Y&R Short Recap Monday, December 7 2020

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps

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Recap written by Christine

Adam and Chelsea awaited her test results after her fainting episode. Rey let them know that Billy had been arrested. Adam didn’t want to leave town until they knew what was wrong with Chelsea. Adam told Chelsea about his meeting with Victor and Victoria. Chelsea left Chloe a message letting her know she was moving away and that she’d miss her. Chelsea lied and told Adam that the doctor called and said she had a minor condition. Adam believed her and said he’d book the flights tonight. Michael told Rey it’d be tough to prosecute the case of a sympathetic grieving father against a sociopath who’d killed someone as a child. There was a witness who saw Billy at the crime scene. Rey and Michael were keeping the person’s identity secret. Amanda told Jill and Lily about the eyewitness. Lily was sure the person was wrong, since Billy was at work during the shooting, and ChanceComm’s security video would prove it. Jill was sure Billy was innocent, but she worried the trial would go wrong. She asked Lily to help her convince Billy to skip town. Lily knew Billy would never leave his family. Jill hoped Amanda could win the case. Victoria told Lily that Billy and Amanda had an affair. Lily was skeptical when she found out that Victor was the source of this information and that he’d never shown Victoria any proof. Victoria wanted Billy to know she supported him, and she also told Lily that Adam was supposedly leaving town.

Amanda got Billy out on bail. She questioned him, and he confessed that he had left the building the day Chance was shot. He’d gotten a tip that Chelsea was missing, so he followed Adam to the building that later became the crime scene. He saw Chelsea walking away from the building, assumed the tip was wrong, and he left before the shooting occurred. Amanda was frustrated with Billy for lying to her and lying to the police. He said he lied because he didn’t think anyone saw him at the building, and he didn’t think it’d be a good idea to say he’d been there. Faith got teased by her classmates over Adam getting committed. Faith approved of Sharon having Adam locked up. She was dismayed to learn he was already free. Sharon wished Adam had gotten the help he needed, but Faith thought Adam was evil and beyond help. Rey was pleased when Sharon said she was finished worrying about Adam. Sharon and Rey’s instincts told them that Billy was innocent. Jordan asked Faith to lie to Sharon and come hang out with her. Faith said she had to stay on Sharon’s good side after getting into trouble.

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