Bold & The Beautiful Transcript
Transcript provided by Jim
Steffy: Thomas is engaged to Paris.
Hope: I’m fully aware.
Steffy: It didn’t look that way when I saw you two kissing.
Hope: Oh, you mean on the cheek just now?
Steffy: Right… right. Okay, well, Thomas is moving on with Paris, someone who is fully committed to him, who wants a future with him. So you need to leave Thomas alone and respect his wishes.
Paris: Look, I know this seems out of nowhere, but Thomas and I are really happy.
Ridge: You know what, and I love that, but I’m still trying to process you’re engaged.
Paris: Yeah.
Thomas: Hey, Dad.
Ridge: Hi. Oh, I missed you.
Thomas: Aw, I missed you too.
Ridge: Ahh… so all that… when you said that Paris was good to you, you didn’t mean the city.
Thomas: [laughing] Yeah, sorry, I would have told you sooner, but, uh, I don’t know, it just didn’t feel like the right time.
Ridge: The right time? The right time to tell your dad what’s going on in your life? I don’t– why would you keep this from me?
[birds tweeting]
Luna: You’re not hungry?
Poppy: I’m sorry, what, sweetheart?
Luna: Are you okay, Mom? You’ve been kind of off since the pizza guy showed up. Who was he?
Poppy: Luna.
Luna: No, I know, you told me not to worry about him.
Bill: Hey. What did I miss?
Poppy: Not much.
Bill: Well, I couldn’t help overhearing. Worried about who, Poppy? [bluesy guitar strumming]
Deacon: Hey, Tom, I hope the setup’s okay, I know it’s small, but once we get the place filled, it’ll be good.
Tom: Hey, Deacon, it’s better than an alley.
Deacon: [laughing] Yeah.
Hollis: Hey, I can’t wait to hear you play later.
Tom: It’s the one thing that’s always been natural to me. You know, music? It’s been a big part of my life, all of my life.
Bill: So what’s going on?
Poppy: Nothing. A pizza delivery guy came to the house, and I wasn’t expecting him, but like I told Luna, there’s nothing to worry about.
Bill: Well, what do you mean you weren’t expecting him? Did you order a pizza?
Poppy: No.
Bill: So some guy was able just to walk past security?
Luna: They must have thought that we put in an order.
Bill: That’s not good enough. They have a list of family and friends who can come and go. Some random guy shouldn’t be able just to walk up to our front door. I’m gonna deal with security.
Poppy: I don’t want to make this more than it is.
Bill: You’re not. I’m very protective of my family, and make no mistake, you’re my family.
[guitar strumming] [guitar strumming continues]
Deacon: Man, Tom, I’m blown away, the patrons, they are gonna be in for such a treat.
Tom: The pleasure’s all mine. Listen, I appreciate the opportunity. It’s been a while since I’ve been up on a stage.
Hollis: Oh, cool, so you have performed before.
Tom: Oh yeah, yeah, in bars, in county fairs, and festivals. Music’s in my blood.
Ridge: Listen, I’m not putting you on the spot. You’re an adult, now you can do whatever you want, but I just didn’t know… why you wouldn’t tell me. Things are okay between us, right? I thought you could come to me with anything.
Thomas: And I know that I can, Dad.
Ridge: Well, but you didn’t. You told Steffy, you didn’t tell me, why?
Thomas: Okay, look, I, um… I’ve messed up with relationships in the past. And you’ve been a witness to that, and I– I guess I– I just wanted to be 100% sure about this before I told you. And I am, Dad.
Hope: There are bigger issues here than just Thomas and me. I get that you are looking out for your brother, Steffy, but so am I.
Steffy: Really?
Hope: It doesn’t… it doesn’t worry you that he proposed to me not that long ago and now he shows up out of nowhere engaged to Paris? I mean, come on, Steffy, be honest, I mean, that doesn’t concern you?
We polished it off.
Luna: Wow, I usually don’t really like pizza, but that was really good. Sorry you didn’t have any, Mom.
Bill: Hey, I gotta say, you know, I didn’t think there’s anything that Sharp could get right, but he makes a hell of a pizza. [phone chime] Um, sorry, guys, I just need a couple of minutes, it’s Liam, and it’s about a big acquisition we’re working on. I’ll be right back.
Luna: “Live Music With Tom Starr.” Hey, this is tonight at Il Giardino. We should go, you know, listen to some music, eat more pizza. That would be fun, right?
