Y&R Short Recap Friday, October 2, 2020

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps

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Recap written by Eva

Kyle and Summer decide to elope because they want their wedding to be about them and they don’t want any drama. Ashley thinks Billy did the right thing publishing the story about Adam because it’s time he pay for his crimes. Jack tells Ashley about Cuba’s emerald necklace and she tells him to talk to Victor about the necklace. Victor tells Jack that John told him he bought the necklace on the black market and gave the necklace to Dina and the necklace was later stolen. Victor tells he tried to track down the necklace because he wanted to buy it to give to Nikki. Victor also tells Jack that the necklace was bought by a dummy corporation named BODHI. Elena has a nightmare that Devon leaves her because he loves Amanda. Elena goes to the clinic where she and Nate saved Jarred who almost dies of an overdose. Nate and Elena later share a kiss. Phyllis sells her stock portfolio to pay her taxes. Adam tells Billy that he intends to sue him and leave him with nothing. Victor tells Victoria that when the company starts to suffer because of this story he will take everything away from her.

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