Y&R Short Recap Friday, January 29, 2021

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps

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Recap written by Eva

Billy apologizes to Victoria for everything he put her through when they were married. Billy also thanks her for divorcing him because it forced him to get his life together. Victoria is sad because she realizes Billy has become the man she knew he could be but now he is in love with Lily. Jack and Sally talk about their families and Sally spends the night in the Abbott guest room because of the snowstorm. Kyle thinks Summer that she is underestimatig Sally, but Summer doesn’t think Sally would risk everyone finding out about her past. Mariah and Abby have a long talk about surrogacy and then Mariah decides to help Abby and Chance have a baby. Elena tells Devon that the reason she slept with Nate is because Nate made her feel needed. Devon apologizes to Elena for making her feel like he didn’t need her. Devon and Elena long talk leads to them making love.

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