Days Transcript Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Days of Our Lives Transcript


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Transcript provided by Suzanne


If you fire me, Paulina, you’ll only end up looking foolish when this case falls apart in court.

Well, then I’ll just have to make sure that doesn’t happen.


By replacing you with a brilliant DA.

Hmm. Well, if you’re considering Melinda Trask for the position, rumor is she’s long gone.

[suspenseful music]

Long gone? Where? Someone like Melinda doesn’t just disappear.

I’d have to agree. The woman is hardly one to keep a low profile.

Huh. That’s putting it mildly. Well, I’ve got a lot of people working for me, so we’ll track her down, wherever she is.


[knock at door]

Ms. Viniski, it’s Commissioner Hunter. I’d like to ask you a few questions. Last time I was here, I just had to apply a little pressure.

[suspenseful music]

Ms. Viniski, are you home?

Is that blood?

Yeah, it is. Put in a call to CSU.

[Jada sighs] My God. Whose blood is this?

Look, right now, you are mad as hell at Gabi. She’s mad as hell at you. But as much as you say there is no chance of you two getting back together again–

There isn’t.

Oh, come on. You two love each other. There’s always a chance. And you having me work for you at the Bistro? Not gonna help.

OK, I’m going to repeat this one more time, so maybe it’ll resonate. Yes, I am mad as hell, but not just that. I am appalled. I am disgusted that my wife would sleep with my brother more than once. And to me, that’s a deal-breaker, all right? As far as I’m concerned, Gabi can rot.

What are you talking about? Why would Rafe point the finger at you?

Oh, did I forget to mention? I’m the one who stabbed your brother.

[tense music]

[siren wailing]

Ah, come on, Gabi, call me back.

[door opens]

Hey, Hernandez.

Roman, hey.

About time you woke up. Although you don’t seem too happy about it. Something wrong?

I’m sorry. It’s great to see you. It’s just… I’m worried about Gabi. Jada and I, uh…

[ominous music] We think her new assistant might be dangerous.

What do you mean by dangerous? And who is this person?

Well, her name is Connie Viniski. And it’s possible she might be the one who stabbed me.

You stabbed Rafe?

[Gabi gasps]

And you’re next.

No. No, no. It was Everett. Everett is the one that attacked Rafe.

Well, that’s what everyone thinks, that Everett’s brain broke for good. Of course, I know him as Bobby Stein.

You knew Jada’s ex, the alter?

Well, of course I know him. Why else would I try to take out your brother? Bobby asked me to do it.

What? Why?

Come on, Gabi. You’re a smart cookie. You can figure it out. With Rafe out of the way, Bobby had a clear path to Jada Hunter, his beloved ex.

[whispering] Oh, my God.

[soft orchestration] announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the “Days of Our Lives.”

[suspenseful music]

I thought it was Everett Lynch who tried to kill you. Isn’t that why he took his own life?

Well, it turns out that Everett Lynch’s death may not have been a suicide.

So you’re thinking it’s this Connie Viniski?

Well, that’s what we’re trying to find out. Jada’s trying to track her down right now. And in the meantime, I need to warn Gabi to stay the hell away from her.

OK. I assume you tried to call her.

Yes, I have tried to call her. I’ve left her a voicemail. She’s not answering my texts, so I need to find her now!


[tense somber music]

You tried to kill Rafe for Bobby?

I know it sounds a bit extreme, but I don’t blame him for wanting another chance with Jada. He thought of her as the love of his life. I’m a romantic myself.

Except she and Bobby just weren’t meant to be, as it turned out.

No, they were not. Such a tragedy.

So Bobby Everett’s death?

I had no choice. He said he was going to expose me for stabbing the commish. I could not let him threaten me like that.

So you killed him and made it look like a suicide?

You’re asking a lot of questions.

No, no. I just– as someone that’s done a lot of crazy things in the name of love, I have to admit I’m impressed.

[laid-back music]

Gabi made her choice, I made mine.

So you’re telling me if Gabi came through that door and she told you how sorry she was, that she loves you, she still wants you back… you would not find it in your heart to forgive her?

