Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps
Recap written by Eva
Sally tells Jack the whole truth about her relationship with Wyatt Spencer and everything she did to keep him with her because she loved him so much. Sally also tells Jack that she wanted to keep Wyatt with her because she didn’t want to be alone and she now knows that what she did was wrong. Sally also admits to Jack that she found out about Kyle’s affair with Tara because Theo told her when he came back to Genoa City for a visit and she used the information to blackmail Kyle and Summer so they wouldn’t tell anyone about her relationship with Wyatt. Jack tells Sally that they should slow down their relationship and he appreciates that she was honest with him. Lauren has an honest talk with both Summer and Sally and tells them she won’t tolerate blackmail and sneaky behavior at Fenmore’s. Summer and Sally later call a truce and promise not to reveal their secrets. Chelsea fears Adam won’t be arrested for poisoning Rey so she decides to speed up her recovery plan and when Nick comes over and tells her and Chloe that the police haven’t found Adam she says “Sharon knows”. Rey thinks Sharon is hiding something from him and he asks her if she knows Adam’s location.
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