Days of Our Lives Transcript
Transcript provided by Suzanne
Part of this is missing due to news interruption; we’ll have it up soon.
Gabi: Oh, just in time. Will you please help me with this zipper?
Jake: Ah, look at you. Where are we going, the oscars?
Gabi: This is not fancy enough to go to the oscars. Come on, I just thought we would go somewhere nice for dinner.
Jake: Do I need to remind you that we’re both unemployed?
Gabi: Jake, we’ve just had a major win. We need to celebrate that victor gave philip the sack.
Jake: I thought we were gonna talk business.
Gabi: We will, but we’ve earned the right to gloat. Oh, you know what would be really nice–
Jake: If we could all just live in peace and harmony for once?
Gabi: No, no. If phillip was outside of the restaurant, gaunt, shivering, with a “will work for food sign” sign.
Jake: You’re such a peach sometimes, you know that? You know, will you help me with this, please, ’cause i just–I can’t get the clasp.
Jake: Oh my god. Zip this, clasp that. You know, I would much rather
>This is an nbc news special report. Here’s lester holt.
Good day, everyone. We’re coming on the air because authorities in waukesha, wisconsin are giving an update on the tragic events that unfolded at a christmas parade there last night. A red suv crashed into a crowd killing at least five people. A person of interest is in custody. The chief of police there, dan thompson is speaking right now.
On november 21, 2021, a lone subject drove his maroon suv through barricades and into a crowd of people who were celebrating the waukesha christmas parade which resulted in killing five individuals and injuring 48 additional individuals. I just received information that two of the 48 are children and they’re in critical condition. We have information that the suspect prior to the incident was involved in a domestic disturbance, which was just minutes prior, and the suspect left that scene just prior to our arrival to that domestic disturbance. When the suspect was driving through into the crowd, one officer did discharge his firearm and fire shots at the suspect to stop the threat, but due to the amount of people had to stop and stop and did not fire any other additional shots. The officer is on administrative leave as part of protocol. No one was injured as a result of the officer discharging his firearm. The subject was taken into custody a short distance from the scene we’re confident he acted alone. There’s no evidence that this is a terrorist incident. Due to the wind yesterday, there was a power outage in downtown waukesha that further complicated our emergency response. I want to identify the victims that we know of at this time. I say this with great sorrow. Virginia thornton, 79-year-old female. Leanna olmes, 71-year-old female. Tamara durand, 52-year-old female.
Jameswilhelm, 81-year-old male. The suspect involved in this tragic incident is identified as darrell E. Brooks, male, 39 years of age who was a resident of milwaukee. At this time, the waukesha police department is referring five counts of intentional homicide with additional charges based on the investigation, but those will come in time. There are many roads in the downtown area that were closed as investigativee iveors worked through the crime scene. Those roads have since been opened. I will say this, minutes after the incident occurred, i responded to the scene and what I saw out of the chaos and tragedy was heroes. First responders and the community coming together and working together on triaging victims, the fire department working in partnership with the fire department getting these victims to the hospital, fire department transported multiple victims, the chief will talk about that. Officers picked up victims and put them in the squad and rushed them to the hospital and citizens also picked up victims and rushed them to the hospital. There’s also off-duty law enforcement, fire, and ems personnel that were attending this event who immediately got involved and took part in saving lives. I want to thank our community partners partners. I want to dispel some rumors. There was no pursuit that led up to this incident. This is not a terrorist event. I want to thank our first responder partners. It is a long list and i apologize, we apologize if i forgot anyone. Waukesha fire department. No words can express the partnership that we have with the waukesha fire department and how we work together as one in this incident. Mavis mutual aid box alarm system. The chief will talk about that. The suburban mutual aid respond team which we call S.M.A.R.T. Responded. Fbi, atf, the state, the division of criminal investigations, school district of waukesha, the milwaukee police department fusion center, wisconsin state crime lab, wisconsin state patrol. After this press conference, we’ll provide a link on our website for any questions regarding witness information. If there’s any additional video that a citizen might have that can look at this link or any family members or individuals that need to recover property. The waukesha police department website is the only source for information. Do not release information from any other source as it has not been vetted and could lead to false information. Thank you.