That’s what I’m telling you.

Oh, come on. You wouldn’t be tempted? You wouldn’t be tempted just to give it another go? She is your wife. And like I said, the two of you still love each other.

[phone rings]

[scoffs] Speak of the devil.

[Ava chuckles]

You gonna answer it?

[phone ringing]

No. She’s probably just calling to tell me that she and EJ have had mind-blowing sex again.

[tense music]

I can see that you’ve made some difficult choices, Connie, but why would you do Bobby’s dirty work in the first place?

I told you, I’m a romantic. I believe in love.

OK, being a romantic is one thing. But stabbing the police commissioner, I mean, seems like a pretty big risk. You must have been getting something out of it.

Well, sure, I was. Bobby made it clear if I didn’t do his dirty work for him, he’d rat me out.

Rat you out? What did he have over you?

Bobby knew I did something. Something I’m not proud of.

What? What–what–what– what did you do?

Why does it matter?

Connie, come on. There’s no sense in keeping secrets from each other at this point.

Bobby knew… that I killed Li Shin.

[ominous music]


What the hell?

What the hell?

That’s what I said.

Is that Li Shin?

Well, it’s the cardboard version.


Looks like our friend, Connie, was holding someone hostage.

Probably not old Li here.

No. Someone more three-dimensional.

Melinda Trask? Could she have been the one that was held here?

But where is she now?

That’s a good question.

I suspect that Melinda Trask has had her fill of Salem politics, so I doubt she would take the DA job, even if you could track her down.

Then I’ll hire someone else.

Whom you know damn well won’t be as competent as I am. I mean, isn’t that why you hired me back?


[scoffs] What are you talking about? You blackmailed me into it. Or have you forgotten about your pals in the CCS?

The Concerned Citizens of Salem are merely doing their civic duty, looking out for the best interests of the town.

Yeah, right, by trying to get me recalled.

Well, it all worked out in the end, didn’t it? I got what I wanted, and you seem pretty comfortable in your position.

Doesn’t mean I am not going to fire you. You stole a baby.

Allegedly. And come on, is this any way to treat one of your in-laws?

Ah, oh, come on, EJ. Are you really playing the family card?

I’m simply suggesting, considering the upheaval this would cause people that we both love, that we don’t act too hastily.

[sighs] While I agree we could both do without another scandal, if your brother goes public with what he knows about you, then not even I will be able to save your privileged, pompous ass.

[tense music]

[EJ sighs]

Ava, what are we doing waiting around here? Let’s go to the Bistro, grab a bottle of champagne, and celebrate your triumphant return as manager.

I haven’t accepted your offer.

You will.

[scoffs and chuckles] You so sure about that?

Yeah. Unless you want to stick around here and sling hash for a living.

It’s an honest living.

Honestly boring. And exhausting. Are you telling me you want to be on your feet all day walking around here like this for a couple of lousy bucks in tips? Come on, Ava. Take a chance and walk out that door.

I’m technically still on my shift.


[chuckles softly] I think the breakfast rush is over. It’s not like you’re leaving them high and dry.

[Ava chuckles] Besides, didn’t you tell me that Roman gave you this job so you can make your rent money? You’re going to make a hell of a lot more rent money as manager of the Bistro, OK? And I think the rest of the waitstaff here would appreciate your share of the tip jar.

[soft upbeat music]

Hey, Andrea. Take my tables, will ya?

There you go. All right, come on. The future awaits.




Off we go.


Whoa. Whoa, whoa, whoa. I can’t let you out of this bed.

Roman, I have to find Gabi!

Rafe! You’re too weak! It’s not safe to leave this hospital.

Well, it’s not safe for my sister to be out there alone. I mean, this Connie woman is going after people that I love!

Are you sure she’s going after Gabi?

Well, it sure as hell is a possibility. I mean, this woman, she faked her entire résumé to get the assistant job with my sister. And I’m telling you if Connie did this to me, who the hell knows what she’s going to do to my sister?

