Y&R Short Recaps Wednesday, December 28, 2022

Daytime Soap Opera Short Recaps

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Recap written by Eva

Nick tells Victor that if he keeps meddling in his personal life he will quit his job at Newman Enterprises.

Sally gets nauseas in a meeting with Chloe and Chloe wonders if Sally could be pregnant. Sally thinks that Chloe might be right about her being pregnant.

Adam remembers Victor telling him that all the obstacles have been in his way have been his own fault and that is why he has nothing in his life.

Adam tells Nick he thinks he will break Sally’s heart because he only likes Sally he isn’t in love with her.

Phyllis is heartbroken because she feels she has lost Summer since Summer is on Diane’s side and doesn’t believe that Diane is up to something shady. Diane meets Jeremy at Society and tells him they need to come up with a truce. Diane tells Jeremy they need to think of something only she can give him.

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