Days Transcript Friday, September 13, 2024

Days of Our Lives Transcript


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Transcript provided by Thane


[gentle music]

Uncle Eric?

Tate, hey.

What–are you here to give me a ride home?

Sorry, no. Actually, I was, uh– I’m hoping to find Holly.

Oh, uh… yeah, I don’t think that she’s gonna want to talk to you. She’s actually– she’s pretty upset.

Yeah, I know that, but–

Not just with you and her mom. She and I just got into this argument. She’s upset because she found out my dad was getting released from jail.

I see.

And then she just took off before last period. I have no idea where she went. All I know is that she couldn’t wait to get away from me.

I heard you let Brady Black go free.

[sighs] I’m sorry, Holly. I just didn’t have enough evidence to prosecute him.

What if I help you find some? [suspenseful music]

I appreciate the offer, Holly, but I’m not sure there’s anything you can do at this point.

What do you mean? Why not?

Well, because my unscrupulous sister Kristen, in a foolhardy act of aiding and abetting an alleged criminal, took it upon herself to dispose of the vehicle in question, thus making my case against Brady Black rather flimsy.

Wait. So that means you can’t try him without, like–

Forensic evidence.


No. So barring some miracle in which Sarah Horton remembers seeing the driver who hit her and can give credible witness testimony–

Tate’s dad’s just going to get away with this. Isn’t he?


What exactly did EJ say to you?

Uh, well, he told me in that imperious way of his that he connected the dots and he knows that I was the one to get rid of the car.

What? Wait, how did he figure that out?

He heard it from a cop. Look, I mean, they’ve gotta give those cops more stuff to do. I mean, like puzzles or knitting or something.

That cop.


No, I–he must have heard my father and me talking. I didn’t think anybody was listening.

Well, obviously not.

[sighs] Did EJ threaten you?

I mean, he wanted me to flip on you. I mean, he said that he would arrest me, uh, for evidence tampering if I didn’t admit that you confessed to me. But I’ll tell you something. I knew he was holding a bad hand, and so I called his bluff. And he let me go.

Kristen. This is not good. Just know that I don’t like it. This is not good. You need to go back to him and tell him the truth. * *

[exhales sharply] The idea that son of a bitch is walking free after what he did to my Sarah– this hypnosis better work. I’m telling you, it will work, damn it.

And what if it doesn’t? You know, Xander, for Sarah to have to relive that awful night in minute detail, maybe it’s better if she doesn’t remember.

Oh, but she will. Dr. Evans is the best. And once she unlocks Sarah’s memories from that night and Sarah finally tells the police that it was indeed a drunken Brady Black that hit her with his car and left her for dead, then, yeah, that lowlife scum is going down. – All right, Sarah. You’re doing fine. Release all the thoughts. When you’re completely ready, just let your eyes fall shut. [unsettling music] * * Good. I want you to imagine a large screen in front of you, like a movie theater screen. Tell me what you see.

I-I see myself… walking.

Good. Tell me where you’re walking.

Uh, to the parking lot. I’m alone. There’s no one around me.

Okay. Tell me what you hear.

I hear, um, a car screeching. It’s going too fast. It’s dark.

All right. You’re okay. You’re okay. Keep breathing. [tense music] * * I want you to look back at the car. Tell me what you see. Can you– can you see the driver? Can you see a person? Can you– can you see a face?

Yeah. Yes. I see someone. I do. [tense music swells] [soft orchestration] announcer: Like sands through the hourglass, so are the “Days of Our Lives.” * *

You–you can’t be serious, Brady.

I-I am. I am.

No, no, no. I am not gonna go back to EJ and tell him that you confessed to me. Because you know what? You didn’t. I don’t know any more information than what you already relayed to the police.

But we both know that EJ is nothing but persistent, right, especially when it comes to settling scores. He’s gonna railroad you just like he did my son. Quite honestly, Kristen, I don’t want to risk both of Rachel’s parents being in jail.

All right. Look, Brady. No, no, no, no. There is gonna be no risk to me at all. Look, what the cop said to EJ was hearsay, no more admissible in a court than high school cafeteria gossip. And I promise you– I promise you that he can’t touch either one of us.

Mm, Kris, you obviously haven’t heard the latest.

Okay, what is the latest?

As we speak…


Sarah is being put under hypnosis. And when she’s under, she’s gonna remember that it was me behind the wheel that mowed her down and paralyzed her, and then it will all be over anyway. And quite honestly, as far as I’m concerned, I’ll be relieved.