Chief howard –. Thank you, dan. Before i get started on behalf of the men and women of the waukesha fire department, i would like to say our prayers go out to the families and the whole community that was affected by yesterday’s tragedy. On the city of waukesha fire department responded to a mass casualty incident yesterday afternoon. All 26 on-duty personnel responded to the incident from five stations. Our closest downtown station was within sight of the parade route. Our units started to spontaneously respond based on radio traffic and dispatch information. We immediately activated our mass casualty protocol and utilized the mavis, our mutual aid system, our mutual box alarm system to the second level to provide us with additional re resources to treat the victims. We received resources from 12 area fire departments. We were also aided greatly by off-duty firefighters and ems personnel, medical personnel and just civilian bystanders. They greatly assisted us with our initial treatment and triage of patients. Patients were transported to six area hospitals with the fire department, ems transporting 22 patients. Law enforcement personnel, bystanders also transported additional victims to the hospital. At this time we believe that 48 people were treated at local hospitals. Though this number might increase based on information being gathered. Like chief thompson, i also had an opportunity, i did respond to the incident. Got there a bit after the chief did. Based on my observations, very very overwhelmed by the response of the community to this tragedy. People banded together to do the best they could to deal with this incident. Last night going out and visiting the fire stations and the people that responded, overwhelmingly our personnel expressed their sincere thanks for everyone who stepped up and assisted with the treatment of the citizens that were injured. Again, our hearts go out to the families and the victims of this senseless tragedy. We appreciate all the assistance and support that has been offered to the city of waukesha fire department.
Mayor riley?
Thank you.
Last night we experienced a senseless tragedy. Many of us were participants in the parade and witnessed these horrific actions. We are all trying to process what we experienced. Our police, firefighters, partners and so many others sprang into action immediately last night to help the people that were injured. For those of you who do not live in waukesha, you need to know that waukesha is a community that helps their neighbors. Waukesha is a community that takes pride in its identity and has a wonderful spirit. Waukesha looks after each other. Waukesha enjoys its celebrations and the entire community joins in those celebrations. We are a close community. Waukesha is a community where many of its residents have lived for generations. Waukesha is also the type of community where new residents tell their friends to move here because it is so special. Waukesha has held what could be described as a norman rockwell type of christmas parade for almost six decades. Last night our wonderful waukesha parade became the scene of a horrific tragedy. Last night that parade became a nightmare. Last night many were severely injured. Last night lives were lost in the middle of what should have been a celebration. Last night many were severely injured, lost their lives and all who were there were traumatized. We experienced a horrific tragedy. We have so much healing that needs to occur. Waukesha, though, will not be defined by the horrific events of last night. We’re a community that will come together. We will help those who experienced a loss of a loved one or injured. We will work together to bring healing. The healing needs to begin now. With that in mind i share the following. Our prayer vigil will be held tonight at 5:00 P.M. At cutler park. The waukesha public library, immediately adjacent will be closing at 4:00 P.M. So the public can utilize that parking lot. The downtown south street parking ramp, which is also immediately near it, will also be open for free parking. We know that members of the community want to help out and help the victims. The waukesha county community foundation and united way of greater milwaukee milwaukeeand waukesha county created the waukesha community fund. This will assist the needs of the families impact and there will be a website on our page to tell you how to access that fund. Many people witnessed traumatic events last evening. If you need to talk to someone, you can call or text 800-985-5990 to be connected to a trained caring counselor and they are available 24/7. That number will also be on our website. Police only call 911 for true emergencies. There will be a resource center set up at carol university for all victims from 2:00 to 6:00 P.M. Tuesday, and 9:00 A.M. To 1:00 P.M. On wednesday. That information will be placed upon our website. The district attorney victim assistance program is also available to provide assistance and an email for that service will be shared on social media. Our community needs to heal from physical injury and emotional trauma. What was taken from us by this senseless act. What we do today and the days ahead is what will define us as a city. I know we’ll come together and help waukesha heal. Thank you.