OK, let me handle it.


Hey! Not my first rodeo, kid. You stay here. You rest. I will track down Gabi and make sure Connie Viniski is not a threat.

[tense music]

You killed Li? Oh, my God.

Don’t act like you’re all broken up about it. You hated the guy.

That doesn’t mean I wanted him dead! Especially since I went to prison for killing him!

I gotta say–

[chuckles] That part of the plan couldn’t have worked out better.

Wait. You framed me?

Duh. Who do you think sent you a text from Li’s phone that night and lured you over to his apartment?

That was you?

I went to prison because of you?

Hey! I didn’t tell you to pull a knife out of the guy’s back. I just laid the trap and you were stupid enough to fall into it and even stupider to fall into this one.

I want an APB on Connie Viniski. She should be considered armed and dangerous. Hang on. Let’s also put one out on Melinda Trask. Yes, the former DA. We’re considering her a missing person. All right. I’ll be in touch.

[suspenseful music]

Trask was officially on a leave of absence.

Yeah, but… what if Connie was the one that put in that message? Oh, my God, what if– what if Connie has been holding Melinda hostage this entire time?

Well, how do you think this thing figured into it?

I have no idea. But right now, my main concern is what Connie may have done to Melinda.

I don’t understand. Why would you kill Li and frame me for it? I–I–I thought we got along great.

[chuckles] That’s what I wanted you to think. But the truth is I hated you for the way you treated Li, the way you toyed with his emotions, and the way that you and Stefan just tortured him for months!

Since when did you care about Li?

I don’t care about him. I love him.

Wh–what? Did you even know each other?

Of course I knew him. I told you that that day I met you at the press conference, but you were probably too busy thinking about yourself to remember.

[softly] The press conference.

Li and I had the most magical blind date. Oh, and he charmed me with that smile. That smile could light up a room. And I knew from that moment that he and I were meant to be. And we would have been together forever if you hadn’t broken his heart. You made him think you cared about him, but you only cared about his DiMera shares. You tricked him! You humiliated him!

And after that, Li was too hurt to love again.

So it’s my fault that he didn’t love you?

Well, who else’s? And I tried to convince him… that you were not good enough for him and that I was the only one that could give him the love that he needed. But he could not let you go.

So you stabbed him in the back?

It was an accident.

Oh, so you accidentally put a knife in his back?

OK, so it wasn’t an accident, but it wasn’t my fault, either. Youare the one that caused all of this. You ruined him.

And you tried to ruin me in return.

But somehow, you got out. You are here. And my precious Li is gone. It should have been you, Gabi! You’re the one who deserved to die!

Time to end this for good. And then Li and I can finally be together.

[Gabi screams]

[tense music]

[Gabi panting]

[grunts] You bitch.

You know, it would be a terrible shame for the CCS to rear their ugly heads again and attempt another mayoral recall.

I don’t respond well to threats.

Well, who said anything about a threat?

EJ, even if I were to consider keeping you on as DA, if your brother, Stefan, is determined to testify against you for babynapping, then make no mistake, I will fire you without a second thought.

It won’t come to that, Mayor Price. I can handle my brother.

[suspenseful music]


[laid-back music] You know, it’s a little early for champagne, no?

Think of it as a mimosa. Just light on the OJ, huh?

Oh. Well, OK, then.

[chuckles] And it’s : somewhere, right?


[chuckles] All righty. So what are we drinking to?

To new beginnings for both of us. Welcome back to the Bistro.

[glasses clink]

Yeah. I’m still not sure this is the best idea. Because once Gabi finds out that you hired me again?

[Ava laughs]

OK, how many times do I need to say my marriage is over? Gabi’s as good as dead to me.

[Stefan sighs]

[pounding on door]


[tense music] Hello?

[pounding on door] Gabi, it’s Roman Brady!



Is anybody home? Gabi!

Gabi, are you here?


[phone line trilling]

Come on, Gabi, pick up. – You’ve reached Gabi DiMera. Leave a message.

[voicemail beeps]

Damn it.