Holly, I am doing everything I can to make sure that Brady Black is held accountable for what he did to your aunt Sarah. And if, by any chance, you do happen to come across information that could lend support to that effort, then by all means, bring it in. I could take all the help I can get.

Okay. I’ll do whatever I can.

Thank you. Is there anything else I can help you with?

No. I know you’re busy. I should probably go.

Holly, wait. [soft mysterious music] * * I can’t help but wonder, where is this coming from? Why are you so determined to see Brady Black prosecuted?

Holly couldn’t wait to get away from you? Why? What happened?

I don’t know, because she hadn’t heard the news that EJ decided to drop the charges against my dad. And when she heard, she got really upset at me for standing by him. I don’t know. She’s really determined to make sure my dad pays for what he did to her aunt Sarah.

Sarah, you’re doing great. I want you to tell me exactly what you see. [ominous music]

The car. It’s–it’s gray. And it’s coming straight at me, and I-I have nowhere to go. The lights are so bright.

I understand. You’re all right. Can you see who’s driving the car? [tires screeching, clunk] Sarah? Is it Brady?

No. I don’t see Brady.

Xander, I just– I hope you won’t be too terribly disappointed if the hypnosis doesn’t work.

Mum, I don’t understand why you’re being so negative. I mean, Sarah already recalled a blurry image of the driver. And Dr. Evans was telling us that sometimes people, as a coping strategy, they’ll block out memories if they’re too painful, which makes sense since Brady and Sarah did used to be quite close.



Have you considered the possibility that perhaps the driver wasn’t Brady? * *

You are so determined to beat up on yourself over Sarah’s accident, but you–

I just want to atone for what I did, Kristen.

Atone? You can do that without going to prison, Brady.

Kristen, I don’t think a bunch of Our Fathers and–and Hail Marys are gonna work this time.

You know what? God forgives, Brady. He does. And I believe that with all my heart. And right now you have to think about Tate. His mother is already behind bars. And Rachel, she needs a father.


Yes, really.

Is that why you’ve made sure that I hardly ever see her? Is that why you fought so hard for full custody? [gentle music]

Actually, I–

Actually what?



I think we need to do something about that. * *

Where is this coming from? Isn’t it obvious? My Aunt Sarah, one of the strongest people I know, is now in a wheelchair. She can barely get in and out of bed. Meanwhile, Tate’s dad is facing literally zero consequences for ruining her life. I don’t know. Does that sound fair to you, EJ? Because it sure as hell doesn’t to me, especially after–

After what?

After what Eric got away with.

Holly, what are you talking about?

I know what happened. I know Eric drove drunk, and I know he killed my father.

I mean, I get it, why Holly’s so upset. That’s not even the right word. Livid is more like it. And it’s made worse because–

Because she found out I was the one who was driving the car that killed her father.

Uncle Eric, I’m really sorry. I didn’t mean to blurt it out like that. I honestly thought she knew.

It’s not your fault, Tate. Even if Holly is acting out with you right now, it’s because she’s mad at Brady and me, not you. [suspenseful music]

Not so sure that’s true.

Wait. Mum, do you think it wasn’t? Of course it was Brady behind the wheel of the car. Let’s look at the facts. Mr. Recovering Alcoholic got wasted and then woke up in the driver’s seat of his own car, the car we know hit Sarah. And then, you know, if that car hadn’t magically disappeared like it was part of a David Copperfield show, he wouldn’t have gotten off on some legal technicality. Trust me, his days of freedom, they’re over.


What? What are you thinking now?

I just suppose I was hoping there might be a silver lining, you know, to Brady’s case being dropped– no long trial, no agonizing over what the outcome might be. I thought perhaps we could focus instead on something more positive like Victoria’s birthday, moving forward.

[sighs] I’m sorry, but I won’t be able to move forward until Brady Black is doing bench presses in a yard surrounded by barbed wire.

But are you sure that Sarah feels the same way? She and Brady are very dear friends from what I understand. And, Xander, he’s your nephew. He’s family.

I’m sorry, Mum. What are you suggesting? That just because Sarah and Brady used to be buddies and he’s my nephew that he should go free?

No, no. It’s not just that. It’s– [sighs] Xander, come on. I haven’t exactly led a life of virtue. And let’s be honest, neither have you. But we all deserve a second chance, don’t we? You gave me one. And I don’t take that for granted for one second. You let me back into your life, and I get to spend time with my precious granddaughter. For so long, I thought I would never see you again. I thought I was out of your life forever. And– I just can’t bear the thought of leaving it all behind.

