Days Best Lines For The Week Of July 29, 2024

Days of Our Lives Best Lines

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Best Lines by Michele and Cheryl

Abe: Your assistant said you were willing to talk
Marlena: Well, I’m always willing to talk

Connie (to Bobby): I know this. I got a perfect record. Whenever I commit a crime, I get away with it.

Stephanie: Eavesdropper. Do you ever get tired of sneaking up on people?
Leo: Are you kidding? It’s a gift and when it’s about Mr. Everett Lynch, I smell a story or at least something that could have a negative impact on me.

Connie: You’re the one who wanted a favor in exchange for keeping your mouth shut about me.
Bobby: Yeah, a favor not a murder.
Connie: What did you think I was going to do when I said I would get rid of him? Gift him a cruise around the world?

Bobby (to Connie): Try not to murder anyone else.

Hattie: You will not regret it.
Kate: I already do.

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