Dr. Jim seivert?
Good afternoon, everyone. I’m deeply saddened by yesterday’s events and the tremendous impact they are having on both our school community and the larger waukesha community. I want to begin by thanking our partners at the city and the police and fire departments for their leadership and partnership. We are focused on our kids, our staff, and our families, and making resources available to them. We stand with our community and are one of the resources for support as we navigate this tragic event. The school district of waukesha is providing internal assistance as well as resources outside of the district to support kids, staff and families. Should families need guidance on how to address trauma with your children, please do not hesitate to reach out to the student services staff at your child’s school. We are actively dispatching additional support to our schools for staff and students. Your school administration and student services team can connect you with our crisis counseling staff in a very timely manner. School psychologists, social workers, school counselors and community mental health providers are available and trained to support children and families in crisis today and into the future. I also want to thank our surrounding school districts, waukesha county, our local health care partners, the department of public instruction and the governor’s office for their support of the school district of waukesha during this time. We also provided meals today from noon to 1:00 P.M. Across the district and we will do the same tomorrow at the following sites via their main entrance. Butler horning and les paul middle schools as well as north, south and west high schools.
We’re listening to officials in waukesha, wisconsin with the latest after that deadly crash, a vehicle plowing through a crowd that gathered for a parade in that community yesterday. You can hear in the voices of the officials, still a community deeply in shock. But officials there doing their best to rise to the moment to tend to those who have suffered loss or injury. What we’ve learned now is the dead, five people dead, they range in age from 52 to 81. Four of them women. We also learned the number of injured now at 48. Two of them are children listed in critical condition. The other major piece of news coming out of this news conference is the suspect. Mr. Darrell brooks. Officials say he will be charged with counts of homicide. We’ll learn more about that a bit later. I wanted to go to tom lamlamas, anchor of “top story.” He’s in waukesha right now for us. What did we learn about the motive? We heard there had been some kind of domestic disturbance that mr. Brooks was a part of. Do we know how he got from there on to this parade route?
You know, we still don’t know that. That’s the big unknown right now. Also the motivation to sort of floor it once he got on the parade route. This is main street, where the parade was taking place. Where we’re coming to you live, this was one of the impact points. The extreme dance team, that youth dance troupe was out here — somebody is racing by now. That youth dance troupe was here when the car came rushing by, it was headed in this direction. The owner of a bakery over here said it was so chaotic. There were children all over the street. Parents were screaming. When the officer opened fire it led to a theory out here that there was an active shooter, which wasn’t the case. Everyone was scrambling for help. People ran to the storefronts and sheltered in place. Other parents picked up their children and ran to the closest hospital. Five people have died so far. As you mentioned, two children are in surgery right now. The entire community is praying for them. From what we understand about the suspect right now, the man you mentioned, darrell brooks, from what we understand, he got an insufficiently low bond, he had been incarcerated, he was able to bond out on what some are calling — especially the district attorney here in milwaukee, an insufficient bond, so he was able to get out. So that may have been part of the reason why he was running. He had a domestic violence incident and he had a prior one before. That’s one of the reasons he was locked up. Interestingly enough he had used his car as a weapon before. He had run over a woman he shares a child with at a gas station. So this man from his history, his criminal history, was incredibly violent. Now he’s behind bars and more charges are on the way.
Tom, thank you.
Let me bring in retired seattle police chief, carmen best. As we heard in tom’s report and from — i apologize. We’re apparently going to cedric alexander, former director of public safety in dekalb county. Apologize for that. Let me put the same question to you. We understand that an officer did discharge their weapon in an effort to stop this car. How difficult is that in an environment where you have so many people around?