Leaving it all behind? Mum, what are you talking about? Why would you? No. You’re welcome to stay in Salem as long as you want to. We want you to stay.

Do you really mean that?

Of course I do. I don’t know what we would have done without you these past few weeks. You’ve been a godsend, truly. Xander, there’s something I need to tell you.

Tell me, if you don’t see Brady, who do you see?

I can see someone. I can’t make out the face. There’s this glare.

All right. All right. Just hold that memory. We’re going to take it frame by frame. Be aware of your breathing. Sarah, look closely. Can you see the driver? [tense music]

Yes. Yes. I know who it is.

Mum. What is it?

I-I– I don’t quite know how to say this, but I–

Oh, one sec. Look who it is. You finish your session? And, um, did you remember? [tense music] * *

Holly, I am so sorry. I know how much you looked up to Eric, thought of him as a second father. To find out that he was the one responsible for your real father’s death–

I just can’t believe my mother lied to me about it my entire life, and I was stupid enough to believe her.

You were not stupid to believe her. You trusted her. And just so you know, I pleaded with your mother to tell you. I warned her that if you didn’t find out from her, you were going to find out some other way. And that would be much more damaging. But she wouldn’t listen to me. She was convinced that she was protecting you.

Yeah, right. We both know she was really just protecting Eric. [somber music] * *


Listen, I may not be the best person to be giving you advice right now, but give Holly some space, time to process, all right?


Just be there for her when she’s ready.


Listen, I need to go look for Holly. You’ll be all right?

Yeah. Yeah, sure.

Hang in there. All right. Come here. I love you, man.

I love you too. [sighs]

Hey, stranger. Are you okay?

What are you saying? That you want to what?

Rachel, she misses you like crazy. And I have been doing my best to shield her from everything that’s going on. But she’s smart, Brady. She sees. She hears things. She understands. And I want her to know that her father is going to be in her life always.

Where’s this coming from? What is this all about? – Well, yes. You may be able to sell that motherly devotion spiel to the PTA, but I’m as skilled at spotting a bluff as you are.

Meaning what?

Meaning you’re obviously still in love with Brady.

[sighs] I can feel what’s going on, Brady. I mean, you’re giving up. You are giving up. And I know the one thing that you will fight for. You will fight for your daughter, Rachel. Now, I need you to promise me, promise me right now, that you are not– you’re not gonna give up. You’re not gonna give up on your future or hers. I need to hear you say it.

Okay. I won’t. I promise.


I was close. I was really close. And I felt certain that it’s someone I know behind the wheel, but I just– I can’t make out the face.

Okay, but that doesn’t mean that you won’t. At some point, we can try again. I’m sure Marlena would be willing to do that, right?

Can we just–can we not talk about it right now?

Sarah, are you all right?

I just– I want to go home. I’m gonna splash some water on my face first.

I can come with you.

No. No, I just– I need a moment.

[sighs] Xander, I’m so sorry.

Yeah, me too. Damn! [sighs] Oh, I’m so sorry. What was it you were trying to tell me?

Nothing important.

You sure?

Yeah, I’m sure.

[sighs] Oh, damn. Something’s come up at Titan. It’s actually kind of urgent. Could you do me a favor and take Sarah home?

Xander, can’t someone else attend to this urgent matter? I know we’ve had the party, but it’s still Victoria’s birthday.

Trust me. This is a matter only I can handle.

Tate, I just want to say I heard about your dad. I’m so sorry.

Thank you.

But I’m really glad to hear they let him go.

You are?

Yeah. I mean, obviously, it was a terrible accident. Poor Sarah Horton, right? But you’ve had such a difficult year already, what, with everything that’s happened with your mom. You don’t deserve to lose your dad too. But at least you have Holly for, you know, moral support.

If only. [tense music]

I’m sorry, Holly. I shouldn’t have spoken for your mother. It’s just– I’ve been thrown a little off balance today, having received my final divorce papers from your mother.

Oh. I didn’t know. I’m sorry.

As am I. But it was inevitable, I suppose. [chuckles] Anyway, it was not my intent to turn you against her.

Yeah, too late for that. And you didn’t have anything to do with it. You know, my mother used to say to me, sweetheart, you are the most important person in the world to me, and you always will be. And look what she did. She flew halfway across the world to go live with Eric and their lovechild. She just left me here, EJ. That’s her new life, her new family. I’m just an afterthought.

