Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps
Recap written by Eva
Rey returns home with Connor and Rey tells Sharon he has forgiven Chelsea for what she did to him. Chelsea talks to Chloe via video call and tells her she has had a lot of time to think and she is ready to let go of all her anger toward Adam.
Phyllis tells Sally she won’t rest until she can prove that she and Tara forced Summer to leave town. Phyllis goes over what she suspects about Sally and Tara with Amanda. Amanda helps Phyllis remember that Summer heard about the job at Marquettee from Sally. Summer calls Angelina Msrquettee’s PR person and asks for Angelina’s cell phone number. Phyllis calls Angelina who tells her that she is so grateful to Eric Forrester for recommending Summer for the job. Angelina tells Phyllisthat she is in LA meeting with Eric right now. Phyllis tells Angelina that she is leaving for LA today and hopes to see her there. Kyle and Jack begin to suspect that Phyllis is right and Sally and Tara forced Summer out of town.
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