Y&R Short Recap Friday, September 24, 2021

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps

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Recap written by Eva

Ashland and Abby have a long talk to get to know each other and later Abby calls Victoria to congratulate her because, she finally found her perfect match.

Ashland hurries to get the rest of the money he promised to give to Jesse Gaines so that he won’t sell the story of his true identity to Chancellor Communications.

Jesse is talking to Billy and he tells Billy he will sell him Ashland’s story for the right price. Billy calls Lily later and tells her Jesse is willing to sell them the Ashland story for the right price and he has a meeting with him later to negotiate a price.

Nick and Phyllis begin to dig into Ashland’s past and at first they find nothing but as they begin to talk they have an idea that Ashland may have assumed the identity of someone that died. Phyllis looks up men Ashland’s age who died in Tom’s River New Jersey. Nick and Phyllis come up with three men who could be the real Ashland Locke. Nick flies down to New Jersey to investigate and find out the truth about Ashland. Jesse gets a knock on his hotel door and he is shocked to see Victor standing at the door wanting to talk to him.

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