Holly, that isn’t true.

It is true. If it’s between me and Eric–actually, anyone and Eric, well, we both know who comes first, don’t we? [dramatic music]

Patient remembers seeing a flash of headlights, but became visibly upset when I pressed her for more details. [knock on door] Come in.

Hey, Marlena. Is this a bad time?

No, no. Come in. Come in. What can I do for you?

Well, Rachel’s school is having Grandparents’ Day on Monday. And I know it’s short notice, but she misses you and John and would love for the two of you to attend.

Well, this is unexpected, to say the least.

Oh, I’m sure it is. [chuckles] Allow me to explain. [clears throat] I told– well, I saw Brady earlier, and I told him that I want to revisit our custody arrangement.

Mm. What brought that about?

I realized that Brady could go to prison, possibly forever. And it made me rethink my decision about cutting Rachel’s father out of her life. [somber music]

Is that all it was?

Well, what else could it be?

You must be exhausted, darling.

I am.

You know, your mother said that Victoria is still sleeping. Why don’t you go upstairs and have a little lie down, and I can finish cleaning up down here?

Oh, no, it’s okay. The staff will do it.

No, no, no. Really, I like to feel useful. It was a wonderful party, wasn’t it?

It was.

You know, it’s inspiring, Sarah, the way you radiate positivity in the face of adversity.

That’s very sweet of you to say. You know what? I am gonna go have that lie down.


Thank you, Fiona, for everything.

You’re very welcome.

[exhales] Right. Where’s the bat? [tense music] Oh, no. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.


Hello, Brady. I thought I’d let you know that Sarah finished her appointment with your stepmum.

How’d it go?

Well, she didn’t remember who was driving the car that mowed her down and left her for dead. So in theory, this would be your lucky day, except it isn’t.

Look, I know that you’re probably here to fire me. There’s no need. I just finished my letter of resignation.

Oh, no, Brady. That’s not why I’m here at all. * * I remember you telling me and Sarah earlier that you wish you were in that wheelchair instead of her. So I’ve come to make your wish come true. * *

I understand the way you’re feeling, Holly. But your mother, she loves you more than anything. She’s just–

Just what? Loving me from afar?

No, it… Listen, there’s been something that I’ve been wanting to get off my chest. [clicks tongue, sighs] What I did, lying about Jude’s paternity and the rest of it, it was indefensible. But I know that it affected you deeply, Holly, just as much as it did Eric and Nicole. And for that, I am terribly sorry.

Thank you for that. It did affect me, obviously. But I can see why you did it now.

You can?

Yeah, I can. I mean, you were head over heels in love with my mother. You supported her when you thought your baby had died. And when I was in a coma and you thought I might not make it, you sent me to that place in Italy to get treatment. To be honest, I don’t think I’d be here if it weren’t for you. You did so much for her and for me, and I’m really grateful for that. [gentle music]

That means so much to me, Holly. And just so you know, while legally you may not be my daughter, I’ll always care for you, Holly, always.

It’s funny. Eric said that same exact thing to me when he and my mom split up. I should have never believed him. But I do believe you.

I mean, fair enough. I get why Holly would be Team Sarah. She is her aunt. But she has to understand that your dad needs you right now and that you need her to be there for you.

Yeah, it’s slightly more complicated than that.

How so?

Well, it’s not just about my dad. It’s about her dad too.


Sarah, hi. Good to see you.

It’s good to see you too. What are you doing here?

Henderson, he let me in. I hope that’s okay. I was just coming here to see Holly.

Oh, I think she’s still at school.

I was just there. She’s not.

Is everything okay?

Not really. Holly’s upset with me and kind of why I need to talk to her.

Okay, well, I can tell her that you stopped by. I’m surprised to see you here. I thought you were in Paris.

I was. I was–well, I’m here to–

Oh, right. Yeah. You’re here to support your brother.

Yeah, my brother, who hurt you so badly because he was driving drunk like I did when I took Daniel’s life. I’m sorry. Sarah, I’m terribly sorry.

Well, the truth is Rachel’s getting older and developing a perspective on life that isn’t so black and white. And as you know, I have been allowing Rachel to spend more time with her father, and it has been going very, very well. And quite frankly, I’m just tired of being thought of as the bad guy.

Hmm. So this is all about Rachel. And your feelings for Brady are unchanged?

[exhales] You sound like my brother.

Which one?

Oh, the imperious one with the English accent.

Oh. And what does EJ say?

