into her?

Gwen: Don’t be upset, okay?

Xander: Don’t be upset? You just turned me down flat.

Gwen: Xander, I can’t marry you, and you really don’t want to marry me.

Xander: Of course I want to marry you; why else would I get down on one knee, naked as a jaybird? It’s you who doesn’t want to marry me. It’s because of sarah, isn’t it?

[Phone ringing]

Abigail: Don’t you think it’s a little rude after everything that ava’s done for you to just not answer her call? Or maybe it’s not ava.

Kristen: No.

Abigail: Maybe it was the dimera pilot calling, asking for more money because he knows xander and i are onto him. Maybe he was calling to tell you just how much of victor’s money maggie is willing to pay to find out where he flew you and sarah.

Kristen: All right, you know what, abigail? You realize I do have a gun.

Abigail: How much time do you think you have, kristen? Wasn’t it also euripides who said, “do not use the same plot over, and over, and over, and over again. Folks are gonna catch on”?

Kristen: Oh, my god! Don’t push your luck with all these questions.

Abigail: Where is sarah?

[Dramatic music]

Avoiding triggers, but can’t keep migraine attacks away?

Chad: Jennifer, just calm down, okay? I am sure that there’s a reasonable explanation. Yeah, I will keep you posted. I will call you as soon as I hear anything from her, okay? The kids are good. I know. I love you too, jennifer.

Kate: So did you hear? Ej got sentenced to ten years in statesville.

Chad: Oh, that.

Kate: “Oh, that”? That’s all you have to say?

Chad: How about “I don’t care”?

Kate: What do you mean you don’t care? That’s a little harsh. I mean, I know he hit on your wife, but we both know he went–

Chad: My wife is the reason why I don’t have time to think about ej, or anyone else for that matter.

Kate: What’s going on with abigail now?

Chad: She’s gone missing.

Abigail: I want to know what you’ve done with sarah.

Kristen: If you don’t shut up on your own, I do have the means to do it for you.

Abigail: Have you forgotten that my last name is also dimera?

Kristen: You married a dimera, abigail. That doesn’t mean you are one.

Abigail: It does to chad. If you lay so much as a finger on me, he will hunt you to the ends of the earth, not to mention how brady would feel about that.

Brady: Hey, hey. Why are we meeting here? I thought we were gonna meet at the club for a dinner with your folks.

Chloe: Well, I wanted to give them some time alone to talk.

Brady: About what?

Chloe: My dad is having an affair.


Brady: Chloe, I thought it was a misunderstanding.

Chloe: Nope. He’s been cheating on her. But that’s not the whole story.

Nancy: Thank you, sweetheart. I’m telling you, craig, this place is like it’s stuck in time. You know, this morning at breakfast, I could swear that, at any moment, caroline brady was gonna come out of that kitchen.

Craig: Hm?

Nancy: Are you okay? You look awful.

Craig: Yeah, um, you know, can we maybe go somewhere else, some place just a little more private?

Nancy: Oh, no, honey, no. We told chloe that we were gonna meet her and brady here.

Roman: All right. Specials are on the left, but I’m sorry, we’re out of the cod.

Nancy: Wait, roman! It’s nancy and craig.

Craig: You don’t need to tell him that.

Nancy: Oh, roman. I hope you’re not still holding a grudge, are you?

Roman: Let’s just say I don’t feel real warm towards people who use my daughter like you two did just to get ahead at work.

Craig: Okay. Maybe we should go.

Nancy: No, no. Roman, we are sorry about that. But I do understand if you can’t let it go. My kids mean the world to me, too. How is carrie? Is she happy?

Roman: She and austin are very happy.

Nancy: I’m glad, and sami?

Roman: Sami’s good, too.

Nancy: Great, you know, as parents, we are only as happy as our unhappiest child. And well, we know how you feel. We’re here to support chloe too because, well, brady is trying to put her back together again. I mean, she has been through the wringer this year.

Roman: Yes, yes, she has.

Nancy: But brady and chloe are joining us for dessert a little later. We want her to have, like, a normal family life, like the first day of the rest of her life, and–I know that sounds dumb.

Roman: No, no, it doesn’T. I’m sure chloe will love it. So welcome back. And dessert’s on the house.

Nancy: Oh, thank you, roman. Wait, honey. Do you still have that fabulous clam chowder?

Roman: Of course we do.

Nancy: We’ll have two orders, please.

Roman: Okay, you got it.

Craig: Thanks.

Nancy: You know, craig, under that rough exterior, roman really is a sweet guy. I mean, in a weird sort of way, he kind of reminds me of you.

Craig: Really?