Well, certainly any time that you fire a weapon you always have to be aware of your backdrop. In this particular case, where you had a speeding vehicle that was clearly causing death and mayhem in front of witnesses that everyone could see. The officer clearly must have felt he had an opportunity to fire rounds without any incident persons being in his line of fire. I can only imagine, too that firing had to stop immediately because that was still a moving vehicle and you still had people there on the scene. So, usually your training will assess that you don’t shoot at moving vehicles, but in the case — in an extreme case such as this, this is entirely different. And the justification of it from what we know was well within his right and he tried to do everything he could to stop that vehicle from hurting and injuring others.
The police chief there noting that the officer did fire then stopped firing because of concern for the surroundings and the chaotic movements around him. Clearly a lot of questions that will continue to be asked about the police response and what is known about this suspect and his time in the criminal justice system that led up to last night’s tragic event. That concludes our coverage. We’ll have much more tonight on nbc “nightly news.” For now, I’m lester holt, nbc news, new york. Good day, everyone.’S fine. No, she’s right. I did try and steal her company. I don’t blame her that she wants me gone. But I do blame her that she started this war between us because she has hated me since the day I moved in here. But whenever I try–I try, try, tried to rise above her pettiness. But I don’t know if you know this about me, rafe, but I suck at rising above.
Rafe: Would you know a lot of people fail at rising above gabi’s crap.
Ava: Yeah, but you know, like, I shouldn’t let her get into my head. I know what she’s doing. And I still, she still makes me feel so insecure about you and nicole.
Rafe: Come on, we’re– we’re so past that.
Ava: I know. Look, I know, I know, except that you and nicole feel like you can’t be around each other, and I feel bad about that. You know, she is my only friend. You’ve been completely upfront with me. You know, maybe we should all just hang out together again. Right, you know, I could call her, invite her over tonight. Like you said, I always make enough food for an army–
Rafe: Will you please stop talking about nicole?
Ej: No, no. No.
Nicole: No, no, no, what? But eric’s not asking for anything.
Ej: And neither are you, and that’s a problem. Why are you turning down spousal support?
Nicole: Because I don’t need it or deserve it.
Ej: Bull. He not only walked out on you, he walked out, leaving you to take care of his niece and her infant son.
Nicole: But I love them.
Ej: Irrelevant. You’re giving room and board to his niece and her kid in salem while he’s playing albert schweitzer in africa.
Nicole: Xander said something like that too.
Ej: And he’s not always wrong. By the time I’m done here, you’re going to look like the lonely victim of an uncaring husband and an opportunistic brute.
Nicole: But I’m the one that blew up the marriage.
Ej: That’s exactly what eric wants you to think. But from now on, you’ll be dealing with me.
Jake: Ej’s here. Uh, let’s go somewhere else.
Gabi: I’m not afraid of him.
Jake: You’re not afraid of anything.
Gabi: Excuse me, sorry to interrupt, nicole. I just wanted to tell your boss over here that he shouldn’t get too comfortable in my mansion because I’m still having my lawyers look into how he managed to steal it from me.
Ej: Don’t you have bigger problems to deal with? Like finding a new place for your little vanity project? I hear phil gave the two of you the old heave ho after an aborted attempt to overthrow him.
Jake: Gabi, let’s go get a table.
Gabi: And he is paying for that. And gabi chic is gonna come back stronger than ever. My house–I’m gonna get it back.
[Suspenseful music]
Ej: Where the hell did you get that necklace?
Sami: Mom, what are you talking about?
Marlena: Sami, I’ve been locked up too.
Sami: You got arrested?
Marlena: No, no. I’m chained to a wall in the dimera crypt.
Sami: Oh, my god. Is ej doing this to you because of me?
Marlena: No, it wasn’t ej.
Sami: Then who did it?
Marlena: Oh, sami, you won’t believe me when I tell you.
Evil kristen: If I let you free, how do I know you won’t try to escape?
