Nitpicks & Flubs
Jennifer cried without any tears.
How did Liz know where to find Marlena? The last time she was in Salem Marlena was staying in the house with Roman. How did she know to find her at the townhouse?
Jennifer couldn’t imagine waking up without the person you love sleeping next to her. Did she forget there was a time when she thought Jack was dead? He also abandoned the family, so she spent plenty of time with her bed empty.
Who told Liz about what happened to Doug? Liz hasn’t been in town since 1986, so who would have called her to tell her about Doug?
Liz wore a fur coat, but she didn’t have it closed. It couldn’t be that cold in Salem. Maggie and Marie were sitting outside at the town square as if it were spring, so it wasn’t that cold there.
Why didn’t Marie visit Julie right away? She was at the town square when she came back for Julie.
Ciara’s dress was inappropriate for her grandfather’s funeral.
Belle was wearing a jacket when she and Marlena walked through the town square, but it was off when she was shown at the church.
Why was Marlena in the front row at Doug’s funeral, but most of Julie’s family was sitting in the back?
Why didn’t Sarah go to Doug’s service? She’s walking now so she should have been able to go to the service.
Would anyone miss their family’s funeral because they were too sick to go? Claire was conveniently sick and couldn’t go to Doug’s funeral. She should have been there to say goodbye.
Why did Leo assume that Steven was in town for Doug’s funeral when he didn’t know he was related to Julie? Steven could have been in town for any reason.
Ciara and Jennifer didn’t know Steven, but they were sure he wouldn’t steal Alice’s diamonds.
How did Doug III know his way around Salem? He just got out of jail, but he knew how to get to St. Luke’s.
Hope didn’t have flowers when she showed up at the Horton house but had them when she went to the cemetery.
Ciara had to text Shawn to let him know that Hope was in town. Hope could have reached out to him.
Jennifer wanted to give Hope a ride from the cemetery. How did Hope get there when she arrived alone? What was supposed to happen to the car Hope drove?
Would it hurt Alex to put a shirt on occasionally? He always answers his door without a shirt on.
What made Cat think that Chad would care about her mother and not what happened to Abby’s remains?
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