Y&R Short Recap Wednesday, November 10, 2021

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps

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Recap written by Eva

Chloe tells Sally to focus on the good things she has in her life and stop blaming other people for the situatations that she got herself into in the past. Chloe tells Sally to focus on becoming a better person and put her past behind her.

Amanda testifies against Sutton and Michael tells her she did a wonderful job with her testimony.

Phyllis has a talk with Amanda and gives her a very brief history of her relationship with Jack and Nick and Amanda thinks that Phyllis never got over Jack.

Devon talks to Amanda about possibly taking Dominic out of the Chancellor mansion until Abby has had time to deal
with her grief. Nick goes to the Chancellor mansion to comfort Abby and they go for a walk in the park with the baby. Nick has a talk with Devon when he and Abby return from the park and he tells Devon that he is worried about Abby
too because when they were at the park she got so focused on talking about Chance that she didn’t hear Dominic crying.

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