John: Well, I guess you’re just gonna have to trust me.
Evil kristen: It’s kind of a big risk, isn’t it? Hmm. Then again, this would be a lot more fun if I didn’t have to do all the work. Ooh. This has been a date we’ve had from the very beginning.
[Gasps] Oh-ho-ho, so predictable.
John: Please let me go. I need to get to–
Evil kristen: No, you don’t want her; you want me.
John: No, no.
Evil kristen: You want me! You’ve always wanted me, and you can’t resist because you’re mine. You’re mine. You’re mine, you’re mine. O man, that’s a whole lot of wrinkly
Rafe: I’m sorry. I am sorry, I did not– I didn’t mean to snap at you. Just–after this week, and here we are, we’re finally alone, and we’re about to have a really nice dinner, and I just– we don’t need to be talking about nicole.
Ava: I was just trying to be nice.
Rafe: Okay, I get that. It’s just–we need to focus on ourselves, right? We can’t let gabi do that. We can’t let her come between us, you know? The only reason that she brought up nicole’s name was to get onto your skin. You know that.
Ava: I know, I know that, I do, but you, you just– you got so mad. You don’t normally blow up like that.
Rafe: Eva, I’m the police commissioner. There was a homicide in my kitchen. I had to put eli on the case because my girlfriend was the prime suspect. And my sister and the aforementioned girlfriend, they have turned my house into a war zone. So I’m sorry if I’m a little edgy.
Ava: It’s all right. Turned your life upside-down.
Ava: And there we are, talking, not about the cubs game but about feelings.
Ava: [Laughs] You hate that.
Rafe: No, listen, I get it. You gotta do it sometimes, right? But it’s just– I think you were right. We need to focus on us and simplify things and oh, my god I would give my right arm for a boring night, okay?
Ava: Okay. I’ll see what I can do about that.
[Gentle music]
Oh, at the market today, they were having a special on san marzano tomatoes, so I bought a case. Boring enough for you?
Ej: I asked you where you got that necklace.
Jake: Watch the way you talk to her, pal.
Gabi: Why do you care? Oh–is it–is it yours? Oh, I was right! You were sleeping with rafe.
Nicole: What?
Gabi: I found it outside on the ground. I told ava belonged to a woman he didn’t want her to know about–mainly you.
Nicole: That is not my necklace.
Gabi: Then why is he so hot and bothered about it? He gave it to you, and you lost it on the cheating side of town.
Ej: Would you shut up and listen? It’s samantha’s necklace. I bought it for her in tuscany.
Gabi: Oh.
Ej: You say you found it. So samantha didn’t give it to you.
Gabi: No.
Ej: So when did you find it?
Gabi: Just a few months ago. Just about the time she left town.
Sami: You’ve been possessed by the devil again? I thought it was like the chicken pox–I thought it could only happen to you once.
Marlena: Sami, listen–
Sami: Great, now I have to take “my mother being possessed by the devil” off my list of things I never thought I’d have to worry about again. Wait a second. Wait, mom, if you’re possessed by the devil, why are you telling me this? And if you’re him, you wouldn’t want me to know, right?
Marlena: I’ve gotten a temporary reprieve. He took over susan banks.
Sami: Susan banks–why?
Marlena: To get to john.
Sami: Mom. Mom, are you okay?
Marlena: Honey, I’m– I’m so scared. I’m afraid we might lose john.
Evil kristen: You and I were so in love.
John: That was a long time ago, kristen.
Evil kristen: But you remember, don’t you? I know you do. When we were together, we couldn’t keep our hands off of each other.
[Tense music]
John: I remember.
Evil kristen: Then let’s relive the past. Make love to me, john. Want your clothes to smell freshly washed
[Tense music]
Evil kristen: Mm! Ah! You bit me, you son of a bitch.
John: Yeah. And you taste like…
[Spits] Do you really think I was gonna give up on doc?
