Bold & The Beautiful Transcript
Transcript provided by Jim
Tom: I want to see Luna.
Poppy: No, impossible.
Tom: Poppy, she deserves to know who her real dad is.
Poppy: She’s not your daughter, Tom. You need to stop this and stop being delusional. Stay out of my daughter’s life.
Tom: Our daughter, Poppy. She’s our daughter. ♪
Hollis: Boss.
Deacon: Thanks. No, Tom was fine before he went on last night. I mean, there was no indication that he was gonna collapse like that.
Hollis: Yeah, and right on stage.
Deacon: He started getting wobbly. Poor guy.
Finn: Hey, Deacon.
Deacon: Hey, uh, yeah, I got some bad news–
Finn: I uh, I heard at the hospital.
Deacon: Yes.
Finn: Can’t believe Tom died here last night.
Deacon: It’s crazy, right? I haven’t heard anything since I left the hospital. He was such a sweet guy. You know, he helped us find Sheila, he married us. Anyway, thank you for coming. I just– I need to know why he went down like that. I mean, what happened? ♪
Bill: Poppy?
Poppy: Bill. Ah… I thought you were at work.
Bill: Not yet. What’s going on? Something wrong? [theme music playing]
Luna: Hi.
Zende: Luna, uh– Sorry, I didn’t see you. I can come back later.
Luna: No, no, it’s fine. You can stay.
Zende: I don’t wanna bother you.
Luna: No, I’m fine.
Zende: I, uh– I can see that. You seem… pretty chill, at ease.
Luna: Yeah, a lot’s changed recently.
Zende: I’ve heard, you, um, found out who your dad is.
Luna: [chuckles]
Deacon: He was such a good guy. You know, he– he had a– a really kind heart.
Hollis: Yeah, and he was picking up his music again.
Deacon: Yeah. I mean, this was gonna be a new start for him. And now the guy’s dead. I mean, he seemed fine before he went on. I mean, even when he started playing.
Hollis: Yeah, and then he got all shaky and unsteady.
Deacon: You think it was like a, I don’t know, a stroke or an aneurysm or something?
Finn: No, it, um– It wasn’t either one of those.
Deacon: You know something.
Finn: Yeah, um– Look, I’m really sorry, and I know you were working with him to try and help him turn his life around, but… Tom died of a drug overdose. ♪
Bill: You’ve been crying?
Poppy: What do I have to cry about?
Bill: Nothing that I know of, but… looks like you’ve been upset to me.
Poppy: Well, I’m just– It’s nothing for you to worry about. Oh, just a little emotional.
Bill: About what? You can talk to me. Poppy… If there’s something upsetting you, I want to hear about it. There’s nothing you can’t tell me.
Poppy: [sniffles] ♪ ♪
Zende: It must feel like a movie or something.
Luna: Yeah, it’s pretty surreal.
Zende: It’s like finding out you’re really a princess.
Luna: Well, no, I have never thought about it that way, but, yeah, I guess you’re right. I mean, I’m not a princess, but I am a Spencer. And all of this is very new to me. Not just the money and the opportunities, which is very impressive and honestly, a little bit overwhelming. But the most-mind blowing part of it all is that I’m part of this big family. Like, I have brothers and nieces.
Zende: Yeah, big families are awesome.
Luna: Yeah. And, you know, it’s always just been my mom and me and this question that’s been looming over me my entire life.
Zende: Poppy finally told you what you always wanted to know.
Luna: Yeah. Well, she told Bill first, but he was overjoyed. And we were all together when Aunt Li did the paternity test.
Zende: Wow. Talk about a big moment.
Luna: Yeah, I’m never gonna forget it.
Zende: So it’s official. You are Bill Spencer’s daughter.
Luna: It’s like my life’s biggest mystery has finally been solved.
Zende: Worth the wait?
Luna: Definitely. And, you know, this is just the beginning, because now Bill, my dad and I can finally get to know each other and form this relationship. Something that I never thought that I’d have. You know, my mom never wanted to discuss it, and she’d put it off anytime I brought it up for years. Yeah, it’s crazy. My whole life, it felt like my dad was dead. But turns out he’s very much alive. [chuckles] ♪
Deacon: Drug overdose? It just doesn’t make sense.
