Y&R Short Recap Tuesday, March 18, 2025

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps

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Recap written by Eva

Amy gets admitted to the hospital in Chicago because a spot opened up in the Clinical trial for the experimental drug. Damian and Nate get a call from Amy telling them that she is in the Clinical trial so Damian and Nate decide to go to Chicago to support Amy.

Holden and Audra have lunch, and Audra reminds Holden that they are just friends. Devon and Lily see Audra and Holden having lunch and Lily tells Devon that she can’t shake the feeling that Damian and Holden are hiding something from Nate.

Summer has lunch with Kyle because Claire can’t have lunch with him because she has to go back to work. Summer tells Kyle she thinks Victor wants them to get back together and that is why he doesn’t approve of his relationship with Claire.

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