Hollis: Man, that must have been such a rush, Tom, performing onstage?
Tom: Oh, yeah, most definitely. You know, in the dark ages, before the internet, I had quite the following.
Deacon: Really?
Tom: Oh, yeah. You know what, I went up and down the coast a couple of times, and then I did a little recording, I got some radio play.
Deacon: No kidding.
Hollis: No way. Do we know the song?
Tom: Well, maybe. Maybe not. You’ll have to listen and find out for yourself.
Paris: Well, I can tell you guys have a lot to catch up on, so I’m gonna go catch up with Douglas and get him some food.
Thomas: All right, I’ll call you when I’m heading home.
Paris: Okay.
Thomas: All right. Surprise.
Ridge: Yeah. Surprise. Well… Douglas likes her. They’re sweet together.
Thomas: Oh, yeah, he really does, and she’s great with him. It goes both ways.
Ridge: Yeah. And you, my boy.
Thomas: Hmm?
Ridge: Wow, you guys seem good together, it’s, um… some nice things to say about you.
Thomas: Oh, yeah? Really?
Ridge: Yeah. I like her, I’ve… everyone in the building likes her.
Thomas: Yeah, she’s a great person.
Ridge: She is. And that’s– that’s perfect. You found love, it’s, um…
Thomas: Why do I feel like there’s a “but” coming?
Ridge: But you’re engaged now. I don’t… [sighing] …if you’re happy, I’m happy. But why– why do you need to get married after everything you’ve been through, after everything you went through with Hope?
Thomas: [sighing]
Hope: I am concerned about you trying to get into my brother’s head.
Steffy: Oh, my gosh, can you put your issues with me aside for just one moment and try to be realistic? Your brother proposed to me not that long ago.
Hope: Okay, how many times did you turn him down?
Steffy: And that was because I wasn’t ready to be married again, Steffy, not because I didn’t want to be with him. All I am saying is this feels rushed. Him trying to create this life with Paris so soon after everything, it just– it feels reactionary. Can you honestly say that you don’t agree?
Luna: Come on, Mom, nothing beats live music, let’s go see this Tom Star guy.
Poppy: [sighing]
Bill: Sorry about that.
Luna: Hey, Dad, do you sing?
Bill: Do I sing? Oh, yeah. Like a lark, I have an incredible vocal gift. In fact, every dog in LA howls right along with me when I sing.
Luna: [laughing]
Poppy: This is so nice here, just the three of us at home. I think we should stay here and listen to your father’s very bad singing.
Bill: Eh…
Luna: It’s crazy how effortless us being a family feels.
Bill: The feeling is mutual.
Luna: Hey, Mom? Don’t take this the wrong way, okay, I’m not upset with you at all, I’m just curious. Um… I know you said that you were protecting me in your heart, and that’s why you didn’t tell me that Bill was my father all these years, but… is that really the only reason?
Hollis: So Tom, my guy, you gotta tell me, what was it like being a rock star?
Tom: Oh, no-no-no-no, not a rock star, but it was pretty cool. You know? Stepping onstage, and seeing that audience start to sway back and forth. That’s when you realize you got ’em in the palm of your hand.
Hollis: Mm, man, that must have been great both on and off the stage, if you catch my drift. I got one word for ya, groupies.
Tom: Well, I’d be lying to say the girls weren’t crazy about me. I mean, I know I might not look like it, but it’s true. You know, but that was a long time ago. Another lifetime.
Deacon: Well, maybe you can rekindle a little of that magic when you play later, who knows, get a taste of the past.
Thomas: Okay, I never would have proposed to Paris if I wasn’t ready to commit to her.
Ridge: Why so fast?
Thomas: Feels right.
Ridge: Feels right, but why so fast? Explain that to me, what’s the rush?
Thomas: Okay, look, she’s beautiful, she’s talented, she is an incredible person. She has always gotten along well with Douglas, and… I don’t know, it’s always been that way, I– you may not remember this, but there was a time when we lived together, and even then, there was this spark.
Ridge: Spark?
Thomas: Yes.
Ridge: Spark and “Let’s get married,” those are two different things.
Thomas: I understand that, but… all right, look… when I got to France, I was destroyed. And, yeah, having Douglas, that helped, but it really was Paris that helped me and pulled me out of that, and… I love her, Dad.