Nancy: Okay, honey, he’s not as handsome as you, but, you know, he’s sweet, but he’s tough, and he’s strong, and he shoots from the hip. But he’s still a sweet man. He loves his kids. He loves his family. And well, he’s a real man. You know what I mean? Like you. Life’s been hard enough.

Kate: So the dimera pilot said someone called sarah horton paid him to fly her and an enormous suitcase out of salem. And then last month, kristen somehow finds out that abigail and xander are searching for sarah, and she conjures up a sarah, fake sarah, so they’ll call off the hunt.

Chad: That was abigail’s theory.

Kate: I think it’s true because it sounds just like kristen. I mean, and there are parallels. I mean, it happened to me. She kidnapped me, she put on a kate mask, she breaks up with jake. And then if what abigail says is true, she kidnapped sarah, and she put on a sarah mask, and then she broke up with xander and then ends up at the airport with a body-sized suitcase.

Chad: God, I’m so stupid. I sat in this room, and I listened to abigail tell me what happened to you. And I just went and read the kids a story. I’m an idiot.

Kate: Stop, stop. Don’t beat yourself up.

Chad: Don’t beat myself up? Abigail told me she didn’t think the person that her, maggie, and xander talked to was sarah, that fake sarah went to the airport. I’m just like, “hey, don’t worry about it, let’s have dinner.” Like abigail’s gonna sit at home and do nothing when she thinks kristen kidnapped sarah. No, of course, she’s gonna go to the airport. Why didn’t I go with her?

Kate: Because the whole thing just sounds preposterous. That’s why. I mean, it happened to me, chad, and I still don’t believe it. All right? I’m sorry.

Chad: If kristen hurts abigail–

Kate: Don’t go there. Don’t even go there.

Chad: Where is she? And where the hell is sarah?

Sarah: I can’t read anymore. I’ve read so much, my eyes are gonna bleed. How many hours have I stared out that damn window at the damn ocean? I got to get home. I have to get back to the man I love.

Gwen: Yes. Of course, it’s about sarah. You’ve just spent the last bloody month trying to track her down, xander.

Xander: ‘Cause I was trying to make sure she was okay. And now I know she’s okay, and we can have our lives back.

Gwen: ‘Cause she dumped you again.

Xander: Hey, it doesn’t matter that she dumped me, just like it wouldn’t matter if she wanted me back. I love you, gwen. I want to be with you.

Gwen: Come on. How in god’s name do you actually expect me to believe that?

Xander: Because it’s the truth.

Kristen: Sweet, sweet abigail, hm? See, I don’t need to worry about how chad or brady are gonna feel about this because they’re not gonna know about this, huh? Now I want you to take some time, and I want you to reflect and ultimately absorb the fact that you don’t have any power. I am in absolute control. And you’re just gonna have to make peace with that. Try to eat something. Maybe it’s low blood sugar that’s making you so disagreeable.

[Soft music]

Brady: You overheard him on the phone?

Chloe: Yeah. About five minutes after my mom was going on about what an honest, loyal husband my father is.

Brady: Oh, god. Chlo, I’m so sorry. You shouldn’t have had to hear that.

Chloe: I just don’t know what this is gonna do to my mom.

Brady: Well, he’s not the first husband who has cheated on his wife. But I mean, this girlfriend, do you know who she is, or–

Chloe: It’s not a her, him.

Brady: Him?

Chloe: Yeah. My dad’s been cheating on my mom with a man.

Brady: Are you trying to tell me that your father is gay?

Nancy: Craig, I keep seeing people that I think I used to know.

Craig: Nancy, could you please focus? Just for a moment. I–there’s something I need to tell you.

Nancy: Okay. Are you all right?

Craig: Yes.

Roman: All right. There you go, two chowders. Enjoy.

Craig: Thanks, roman. Oh, god.

Nancy: Craig, what is it? Are you sick? Is that what you’ve been hiding from me?

Craig: No, nancy, that’s not it.

Nancy: But, craig, you are hiding something from me, right? For god’s sake, just tell me what it is.

Craig: Nancy. You were right before. I am seeing somebody else. Rob did his best to manage his constipation

Brady: So craig is gay?

Chloe: I don’t know.

Brady: You don’t know? You just said that–

Chloe: He said that he’s seeing another man. We didn’t exactly discuss the specifics of how he identifies.

Brady: Okay, right.

Chloe: Brady, he’s in so much pain. But he says he loves my mom, but then he also says–

Brady: Says what?

Chloe: He says that he’s in love with this other guy. I don’t know. I mean, I get this sense that maybe he’s been in denial this entire time, but it just feels like it’s really new to him.

Brady: Yeah.

Chloe: But at the same time, I don’t really give a damn about his pain because of what this will do to my mom.

Brady: Yeah. It’s okay, I get it.

