Y&R Best Lines Thursday, October 13, 2022

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Best Lines provided by Eva

Tucker: Hey. Good time? Bad time? Sure as hell been a long time.

Adam: So it has. Come on in.

Tucker: Thank you.

Adam: I, uh, heard about your dramatic return, the little stunt with the helicopter.

Tucker: Oh, yeah, the stunt. Well, I was late for the ceremony, you know, and wouldn’t want to be thought of as rude. You know how the righteous people in this town like to cluck their tongues.

Adam: Yeah, I think you just like being unpredictable.

Tucker: Ah, look who’s talking. Choosing to work here instead of at Newman. Victor must have had an apoplectic fit.


Ashley: Huh. Has Tucker changed? As in, is he capable of having an epiphany about anything ever?

[Both laugh]

Traci: I will take that as a “no.”

Ashley: Well, he’s a narcissist, right? I mean, look at the way he disrupted Kyle and Summer’s vow renewal ceremony. It was so incredibly obnoxious. And I don’t believe he had an awakening after he crashed his fancy car and then he went to an ashram. Just two exotic things he can check off his bucket list.

Traci: I imagine he’s lying to himself to some extent, don’t you think?

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