Hollis: Could there be some kind of mistake?
Finn: I, well, the– full toxicology report is still in progress, but his, um, his presentation was textbook. I’m– I’m– really sorry to you guys.
Hollis: Yeah, me too. I mean, we were really becoming friends. You know, if I had just known, I would have tried to help him.
Deacon: We all would’ve.
Finn: He, um– He was a great guy.
Deacon: I mean, he was always positive, upbeat, soulful.
Hollis: And talented. I mean, he used to play music festivals back in the day.
Deacon: Yeah, and nobody was ever a stranger to Tom. He never forgot a face.
Finn: Yeah. Oh, it’s awful. I mean, he was a guy with, you know, friends and people who care about him. And he has so much to live for. And then, you know, drugs took that all away.
Deacon: He wasn’t using. I mean, not anymore.
Finn: Hey, was there something in his past? Like, did you know, did he have a history of drug abuse?
Deacon: Tom was in recovery. I mean, he was trying to put his life back together. I just– I don’t understand why he would go back to that.
Bill: All right. Thank you. [hangs up phone] Now, let me know what it is, and I’ll fix it.
Poppy: No, it’s not like that.
Bill: You’d be surprised what I could fix. There are those who might describe me as being somewhat tenacious.
Poppy: And understanding, caring, generous. It’s a lot.
Bill: What? Me?
Poppy: Well, all of it. The paternity tests, this new life… Waking up next to you every morning, being here with you and knowing you are Luna’s father
Bill: That’s what’s got you upset?
Poppy: I’m just overwhelmed. It’s so far from anything I could’ve imagined. And every fear I had about the future, what learning about her father could do to Luna, our relationship. I don’t know. I guess it sounds crazy, but it’s like– The life I’ve known has died.
Bill: For the better.
Poppy: Yeah. Much better. I’m so grateful to you, Bill. I can’t ever thank you enough. So, um, do you have to rush to the office right away?
Bill: [chuckles] I might be able to spare a few minutes.
Poppy: Good. I was hoping you’d say that, Because I’d like to show you what life with you… …really means to me.
Bill: Mm. ♪
Luna: I almost gave up because no matter how many times I asked my mom, she would never tell me anything about my dad.
Zende: Even after she hooked up with Bill again, she still kept it to herself.
Luna: I’m sure she had her reasons, but you know what? It doesn’t matter because I know now. I know who my father is, and he wants to get to know me.
Zende: Of course he does. You’re an amazing person, Luna.
Luna: Well, it didn’t have to go that way. He could have been angry or suspicious to have another kid just show up out of the blue. He didn’t have to accept me, but he did. Like, immediately. There was this connection between us right off the bat. Like, this was way before my mom even knew. And back when Bill was just my mom’s boyfriend, he, like, offered to be a father figure to me if I ever needed one. And after we did the DNA test, it feels like everything just made sense. You know, like– This– bond of love formed right at that moment, like we were instantly father and daughter.
Zende: Family is very important to him.
Luna: And he wants me to be a part of it, officially. He wants to give me his last name. He wants to adopt me.
Zende: Wow. You weren’t kidding. He’s all in.
Luna: Yeah, it’s pretty wild.
Zende: That’s great. I’m glad that you’re getting everything you deserve. I mean, you’ve waited a long time for this, and you’re finally gonna have your dad in your life. ♪
Finn: Relapses happen.
Deacon: Yeah, believe me, I know, but that can’t be what it was. I mean, look, Tom was very upfront about his history of drug abuse, but he swore that he kicked out of it.
Finn: It’s terrible. And look, I get not wanting to believe what happened.
Deacon: Finn, you knew him. I mean, this isn’t the guy that married me and Sheila. The guy that you saw working around here.
Finn: No. No, it doesn’t seem like him. But that’s what makes addiction so awful and hard. I mean, Deacon, it’s a lifelong battle.
Hollis: Yeah, but, I mean, he never even seemed high. Not even a hint. The guy was sharp.