Evil kristen: You will pay for that, john black.
Rafe: Mmm. Okay, this one really is my favorite.
Ava: Mm. It’s my mom’s recipe. Really is the definition of comfort food.
Rafe: And why would you need comfort food after this week?
Ava: Rafe, um, is it okay if I just talk just a little bit?
Rafe: If you have to.
Ava: [Chuckles] You know, when I thought that i was really gonna go to prison and you didn’t believe me about carmine, it dawned on me that I could lose you. It scared me. I mean, you may not believe it, but all this time here that I’ve been living with you, it’s– it’s been the happiest I’ve ever been. And I did come from a pretty miserable life, so the bar is set kind of low.
[Both laugh]
Rafe: Yeah, well.
Ava: But…
Rafe: But, uh…
Ava: No, I do. I really love our life together. I love talking to you about anything and everything. Even if you don’t know squat about movies.
Rafe: Well, I know “the big lebowski” is better than “citizen kane”.
Ava: Oh, g–ugh. That’s because you have dulled your senses by watching so many sports on tv.
Rafe: Oh, yeah? And who is it who said “an appreciation of sports is the hallmark of an inquiring mind”?
Ava: You.
Rafe: Yeah, that’s right.
Ava: Mm-hmm, yes. The same guy. The guy who does not know how to pronounce cou-pon.
Rafe: There is nothing wrong with cue-pon.
Ava: [Laughing]
Rafe: No.
Ava: No, no. You wanna know what I love most of all?
Rafe: Hmm.
Ava: You. God, I love you.
Rafe: Is that so? I don’t know what to say.
Ava: Is it because you’re overwhelmed or because you don’t feel the same way?
Gabi: Well, as always, swell talking to you.
Ej: I want that necklace back.
Gabi: Yeah, well, people in hell want ice water.
Ej: It’s my property. I paid for it.
Gabi: The mansion was my property, and you took it, so I’m gonna take this.
Nicole: She almost gave me a heart attack. I thought she knew about me and rafe. Hey, are you okay?
Ej: [Clears throat] I was just thinking about that night. The last night I saw samantha. I kicked her out, and she said she was coming to ask gabi to let her stay in the guest room, trying to badger me into some kind of reconciliation. And when she didn’t return, I just figured she changed her mind and never went to see gabi. But if gabi found the necklace, then she must’ve been there.
Nicole: But gabi said she didn’t talk to her. I don’t think she would lie about that.
Ej: No. So what happened? And how did the necklace end up on the ground?
Sami: Okay, mom, you need to loop the police into this call, okay? So we’ll reach the police, we’ll tell them where you are, and they can come help you. They can rescue you, and then they can trace this phone, and they can come get me–
Marlena: Sami, I don’t seem to be able to make outgoing calls.
Sami: Just keep trying. Mom. Mom? Mom, can you hear me?
Evil kristen: Hello, samantha. It’s been a long time.
Sami: Who is this? And what the hell have you done with my mother?
Evil kristen: She can’t help you with your stupid problems. She’s in enough trouble of her own.
[Tense music]
Sami: Who the hell was that? O man, that’s a whole lot of wrinkly
Evil kristen: Oh, marlena, marlena, marlena. You have been a naughty girl.
Marlena: And you have been a careless one.
Evil kristen: Are you talking about this? Wasn’t it fun for you to hear samantha’s voice? Although honestly, I mean, just between us girls, isn’t she the most useless person on the planet? I mean. And now that she’s being, you know, held captive, what good could she possibly do you?
Marlena: Is she all right? You know who’s kidnapped her?
Evil kristen: No. My lips are sealed. Unlike how they were a short time ago when I was with john. Oh–do you mind?
Marlena: Is john all right?
Evil kristen: Ooh. He’s better than all right. He’s basking in the afterglow of our love.
Marlena: We both know that you’re lying. John never touched you. And if he did, it was simply to shove you away. I know that. I can feel that. Because I can still feel the unbreakable bond that john and I share.
