Y&R Short Recap Friday, October 23, 2020

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps

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Recap written by Eva

Elena tells Lola why Devon ended their relationship. Lola tells Elena she can live in her apartment with her. Elena decides to stop volunteering at the clinic so she doesn’t have to work so closely with Nate but Nate tells Elena that he will stop volunteering at the clinic so she doesn’t have to give up working at the clinic. Amanda accepts an invitation to go with Devon to see a singer he wants to sign to his streaming service. Rey gives Sharon a beautiful engagement ring and they decide to set a date for their wedding. Chelsea hears a conversation between Adam and Rey in which Adam tells Rey that Sharon and he will always find their way back to each other because they belong together. Rey tells Adam that Sharon has changed and doesn’t love him anymore. Adam returns home and tells Chelsea they need to make plans to leave town and move closer to Connor. Chelsea tells Adam she overheard his conversation with Rey where he told Rey that he and Sharon will always find their way back to each other because they belong together. Adam tries to explain that he was just trying to get under Rey’s skin and he didn’t, mean anything that he said to Rey. Chelsea has had enough of Adam’s lies so she tells Adam she is done with him and leaves the apartment. Rey and Sharon decide to get married on New Year’s Eve to put the old year behind them and have a new beginning together. Elena fears that Devon will pull the funding from the clinic if she continues to work there so she tells Nate that she must stop working there in order to make sure that people get the help they need. Amanda gets the report from the private investigator she hired and the report says that he spoke to her mother’s next door neighbor. The woman told the private investigator that she never saw her mother Rose pregnant but one day she suddenly saw her with a baby girl who she said was her daughter.

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