Deacon: I expect that of all my employees.
Finn: Unfortunately, addicts can function for a long time. Until they can’t. Until drugs become more important than anything else.
Deacon: Yeah, okay, I get that, but, I mean, Tom was focused on his work and on his music and– performing again, it was like a chance for him to start his life again where it went off track. But do it right this time. I mean, this is a guy that was looking forward, was making plans. He– he wanted to do something different. He said that he was reclaiming his life. It just doesn’t make sense that he would start using again. ♪
Bill: Mmm. That’s the kind of thank you I like.
Poppy: Mm, now I feel like I owe you another.
Bill: Really?
Poppy: Mm-hm.
Bill: On that case, I’m gonna have to call the office, cancel my meetings, and let them know I have something more important to attend to. [alarm beeping]
Poppy: Looks like I’m not the only one who wants you right now.
Bill: Yeah, well, we can just ignore that.
Poppy: Well–
Bill: Mm… What?
Poppy: It could be one of your kids or– Some big mergers that I can’t let you close.
Bill: Seriously?
Poppy: It’s your kids.
Bill: Oh, fine.
Poppy: What is it?
Bill: Hmm. Uh, news alert. This guy looks vaguely familiar.
Poppy: Who?
Bill: Says his name is, uh, Tom Starr.
Poppy: Tom?
Bill: Oh, wait a minute. That’s– it’s the– the bus boy who– who spilled the water all over us.
Poppy: Uh, what happened to him?
Bill: Uh, he… died at the restaurant last night.
Poppy: Died?
Bill: Yeah, it says something about a live– Oh, I guess he was a busboy slash musician, and he was performing during this new live music night, and he collapsed on stage.
Poppy: Does it say why? What happened to him?
Bill: Drug overdose. Wow, that’s a shame. He died right on stage last night.
Poppy: Oh, my God, that’s so horrible. ♪
Deacon: Yeah, I’m not gonna make any assumptions about Tom till the final tox screening comes out.
Finn: Look, I– I get that, Deacon, but the– but the prelim says it all, okay? And, look, the news outlets have already picked it up. I mean, you’re gonna have a full day of fielding calls and dealing with news vans.
Deacon: I don’t care about any of that. Tom deserved better than this. He was making a comeback. Yeah– People don’t just throw away second chances. Look, at your mom?
Finn: Let’s not go there.
Deacon: Seriously? We can’t even talk about her now?
Finn: I just came by to talk to you about Tom. I didn’t make this a habit. I don’t want to risk running into Sheila. I have to honor my wife’s wishes, keep my distance. Steffy and the kids will always come first with me.
Deacon: Well, then I guess I’m thankful that you came by, even if I don’t like the news.
Finn: But drug addiction, it affects all kinds of people, all right? At every stage of life. It’s heartbreaking, and it’s just the way that it robs people of their potential and ruins careers and families. Did he– did he have one?
Hollis: A family?
Finn: Did he ever mention that he was close with someone? Did he have kids?
Deacon: Not that I’m aware of.
Luna: This is not where I thought I’d be a few months ago. It’s been a roller coaster, but I’m thrilled to finally know my father.
Bill: Seems like you hear about this kind of thing every day. I feel so blessed that my family hasn’t been touched by it. There’s so many families out there that aren’t that lucky, I mean– Look at this poor guy. He’s gone.
Poppy: It’s so tragic.
Bill: Life can be so fleeting. I’m so grateful to have you and Luna in my life now. You’ve given me this incredible daughter. A strong, resilient young woman, just like her mom.
Poppy: We struggled for so many years holding our life together. A single mother, barely making ends meet. But I did my best to raise Luna in an environment where it was safe and encouraged her to dream. And it’s all come true now, thanks to you.
Bill: You don’t have to worry about any of that stuff anymore. You have my word. I will always take care of you and Luna.
Poppy: I can’t tell you what that means to me, Bill. Your love and support have changed my life. But more than anything, I’m thrilled that Luna finally knows your father. You’ve done a fantastic job with her, and now she can depend on me, too.
Poppy: Thank you, Bill. That just makes it all worthwhile.
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