Ava: I’m sorry. I’m sorry, I have this bad habit of putting you on the spot.
Rafe: No–
Ava: No, you know what? You don’t have to answer the question. I did not say “I love you” to force a reply. So you know, let’s just– let’s just get back to eating and, um, talking about your terrible taste in movies.
Rafe: No, hey. First of all, I don’t have terrible taste. And second of all, I get what you’re saying. It’s been great having you here. It really adds–I– I’ve been so happy to have you here. I mean, we–we fit, right? And look, if I don’t say what you want me to say, that does not mean that I don’t care about you a lot. Because I do, right? And I promise you that I am committed to you. Only you.
Jake: You really gonna keep that necklace?
Gabi: Why not?
Jake: It’s not yours. It’s sami’S.
Gabi: Sami’s not here, and will says no one knows where she’s at, so it’s not like I can give it to her. Plus she owes me.
Jake: For what?
Gabi: Well, you wanted to give ej kristen’s letter, and I did her a solid and gave it back to her.
Jake: Ej ended up with the letter anyway.
Gabi: That’s not my fault. But that was really funny when the world found out that she was cheating on him with lucas. Did wipe that smirk off his face for once.
Jake: Yeah, well, he seems to have rebounded just fine. What’s the deal with the two of them, anyway? Weren’t they married at one point?
Gabi: Couple of times.
Jake: Huh. And what, now they’re back together?
Gabi: I don’t know, but I just–I can’t believe that he’s over sami. I mean, even when they were on the outs, he always seemed obsessed with her. I–I just got an idea.
Jake: Oh, boy. Here we go again.
Gabi: You know, ej says he hates sami, despises her. But I don’t know, I still think she’s his achilles heel. If we want to pay him back, I think sami could be the key.
Nicole: You know, maybe sami dropped that necklace on accident.
Ej: And never bothered to call rafe or gabi to ask about it?
Nicole: I don’t know. I mean, maybe she didn’t want it anymore. Made it very clear that the marriage was over. Maybe she threw it away.
Ej: Nicole, it was worth money. And this is samantha we’re talking about. Even if it was too painful for her to wear, she would have summoned up the strength to pawn it.
Nicole: It does seem a little out of character. There’s just something strange about all this.
[Phone ringing] Uknown number.
Nicole: Must be a telemarketer.
Ej: Maybe. I’ll see. Yes?
Sami: Ej, thank god you answered.
Ej: Who is this? Are you tired of clean clothes that just don’t smell clean?
Ava: I know–I know how much you hate it, but I’m really glad we talked tonight. We got all our cards out on the table.
Rafe: Yeah. I liked it, actually.
Ava: How about a toast, huh?
Rafe: All right.
Ava: All right. Hmm. To putting mistakes behind us.
Rafe: A fresh start.
Jake: So I thought we were coming here to talk about how to get gabi chic back, but here we are, talking about revenge again.
Gabi: I’m multitasking. Try to keep up.
Jake: Okay. So how is it that sami’s gonna help us pay ej back?
Gabi: I don’t know yet, but we can start by dragging her down, bring her to salem, and then we can figure that out.
Sami: Ej, did you hear me?
Ej: Is anyone there?
Sami: Ej! Ej, can you hear me? Stupid batteries.
Nicole: No one there?
Ej: I guess not.
Nicole: Told you it was a telemarketer.
Ej: Actually, it’s strange. For a minute there, I could have sworn I heard samantha’s voice, and then the phone went dead.
Susan: What happened to my lip?
Demon marlena: Apparently your friend over there likes it rough.
Susan: Oh! Oh, no, did you–
John: No. Even under satan’s spell, I remained true to marlena.
Demon marlena: Well, I didn’t have very high hopes for that plan anyway. So I guess I’ll just have to go to plan B.
Susan: Well, what’s that? Huh?
Demon marlena: Plan b? Oh. That’s where you both die.
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