Y&R Best Lines Thursday, June 16, 2022

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Best Lines provided by Eva

Jill: Well, well, well. What have we here? I never in a million years would have expected to find the two of you together.

Jack: We had a few things to discuss. I take it this means that the launch party is over?

Diane: And I can assume the news of my resurrection preceded me, since you don’t look like you saw a ghost.

Jill: No, no, Billy filled me in. Plus, I spotted you at the Chancellor-Winters event. I just didn’t want to interrupt Nikki ’cause she was having such a good time giving you hell.

Diane: [Chuckles] And what, now it’s your turn? Go ahead, pile on. I’ve built up enough armor that I can handle whatever it is you want to dish out.

Jill: No, I’m not gonna rake you over the coals, because, actually, I am very impressed with how you managed to pull this off. Faking your own death so convincingly and then coming back here and facing the wrath of all these people who hate you?

[Chuckles] That takes more guts than actually dying.


Sally: This is my first time in the inner sanctum. I have to say, I’m impressed. But you’re definitely gonna have to do some redecorating. Starting with that. Should we have a painting commissioned of you?

Adam: It’s not my style. Frankly, I think I would be a little uncomfortable staring at myself all day.

Sally: Why? Trust me, it is a nice view.

Adam: Hey, if I would like a face that I enjoy looking at, i would have to get a portrait of you.

Sally: Well, I am flattered, but you might confuse your visitors about who’s actually in charge.

Adam: Alright, well, how about a nice piece of modern art? You know, a little something abstract that doesn’t send any messages.

Sally: Well, I don’t care if it’s dogs playing poker as long as it is not your gloating sister.

Adam: Mm. Well, I think I could get behind something deliberately tacky for fun, but not that. Dumb animals playing poker — that would just remind me of Billy.

Sally: Yeah, definitely don’t want to be thinking of him when you’re closing deals.

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