[door opens]


Jada, did you find Connie?

No sign of her at the apartment. But I think we were both right about her involvement with Li Shin’s murder.

Did you find evidence?

Something like that. Look… I’m not really sure how to describe this. OK? But Connie had a life-sized cardboard cutout of Li.

What? What– you mean like in an old video store?

Yeah, something like that. And it was in her bedroom tucked underneath the covers.

OK. Definitely didn’t have that on my bingo card.

OK, well–yeah. Well, there’s more.

Well, it’s gonna be hard to top that.

Well, I’m about to. Listen. It appears that cutout cardboard Li was not Connie’s first occupant in the bed. There were ropes tied to the headboard, Rafe.


Yeah. Like she’s been holding someone hostage in that apartment.

[softly] Oh, my God.


Good morning, sunshine. I brought you some company.

Mmm. OK. So you say that Gabi is out of your life.

She is.

And I’m going to give you the benefit of the doubt that you believe it in this moment.

I do believe it because it’s the truth.


What? What?

Uh–no, no, no. OK, it’s just that–

[laughs] I’ve been through this before with Rafe, with Harris. And even though we are not romantically involved, you know, I’m just– I’m just preparing myself for when you and Gabi do get back together and I’m out on my ass again.

My God. How many times do I have to tell you that’s not going to happen?

Really? Even if Gabi comes slithering back into your life?

Well, that’s not going to happen, either.

You so sure about that?

I am sure about that, especially since she told me this morning she found herself in EJ’s bed yet again.

[Ava sighs] Oh, this day just keeps getting better.

[chuckles] Well, well, well. Isn’t this cozy? I suppose you decided to invite Ava to your victory celebration? But it’s a little premature, don’t you think?

[jazzy music]

[Roman sighs]

[suspenseful music]


[ominous music]

So you found blood?

Mm-hmm. That’s what led me to Connie’s bedroom. CSU is on it. But we found Melinda’s bag and ID on the scene, so–

It’s likely to match hers.

We’re working off that assumption. I already declared her a missing person.

I guess the important question is where did Connie take Melinda? And what exactly did she do to her?

It’s a good thing I had extra rope down here.

[muffled speech]

I can’t understand a word you’re saying.

[muffled speech]


[muffled speech]

OK, fine. It’s not like anyone’s going to hear you down here. What is it?

What did you do to Gabi?

Who said I did anything to her?

Where the hell are we?

I just assumed with all your time as a DA that you would know this place from crime scene photos or or something.

The hell are you talking about?

[inhales deeply] Don’t you smell the money, honey? We’re in the bowels of the DiMera mansion.

The secret room.

So you do know about it.

Why are we here?

You’re here because I needed someplace safe to stash you when my apartment became too hot. I came here to kill Gabi.

But she’s still alive. Does that mean you’ve changed your mind?

No. I just figured it’d be more efficient to kill you both together.

[jazzy music]

EJ, shouldn’t you be at the office?

Oh, you mean where I’m supposed to be arrested for my high crimes and misdemeanors?


Oh, he didn’t tell you? My brother was setting me up. I just got back from a meeting with Mayor Price where she told me that you gave her an earful about what happened with Nicole’s baby.

Well, it’s all the truth.

Mm. And seeing how it was a while back, you just decided that right now was the time to tell the mayor all about it?

Yeah, just like you decided that right now would be a great time to go after my wife.

Right. So this is your way of trying to get revenge on me for that? Well, if that’s the case, let me remind you that it was your wife who came on to me that night.

Mm. What about this morning, huh? I’m guessing that that was mutual because the first time was so amazing that you two just couldn’t wait to ravage each other again.

Just make sure CSU combs through every inch of that apartment.


I don’t want to miss one single cell of evidence.

Roman, did you find Gabi? Was she at the mansion?

I went inside the place. No sign of Gabi or anyone else, for that matter.

What about the staff?

I went to talk to Harold. The kitchen was empty.

Is that unusual?

Well, it’s not unheard of. They run a lot of errands. You’re sure that she wasn’t there?

