Y&R Short Recap Wednesday, September 16, 2020

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps

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Recap written by Eva

Phyllis tells Nick she has a more realistic view of romance while he has a more romantic view of love. Phyllis thinks they will hurt each other but Nick asks her to trust that their relationship will last this time. Traci discovers that Dina was wearing a beautiful emerald necklace in the home movie and she is determined to find it. Sharon and Rey have a long talk and they decide not to fight anymore. Sharon promises Rey she won’t let Adam come between them. Amanda asks Devon to tell her about Hilary but he doesn’t want to open up that painful wound of grief again. Devon realizes that he is the only person that can tell Amanda about Hilary so he tells Amanda that Hilary did a lot of bad things because she wasn’t perfect but deep down she was a good person who did a lot of good things that nobody ever saw because she didn’t take cameras with her. Chelsea tells Adam she will marry him right away to prove to him that she won’t ever leave him. Chelsea tells Adam she is ready to fight his enemies with him. Adam decides to come back home and they start to work on a plan to take down Victor and the rest of the people who are out to get him.

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