Chloe: It’s just–I told him he’s got to tell her the truth. She deserves to know the truth. Brady, I think it’s gonna be bad.

Nancy: I knew it! I knew it all the time.

Craig: Nancy, there’s something else I need to tell you.

Nancy: No, no, no, no. Just spare me the details. I don’t want to find out that it just happened, or that she completes you, or other load of crap.

Roman: Hey, hey, hey, hey. Can we keep our voices down?

Nancy: You mean me? You want me to keep my voice down because I’m the one being loud while he just sits there like the sleazy little wimp that he is!

Craig: Nancy, let’s go.

Nancy: I’m not going anywhere with you, you son of a bitch!

Craig: Oh!

Abigail: She probably poisoned the apple. That’s what witches do. What the hell did she give me? How the hell do I get out of here?

Kate: I don’t know. I don’t think that phone call proves that it wasn’t kristen in the mask. I mean, we know that she has the technology to be me, to be nicole, she can be joan of arc for all we know. I mean, certainly she could fake a phone call.

Chad: She said that gwen had entered as if on cue. Like the whole thing was staged.

Kate: Like an elaborate, nefarious scheme. Like you’re still here, my love. And gwen, gwen’s involved, too?

Chad: I remember something that abby had said to me. She said that gwen was there when she told her parents that she was looking for sarah, that gwen had freaked out. At the time, she thought that gwen was just trying to keep xander from going back to sarah. But… what if she knew that kristen had sarah and… no, that’s too much of a stretch.

Kate: No, I don’t think so. We both know that kristen is capable of coercing someone into helping her. Gwen, I mean, gwen would be open to temptation. She’d be open to blackmail.

Chad: Yeah, but I just don’t see any connection between gwen and kristen.

Kate: What? They’re exactly alike. I mean, they’re both amoral, vicious, vindictive.

Chad: Gwen’s–

Kate: Gwen’s what? Gwen’s changed? Do you realize how many times we’ve said that about kristen? I think abigail is close to the truth. Dangerously close to the truth.

[Soft music]

Xander: Say it again. Say, “no, we don’t love each other.” You can’t, can you? You and I have both kissed a lot of people we didn’t love. But that kiss was different, wasn’t it? Because we do love each other. So why not get married? Why not let me do anything and everything I can to make you happy?

Gwen: You already do.

Xander: I didn’t do this right. I asked you to marry me, and I didn’t have a ring.

Gwen: I don’t want a ring.

Xander: No, no, no, no. I do have one, and as a matter of fact, it’s perfect. This is the ring I gave sarah.

[Knocking on door]

Kristen: Hello in there! Is it all right if I come in?

Sarah: Of course it is! It’s so good to see you.

Kristen: Oh! How are you doing today?

Sarah: You don’t have to keep asking me that.

Kristen: Well, I worry about you.

Sarah: You do?

Kristen: You know I do.

Sarah: Then when can I go home? Kristen, I can’t keep taking this, just inside one room and never going out. I need to go home to him. I know that he misses me as much as I miss him.

Kristen: Oh, honey, honey, we’ve been over this. It’s just not safe right now. You need to stay here so we can protect you.

Sarah: I’m a grown woman. I can protect myself, and I can protect him, too. And you know how much he needs me.

Brady: Can I ask you a personal question?

Chloe: Well, I just told you that my father is cheating on my mother with a man. So I don’t think it gets more personal than that.

Brady: Yeah. Did you ever suspect?

Chloe: That he was cheating?

Brady: No, no, no. That he was gay.

Chloe: I don’t know. I mean, maybe. I always knew he was different from the other dads, but I was fine with it. I liked it. You know, it was cool that he could talk to guys about sports, but then at the same time, he could talk to me about opera. And I like how he loves singers, and broadway, and dancing, and old movies. I always just thought I was lucky. So did my mom.

Craig: Damn it, nancy! That’s hot!

Nancy: Well, good thing. I hope it melts your privates.

Craig: Nancy, wait, nancy!

Roman: Men’s room, second door on the left.

Gwen: Damn it, xander, honestly, do you think that I want her ring?!

Xander: No, I just–oh, god, that was stupid of me!

Gwen: And insensitive and really hurtful.

Xander: No, I get it. I get it, I get it. I just–i wasn’t thinking straight, gwen.

Gwen: I mean, honestly, wouldn’t you know that the last thing, the last thing that I would want is a ring that you intended for sarah.

Xander: Yes, I should have known. But I was just so caught up in wanting to give you a ring, any ring. But, gwen, please forgive me and know that when I have the money, I’m gonna get you the biggest, most ornate ring right out of your rom-com movie fantasy–

Gwen: Stop, just stop. Just stop, xander, stop.

Xander: What is it now?