[sighs] Rafe, look, I don’t know where Gabi is, but I don’t believe she’s in that house.

[suspenseful music]

Lord. So this is the apartment where Melinda Trask was being held hostage?

We believe so, ma’am. We found some of her personal items in the bedroom along with evidence that someone had been restrained in the bed.

And so you haven’t found this Connie Viniski?

No. Acting Commissioner Hunter put out an APB on her. But so far, no hits.

What about Melinda?

We’re on the lookout for her, too. CSU is trying to confirm that this is her blood. Right now, we’d be happy to just find her alive.

You brought me all the way over here just to kill me? Why didn’t you just do it when I was back at your apartment when you had the chance?

In the place I share with Li? I could never sully our home with that kind of violence.

Didn’t stop you from killing him there! Oh, I forgot. He’s not really dead. He’s just a little stiff.

Do you want the gag back in?

No, please.

I never wanted to keep you there in the first place. But desperate times and all that. It’ll be over soon, though. And Li and I, we can finally enjoy our happily ever after just as soon as I finish off you and Gabi.

What’s that?

Don’t worry, Melinda. I’m going to take good care of you. Li and I both are.

Here comes the airplane!

No. Get that drug-laced slop away from me!

I slaved away making this slop for you. Fine. Starve. See if I care. The only reason I kept you alive was just because Li asked me to. I’m trying! You see that, right?

He’s dead, you psycho!

And whose fault is that? Yours and Gabi’s and Stefan’s. If it weren’t for the three of you, I never would have had to ever–

You never would have what?

OK, thank you. According to DiMera security, Gabi did not come to the office today.

What about Stefan?

I didn’t speak to him.

Well, maybe Gabi decided to take the morning off and play a little hooky with Stefan.

[suspenseful music]

I kind of doubt that.


Well, a lot has happened since you were… sleeping.

Stefan and Gabi split up.

What? Why?

Well, apparently Stefan cheated on her. With Ava Vitali.

[tense music]

This morning, nobody ravaged anybody. What the hell are you talking about?

EJ, don’t insult me, playing innocent here, OK? Gabi sauntered downstairs in your robe and couldn’t wait to gloat to me about your most recent romp.

[EJ sighs]

I came here for a little fun. Last thing I need is to be psychoanalyzed.


[clears throat] I got a little taste of that myself yesterday from Johnny, actually. When he found out you and I slept together, he warned me that I was potentially destroying my family out of misplaced rage towards Eric and Nicole.

He also pointed out that since I was the one who had blown up my marriage, my rage and anger was doubly misplaced.

Sounds like he was being preachy as hell.

Mm. Yes, but he had a point.

[clears throat] I just received my divorce decree from Nicole. So honestly, I’m not exactly in the right frame of mind to be engaging in sexual warfare. Though tempting it may be.

Wait a minute. You’re– are you seriously turning me down?

Don’t be offended, Gabi. I suspect that deep down, this isn’t what you really want, either.

[chuckles] Gabi told you we had sex this morning?

Well, she referred to it more as, uh, marathon. Why, you’re not actually going to sit here and deny it, are you?

[suspenseful music]

And when we came in here, we found… him.

Oh, holy flat Stanley.

What–what is this?

It’s Li Shin.

Yeah, yeah, I know who it is, but what the hell is he doing in the bed?

Ma’am, in my professional opinion, Connie Viniski is out of her mind.

[ominous music]

Connie, it is not too late to change your mind.

Why would I change my mind?

Because you don’t want to be a murderer. Again.

Well, thank you for your concern, Melinda, but I’m fine. I mean, it wasn’t easy getting either of you down here without being noticed. But now that I have both of you in one place, it’s awfully convenient. Two bitches with one stone, if you will. No need to worry about messy cleanup or the police finding any evidence.

Why not? They’re bound to look down here eventually.

Well, they can look all they want. But they won’t find anything. By the time I’m finished, you’ll both be incinerated.

[chuckling] Along with everything else in this house.

[suspenseful music]

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