Y&R Short Recap Tuesday, May 4, 2021

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps

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Recap written by Eva

Moses is a supportive friend to Faith as he helps her talk through her feelings about her illness. Billy persuades Lily to allow a reporter to follow Nick because he thinks Nick knows Adam’s location. Billy overhears Nikki and Victoria talking about Faith’s illness at Society. Billy promises Victoria he will pull the plug on the story for Faith’s sake. Lily gets the wrong idea when she comes into Society and sees Billy holding Victoria’s hand. Adam tries to persuade Nick to wait until the tornado passes in the storm cellar, but he wants them to go back to Geneva City as soon as possible. Nick does his best to open the door to the storm cellar so they can leave as soon as the storm passes. Nick and Adam and Nick are able to open the door but when they do the roof of the storm cellar collapses on top of c them.

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