Gwen: Don’t you see, I don’t want a ring. That is not what this is about.

Xander: Then what is it? Why are you behaving this way? What more do I have to do to prove to you that even if sarah horton walked through that door right now and begged to have me back, I would still choose you?

Kate: Here, you need this?

Chad: No, thank you. I need to keep a clear head.

Kate: Okay. Mmm. You’re a better man than me.

Chad: You know, one thing that we have to hold on to is that kristen is a dimera.

Kate: Yes, she is.

Chad: And what was he always drumming into our head? Family. We can wage war on each other, we can lie, cheat, and steal from each other, but in the end, kristen isn’t gonna hurt abigail. She wouldn’t do that to thomas and charlotte. I don’t know where abigail is, but I know she’s okay.

Abigail: Should have known, should have known a decrepit mansion on a remote desert island, boy, that’s not good enough for the dimeras. No, we got to plant a whole freakin’ jungle around it. Sorry I didn’t pack my scythe.

[Tense music]

Trelegy for copd.

Kate: Well, I hope craig is going to be okay. All right, I’ll see you later.

Chad: Who was that?

Kate: Roman. I just wanted to let him know that I was going to be a little longer than I expected.

Chad: Yeah?

Kate: Yeah, becau we need to figure out together how we’re going to go about finding abigail.

[Tense music]

Abigail: That’s quite a guest list you have here, kristen.

Kristen: Look at what I have. I brought you a treat.

Sarah: I’m not hungry.

Kristen: Oh, not even for peach pie a la mode?

Sarah: Does sound nice.

Kristen: I know, it is nice. And I know it’s your favorite. Mine too.

Chloe: But he always–I mean, he always seemed like he loved my mom so much. He can’t have been faking that.

Brady: Chloe.

Nancy: [Sobs] Your father just told me.

Chloe: Mom, I’m so sorry.

Nancy: You knew, chloe? You knew and you didn’t tell me?

Chloe: You had to hear it from him.

Nancy: So you just covered for him, right, how long?

Chloe: No, I just found out this morning. Let’s go to the inn.

Nancy: Well–no, stop. You know what? To hell with him. And to hell with her, too. I mean, if she thinks that she can give him the decades of love and support–and oh, my god, the things I’ve done for that man.

Chloe: What woman?

Nancy: Really? The woman he said he was–

Craig: Nancy, nancy, please.

Nancy: Stop it. Just stay the hell away from me.

Chloe: Mom, no, you need to talk to him right now. People everywhere living with

Craig: Nancy, please. We have to go somewhere where I can explain.

Nancy: What else is there to talk about? Oh, you know what? Maybe you should call that floozy of yours and have her crack open the champagne ’cause you finally got rid of the old ball and chain.

Chloe: Dad, you said that you would tell her.

Craig: I tried to explain, but she decided to throw a bowl of clam chowder in my lap and stormed off before I could finish.

Nancy: For god’s sakes, what else is there to talk about? My marriage is over. My husband is cheating on me. I mean, what more is there to talk about?

Xander: You’re not saying anything.

Gwen: I’m sorry. I’m just still a bit triggered.

Xander: Of course you are. ‘Cause I’m an idiot. I shouldn’t even be mentioning sarah’s name in your presence, let alone reminding you that I–

Gwen: That you were once going to marry her and that you bought a ring for her.

Xander: Yes. I did that, but that’s over now. All those feelings I had for her are gone. All the love in my heart, it’s all for you now, gwen. I’m telling you the truth.

Gwen: But–

Xander: No buts. Look, I know sarah’s in your head, but she’s not in mine. She’s not in my head, and she’s not in my heart. You are the only woman for me. And I really do believe that I’m the man for you.

Gwen: So do I. Yes.

Xander: I’m sorry, could i hear that again, just a little bit louder and maybe a little bit more definite?

Gwen: Yes, yes. Yes, you are the man for me. I will marry you. I will marry you, xander.

Xander: You have no idea how happy you’ve made me.

[Gwen laughs]

[Soft music]

Sarah: Won’t be long, my love. I’m coming home to you.

Chad: Well, I’m only about 24 hours late.

Kate: Yeah, well, that’s all we’ve got. You have to get yourself out to that airstrip and just see what you can find out. I’m gonna call the police, make sure they’re there by the time you get there.

Chad: Thank you for everything.

Kate: You don’t have to thank me. I am here for you and abigail always. Go.

Chad: All right.

Kristen: Hmm, I thought you might like some dessert. Would you like some peach pie?

Abigail: You can choke on your pie, kristen.

Kristen: Well, you don’t have to get snippy about it. I would let go if I were you.

Abigail: No. Not until you tell me what you did to my uncle steve and my aunt kayla.

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