Ridge: Do you? She gave you strength. She gave you solace.
Thomas: Yes.
Ridge: But do you love her, or is this just something you need to… shut down your feelings for Hope?
Hope: Be real with me, Steffy, I mean, what do you think of Thomas’s engagement?
Steffy: I think he’s a grown man who can make his own decisions.
Hope: Okay, well, that really wasn’t answering the question. You care about Thomas’s happiness, right? So… so then how can his… falling in love and proposing to Paris so quickly not worry you?
Steffy: I don’t know, I think sometimes you take years to find someone you love, and sometimes it just happens automatically.
Hope: Oh, my gosh, why do I even bother?
Steffy: I have no idea, because I can see right through you. You’re pretending to care about Thomas when you really just care about yourself.
Hope: That is not true.
Steffy: Really? Thomas came here, and he told you he’s engaged, and instead of respecting that, you want Thomas to still be in love with you, and that’s really sad.
[birds tweeting]
Bill: I understand what you’re feeling, Luna, but your mother had her reasons, and, you know, you said it yourself, she was protecting you.
Luna: Yeah, but that’s what doesn’t make sense to me, I mean, why would I need to be protected from you? You’re Bill Spencer. Your whole life is documented online, right, so it’s not like we’re going in blind.
Poppy: Luna, you’re right. I should have opened up sooner, and I– I just feel incredibly guilty.
Luna: No, Mom, I’m not bringing this up to make you feel bad, I’m just trying to understand why you didn’t tell me that this… wonderful man is my father. Is there another reason why you didn’t tell me the truth?
Tom: [sighing]
Thomas: Do you really think that I would use Paris to get over hope?
Ridge: No, I don’t. Not intentionally. But you told me you were hurt. You’re vulnerable, and maybe… having Paris by your side made that thing that happened with Hope hurt a little less. It’s a terrible reason to marry somebody.
Thomas: Yes, and I agree with you, if that was the reason, but that’s not the reason, Dad. I… I finally let go of Hope, and that’s when I saw this beautiful, incredible, wonderful person standing right in front of me. Paris. And I don’t know, maybe it was… being with Hope is what kept my blinders on, letting go of her, and I finally saw Paris.
Ridge: You can see my concern, right?
Thomas: Yes, I do understand your concern, and I appreciate it. Look, I always told Hope I was a one-woman man. But in actuality she couldn’t commit to me the way that I could with her, so I had to respect that and let her go. And… maybe this was just all meant to be. Exactly how it unfolded. Getting hurt is what led me to fly off to Paris, and… maybe I was supposed to be at Forrester International at that right time so that, when I let go, I saw Paris. Right in front of me. This beautiful, wonderful woman. Has this amazing relationship with my son, and… [sighing] …look, Dad… …Paris is the woman that I want to be with. And I’m gonna marry her.
Steffy: You are wild.
Hope: Regardless of how I feel about Thomas… I told him that if it was his decision, I would respect it.
Steffy: But then you kissed Thomas.
Hope: You’re making a big deal out of a kiss on the cheek between two people who loved each other, who share a son, who, by the way, I still care for, Steffy, my feelings for him haven’t changed, although I don’t feel the need to explain that to you.
Steffy: Yeah, typical.
Hope: You know, I’m not the one you should be worried about right now. Dating is one thing, fine. But marriage? A family? I mean, have– have you even thought about how this might impact Douglas? Have you thought about your nephew at all?
Steffy: Of course I thought about that, Hope.
Hope: Oh, so… so you knew about Thomas and Paris this entire time? And you didn’t say anything.
Steffy: It wasn’t my business to tell.
Hope: [gasping] Oh, my gosh, I bet you have just been… been encouraging this, haven’t you? You were just trying to put them together.
Steffy: She makes him happy. Of course I’m gonna defend my brother, he is my brother. So, yeah, I knew Thomas and Paris were together. I did not know that they were engaged. That is news to me.
Hope: Well, I am sure that you are thrilled.
Steffy: I am. He’s finally with someone who truly loves him and appreciates him.
Hope: And you’re sure that woman is Paris.
Steffy: At least she’s not wearing his engagement ring around her neck as a necklace, my God.
Hope: You think I’m delusional? Steffy, you’re the one tricking yourself into believing that sham of a relationship. You only care because you want your brother with anyone but me. And that… is what this is all about. Isn’t it, Steffy?
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