[scoffs] Well, he says that I’m softening my stance toward Brady because I’m still in love with him.

Hmm. And what do you think of that assessment? Is it accurate?

You can yell if you want to. It won’t do you any good. I sent your staff home for the day.

I deserve what’s coming, Xander.

Don’t you dare play the brave martyr with me, Brady. The love of my life might never walk again because of you. This bat, this was for the birthday party that we threw for my daughter, for the piñata, the party that Sarah could barely even sit through because she was in so much pain. And not the physical kind. I’m talking about mental pain from knowing that her life will never be the same again because of you. She may never be able to walk again, take our daughter to the playground, go down the slide with her, play in the sandbox because of you! This, this is for every tear that she wiped away when she thought no one was looking. This, this is for the brave, beautiful smile that she puts on for the world. I’m gonna use you as a human piñata, Brady, so you will know the pain that Sarah has to live with for the rest of her life!

No, stop! [tense music] * *

Actually, I was planning on coming to see you. How’re you doing?

I’m doing okay. Did you know that your mom hypnotized me?


Mm-hmm, to help me try to remember the details of the accident. But we were unsuccessful.

I’m sorry to hear that. I take it these are from Victoria’s birthday.

Yes. Yes, it is her birthday. Oh, my gosh, you should have seen her. Her whole little face was covered in icing. [laughs]

[chuckles] She’s so beautiful. Oh, I saw a bunch of photos that Maggie had posted.

Ah. She’s a sweetie.


[laughs] Look at us. We’ve both got our own happily ever afters, you know?


Xander and I have our sweet little Victoria. You and Nicole have your sweet little guy Jude.


There’s just so much to be grateful for.

Yes, there is. But, Sarah, I know what you’re going through. It’s got to be very hard.

It is, at times. But I’m adjusting. I really am. And you know, there really are so many blessings to be grateful for– my daughter, my husband.

And there’s also a lot of people who love you and that are there for you, including me. I hope you know that.

I do. I do.

Poor Holly. I mean, she worships the ground that guy Eric walks on, right? So that must have been horrible, finding out he’s not who she thought he was.

Yeah, but Eric’s not like this monster. He’s actually a really great person, and he made a terrible mistake, and he’s paid for it. Sophia, I-I know you and Holly pretty much hate each other, so I don’t–

No, no, I don’t hate her. We’re just not that close anymore. But we were BFFs for a long time, so am I not allowed to feel bad for her?

No, that’s fine.

And, Tate, my God, I can only imagine how much this is weighing on you. I mean, you and Holly on opposite sides of this? That totally sucks.

Yeah. Yeah, it hasn’t been easy.

I’m sure it hasn’t. And I just want you to know I’m always here for you.

And how much time did Eric spend in prison for killing my father? What, one, two years? Is that really all my dad’s life was worth?

Holly, sometimes the justice system–

Isn’t very just. Yeah, I get it. And now Tate’s dad’s probably going to get away with what he did to my Aunt Sarah.

Holly, I promise you, I’m not giving up. I am going to do my very best for Sarah.

Thank you.

Now in the meantime, you hang in there, okay?

I’ll try.

You’re a wonderful woman, Holly. And I am very, very proud of you. [gentle music] * *

[scoffs] What is that? Is that your shrinky way of insinuating that I’m not being sincere? Listen, my feelings for Brady have ranged from all-consuming love to frothing-at-the-mouth hatred and everything in between. And it’s no secret that I have never given up on us. And believe me, I have tried to get over him. But I have come to the realization that I don’t think I ever will.

Well, thank you for all that. Please tell Rachel that John and I would be happy to be there for Grandparents’ Day. I’ll be looking forward to it.

Well, I will tell her. Oh, hold on. Just for the record, Marlena, I do hate what Brady is going through right now, and I am sorry it took this long for–

For what?

Well, for him to perhaps finally realize that he and I are meant to be.

Mum, what are you doing here?

What do you think? I saw that look on your face at the hospital, and it gave me a bad feeling. I should have stopped you then. You can’t do this, Xander.

Why not? Why do you even care? You don’t know this man. He got behind the wheel of a car, drunk as a sailor, hit Sarah, and then just drove off. He’s not gonna get away with it!

Xander, this is not about him. This is about you. You’ll go to prison. You have a wife and a daughter, and they need you! [suspenseful music]

I’ll just get a good lawyer. Isn’t that what you did, Brady?

Fiona, just go.

No, Xander! Xander, I have a confession to make. * *

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